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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='707445' date='Jan 10 2010, 10:47 AM']Mike Winnen? Is there a back-story to this? I've never heard of him.[/quote] He's gained some notoriety on Talkbass [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=616525&highlight=nordschow"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...light=nordschow[/url]
  2. [quote name='Anders' post='705085' date='Jan 8 2010, 07:19 AM']reviews very often seem to come from midrange-fans (Jaco Pastorius-sound)and alot of them like the Shroeder cabs. As the cabs in those reviews often are with 10's and 12's maybe with a 15" in the mix produces a more balanced fullrange-sound.They seem to sound kind of tight and lowmid-and clearness in general.[/quote] Yeah, the Schroeders with that prominent midrange honk are the medium and small ones like the 1210 and 1212. The large ones tend to have a more balanced sound. As you say TB is the place. Stingraybassman, I sold my 1212L for £430 not long ago so £400 for a 21015 sounds like a pretty good deal. Is it the Light version or the standard? For that price, if you didn't like it you could probably get your money back fairly easily. Spend a while on BC and you'll want to sell it and get something else in a couple of months anyway. Welcome to GAS central.
  3. I've owned both and for me there's no comparison. I guess the stacked pots of the 62RI are a matter of personal taste but the rubber neck and sticky lacquer finish on the back was pretty poor. Even getting it professionally set up didn't make it much better. I also found the sound of the G string to be quite prominent and could never cure it. Nice looker but I wasn't sorry to see it go. I really like the look of those vintage reissues but that's the only thing they've got going for them. The current Fenders are the best they've produced. IMO of course. OTOH the neck on the US standard was fantastic. I could get the action right down low with no fret buzz and it was as stable as anything. I never needed to touch it once it was set up. I had a 62RI Jap Jazz in shell pink though and that was an awesome bass. It had the classic Jazz sound and I kick myself to this day for selling it.
  4. It's the notorious Tune-O-Matic so by all accounts he is mental
  5. [quote name='redzombie' post='698163' date='Jan 1 2010, 05:46 PM']Nice to hear they're making them in the UK again, hopefully they'll keep it that way.[/quote] I'm not too sure what the situation is about that. I've seen a couple of shops selling Ashdowns which they say are UK made but I don't know if they're limited runs.
  6. The EVO III has a built in compressor that the II doesn't have. I've never used one so couldn't say how effective it is. According to Ashdown's blurb the power amp has been upgraded in some way but again I haven't used one so I don't know if there's a significant improvement over the EVO II. I had an EVO II and very stupidly sold it and bought an LM3 just because I was getting too lazy to carry a heavy amp around. Like you I like the sound of tubes and for me the ABM does that fat tube tone better than anything else I've tried and I really miss the sound of that amp. They're making some in the UK again now so I'm very tempted to get another one.
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' post='696776' date='Dec 30 2009, 09:43 PM']The only thing to note is that the finish on the body marks quite easily. Mine is getting glossy patches at the forearm contour and slight scuffs where my thumb goes.[/quote] The Highway 1s have a nitrocellulose finish rather than the Poly of the rest of the standard Fender range so will show wear much more readily. Great if you like the relicked look.
  8. Oh dear. Have you googled the model number to double check what it is actually for. I would go armed with all the facts. Don't let them bullshit their way out of giving you a refund. If they sold you it as a bass cab and it is definitely a guitar cab then it really isn't suitable for bass. Probably the only reason it hasn't fried is because you haven't been putting a lot of power into it
  9. Sounds like your Carlsbro is a guitar cab if it's only 120 watts. You'll be ok driving it with the Ashdown because you'll only be putting about 90 watts into it, but the Marshall is a different matter. You could well blow something. How about getting a smaller extension speaker for the Ashdown? Doh! If it's 16ohms you won't be getting 90 watts out of the Ashdown
  10. If you want to know about QSC then do a search on Talkbass. They're generally regarded over there as being some of the best power amps you can get.
  11. [quote name='alexisonfire' post='694170' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:33 AM']So your £800 LED tv stops working after 2.5 years and it's out of the 1 year warranty, would you just dispose of it and get a new one? I don't think this is taking the piss at all unless the item has not been used in compliance with the manufacturers recommendations. Your covered by the "Sale of Goods" act for 6 years from when you bought it. The responsibility does lye with PMT so theres no point speaking to Ashdown! +1[/quote] Using the example of an £800 TV that stops working after 2.5 years is an extreme case that doesn't really prove anything. You may well be covered by the sales of goods act for 6 years but after the first 6 months it is up to the consumer to prove that the item in question did not conform to contract, which would be virtually impossible. I've owned things that have failed outside of the warranty period and have managed to get them replaced or repaired but not 2 years outside it. That really is expecting a bit too much. I would fully expect PMT to politely tell John where to go. Sometimes you have to accept that it's just one of those things and move on. It's not always someone else's fault or responsibility.
  12. I find that Scotchbrite does the job very well. It takes the gloss off without removing a lot of varnish.
  13. [quote name='karlfer' post='690127' date='Dec 20 2009, 08:45 PM']My pops always used to say "don't enter into a battle of wits with an un-armed opponent".[/quote] Love it
  14. [quote name='Shockwave' post='685422' date='Dec 15 2009, 05:02 PM']what happened with Ashdown gear on here. IE became the fad and then people start to point out the negatives about it, and eventually people cant stand Ashdown.[/quote] You keep repeating this statement as if it's a fact. There are a small number of people who bash Ashdown ad nauseum, and many of those haven't even owned any of it. The vast majority of Ashdown users are perfectly satisfied with it and it is immensely popular. I also don't ever remember there being a "fad" for Ashdown gear.
  15. I assume you've tried the bass with another amp to check that it's not faulty. Even a passive bass can have faulty low output
  16. If I understand your post correctly, you are saying that you are getting sufficient gain from the pre-amp but that the VU meter is just not doing very much. If that's the case it sounds like a faulty meter so I would get on to Ashdown again and be a bit more assertive . They're normally pretty helpful and I've heard of them just sending out replacement VU meters. I've always found the meter to be really useful, but that's just me. As munkonthehill says, some people don't take too much notice and others have said it's a waste of space, but to me it sounds like it should be doing more than it is. If you don't get it sorted I would try posting a new thread in the repairs and Technical section. You may get more responses. Edit: Just read your second post Russ. It seems like it's the pre-amp that's faulty. Definitely a job for Ashdown CS
  17. [quote name='bassjamm' post='679764' date='Dec 10 2009, 12:01 AM']I'm confused here...what's the difference between series and parallel when it comes to cabs? Is parallel taking a line out from the amp to 2 separate cabs, so 2 8 ohm cabs? And series, taking 1 line out to cab A, and then taking a line out of cab A and hooking it up to cab B? And if both were 4 ohm, you'd create an 8 ohm load? Forgive me if I'm asking some what elementary questions![/quote] Double outputs on the back of amps and cabs are AFAIK always wired in parallel so taking two leads from the amp to two cabs or taking one lead from the amp to the first cab and then another out of the cab to a second cab will have exactly the same effect, which will be that both cabs will be in parallel. It's quite a confusing concept to get you head round at first. To connect two cabs in series on the amp's output would require a specially made cable.
  18. The Carl Thompson connection seems to be that it was featured on the same website as some Carl Thompson basses so I guess that it may have been in a room with some Foderas at some point in it's life
  19. "Little Bastard" Best name ever for an amp. Some of those look very interesting. Any idea where they're gonna be made?
  20. I've owned a 1210L, a 1212L and a 410L and I wouldn't describe any of them as particularly vintage sounding. The 1210L and 1212L have a tight and punchy very mid prominent sound that is great for making yourself heard in a dense mix. The 410L has a very punchy sound but more balanced and without the honky mids but again not what I'd call vintage. I'm not sure that a small sealed box is ideal for getting a vintage sound although I'm no expert. Schroeder have started making various 15" configurations which may be what you're looking for, but as yet I've not heard of any over here. Why don't you try asking this question on TalkBass
  21. [quote name='BassBen' post='636973' date='Oct 26 2009, 03:25 PM']How many people on here are using these barefaced cabs and anyone using them with Markbass little11? This is the first time I have heard of them.[/quote] I use the Compact with an LM3. It's astonishingly loud compared to cabs I've owned before, although neither of my bands play at high volume so how it would cope in a metal band on it's own I can't say.
  22. I've had mixed experiences at Andertons. Last year I went there to try an 08 Precision. I phoned beforehand and they confirmed that they had one in. So I drove 50 miles to try it but when I got there it had a neck like a banana and was totally unplayable. This in itself would only have been annoying but their couldn't-care-less attitude when I drew their attention to it made it a lot worse. All in all a waste of an afternoon and a round trip of 100 miles. I gave them another chance when I was looking to buy an LM3 and they really couldn't have been nicer or more helpful. Nothing was too much trouble. They did everything but lay a red carpet down the stairs for me to try out a bass. The only diffence was that the first time was a Sunday and the place was heaving. The second time it was a weekday lunchtime and it was empty. I don't know if that's a factor or if it's just different staff. They really need to sort it out though. I imagine a lot of potential customers won't give them a second chance.
  23. [quote name='OmeDunk' post='621633' date='Oct 9 2009, 02:16 PM']That wouldn't be easy, since I live in The Netherlands. Are there any other options?[/quote] That post was meant for the OP who lives in the same city as me
  24. Have you sorted this out yet? I can do it if you can get the ply round to me
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