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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. [quote name='coasterbass' post='254618' date='Aug 4 2008, 04:23 PM']Please can someone PM me with the details of how to make something that sounds like an Agi or Berg for £120 ?? I may even drop you a fiver if it works [/quote] Drop BFM a fiver and he will.
  2. [quote name='Alastair' post='254273' date='Aug 4 2008, 11:46 AM']Sounds reasonable to me, used ones go for between 380/90 quid so 400 of a mint one (and the bag) is pretty good I'd say! [/quote] Dammit!!! Should've asked £450 SOLD to Mr Zilla
  3. [quote name='billynoband' post='254208' date='Aug 4 2008, 10:38 AM']I would like to thank them anyhow, its very good and much appreciated. I just hope the subscribers dont take offense.[/quote] I'm so offended
  4. AS the title says, I have a Markbass LMII for sale. I bought it about 18 months ago in GAK as a backup for my ABM500 but have never needed to use it. I'll be going straight to FOH in the band I'm in now so it's surplus to requirements and I prefer the sound of my nice woolly Ashdown Mint condition. It's has literally never been used, just sat in a cupboard in it's gigbag. £400 or trade for a Stingray 5 with cash adjustment from me. Not too sure if this is a reasonable price but I'm sure someone will let me know if it's too high. Pics later.
  5. I've got one of these which I don't need anymore. Excellent condition and working order. It's got a few small marks and scratches but pretty much new condition. More bells and whistles than you can shake a stick at. PSU included but you'll need your own headphones and batteries. Recharcheable are recommended if using battery power. A set of 4 x AA will only last a couple of hours of continuous use. Now superceded by the MP3 version but still a great practice tool. They were about £120 new so I'm asking £50 posted. Any problems and I'll give a full refund
  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='249332' date='Jul 28 2008, 08:34 AM']I was asking because I have a theory that Ashdowns rep for wooliness is due to their 1x15 cabs.[/quote] I had an ABM115-500 for a while. That was Ashdown's wardrobe sized 15. Using it with my ABM 500 it was indeed woolier than a real ale drinker's jumper. Having since used the head with BFM and Schroeder cabs it's anything but woolly. I think speaker config and setup are vital to get the best sound out of the heads. There was a thread on TB a while ago in which a guy who had an Ampeg SVT CL did a direct comparison with an ABM500. His reasoning was to find something similar sounding to the Ampeg but cheaper and lighter, and he concluded that the Ampeg wasn't worth the extra cost or backache. I wish I could find that thread.
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='244332' date='Jul 21 2008, 11:18 AM']There is a recording here of my first time out with my 1210R and a LMII (on loan at the time). [url="http://myspace.com/wellah1"]1210R + LMII[/url][/quote] Wow great sound. Which bass are you using on that? Edit. Just looked at the pic on Myspace. Is it the Highway P? Sorry for crashing your thread Coasterbass
  8. [quote name='Delberthot' post='243182' date='Jul 19 2008, 03:17 AM']People will generally tell you to go for whatever they have. I personally think that you should ignore them and get a Schroeder 1212L Its small, light and powerful. I can comfortably use mine as a monitor one night and have it going out front without a PA the next. It will never give you the deep rumbling bass that you get with bigger cabs but I wanted a clear sounding cab and this is exactly what I got.[/quote] Absolutely Get a 1212L. That's what I've got. +1 to all of the above. If you want the kick of an 8x10 you'll need a wardrobe sized box but the closest you can get from a small cab will be Schroeder 1210 or 1212. I've owned both although I've never directly compared them. From the reviews I've read, the 1212 has a slightly rounder sound and a little more bass extension, but both have the aforementioned mid hump which cuts through any mix and probably the most punch you'll get from a small box.
  9. I've got a cab cover for a Schroeder 1210/1212. New condition. I'll probably never use it so it's just taking up space. It didn't cost me anything so I won't charge for it.
  10. [quote name='16Again' post='237488' date='Jul 11 2008, 05:49 PM']ohh, why's that ?[/quote] A lot of scammers give their location as the north of Scotland. Presumably it discourages potential buyers who want to inspect the bass or collect it in person. Aberdeen certainly seems to be vintage bass central
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='228915' date='Jun 29 2008, 10:53 AM']Phrets? He means "fretts" - surely! Hope the kneck's straight... Jon.[/quote] Surely you mean "The Arm"
  12. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='229049' date='Jun 29 2008, 03:10 PM']No - not knob size Why do so many think their bass rig has to have 10 inch and 15 inch cabs (or other combination of driver sizes). OK there are some 3 way cabs with a mid-range driver and tweeter, and even two way cabs with bass and mid speakers, but a lot of bass players think that the ideal rig is a 1x15 with a 2x10 or 4x10. I think the theory behind this is that the 10's will carry the midrange where the 15's run out, and the 15 will go lower than the 10's. But if you think about it the frequencies where the cabs overlap will be so much louder than the frequencies where only one cabs is effective as to render those frequencies virtually inaudible. Just by way of example take some Ashdown ABM cabs and the published frequency response (that is pretty vague to be honest): ABM 115 37Hz - 2kHz 98dB 1W@1m ABM 210T 75Hz - 20kHz 102dB 1W @ 1m Not withstanding the fact that the 210 has a 4dB advantage in sensitivity it also means that 75Hz to 2kHz will be 7dB louder than 37 to 75Hz. That is one serious midrange hump! Throw into the mix the possibility of phase cancellation where phase changes with frequency response at different frequencies for the different cabs and you have all the ingredients for a very unpredicatable sound.[/quote] Very interesting. Many years of seeing 1x15 + 4x10 rigs has brainwashed me into thinking that that is the best config. Seeing the actual figures is an eye opener. A real triumph of marketing over science. What with BFM and Alex Claber's posts it's been a real education lately.
  13. [quote name='joe_bass' post='227920' date='Jun 27 2008, 11:53 AM']I doubt a full refund to be honest, it cost me £20 to send the money and I will probably get charged to receive the money back again so I'd be losing about £40 from the whole experience I think.[/quote] Then the onus is on them to source an identical one. Explain the situation to them. Since they're in the same country as the manufacturer it shouldn't be too difficult for them to get on the phone and sort it out
  14. Rush - Spirit of Radio, the middle bit about salesmen
  15. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='223309' date='Jun 20 2008, 10:37 PM']Only joking with you man, each to their own [/quote] Not thinking of buying it then Ben?
  16. I should hope He's honest. He's a BC member
  17. [quote name='jakesbass' post='223305' date='Jun 20 2008, 10:33 PM']Wasn't it one of them? I don't think it's Jamerson. but its beautifully played[/quote] When I first heard it I thought it was JJ. Then I read somewhere, it may have been Bassist magazine, that it was Germaine Jackson. I suppose because in the vid he was miming holding a bass - Yeah Right Wilton Felder's a new one on me though
  18. [quote name='umcoo' post='223259' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:27 PM']How awesome is this bassline?? I ask you!? I can't stop playing it, pretty easy to play, fun song, good times! It's really rekindled my love of bass lines as opposed to GASsing over awesome fuzzes and synths! I think this and 'I want you back' by the jacksons are my favourite bass lines to play. Anyone for anymore?[/quote] Snap. Two of my all time favourites to play as well. So who knows who played on the Jacksons song?
  19. Yes it should be 4x10. That seller seems remarkably clueless for someone who seems to deal in band and studio gear. AFAIK the MAG series never had hybrid pre-amps. It's Ashdown's budget range and much of the cost saving compared to the ABMs was achieved by taking out all the bells and whistles.
  20. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222976' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:54 PM']I meant Andy - sorry; you posted whilst I was still typing![/quote] Aah the joy of internet forums, especially when posting while talking with my boss when I'm supposed to be working. No I'm not saying that I think people in originals band are tossers, just some of the ones I've met, but I generally agree with the rest of your post.
  21. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222959' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:36 PM']Are you saying that in your experience, musicians in originals bands tend to be less creative/bigger tossers than those in cover bands? I'm well aware that I'm now talking bollocks.[/quote] No, not at all
  22. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222950' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:18 PM']If playing the song gives you great satisfaction (I think there's more potential for playing a song [forget the crowd reaction for the moment] to be satisfying if you've written it yourself), even playing it rigidly can be amazing fun.[/quote] No doubt about that
  23. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='222853' date='Jun 20 2008, 12:52 PM']Ref AndyMartin's point. But one tosser doesn't change the fact that the levels of creativity possible in a context where the music is being created not replicated or approximated are greater. Just as a couple of great and highly original arrangements of popular songs doesn't excuse the fact that most bands doing covers are reprising the same old same old. I can only report on what I see and that is most covers bands are not hot-beds of original thought.[/quote] I'm not referring to any particular tosser. I'm talking about my general experience with many bands playing both covers and originals, and that is that the individuals and personalities involved have a greater bearing on creativity than any simple rule about covers or originals. I've met very few truly creative musicians, and what I've found is that even when playing original music, most are just reprising the the same old same old.
  24. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222789' date='Jun 20 2008, 11:51 AM']By doing covers, you are at least restricted a little bit. Unless you start off being reasonably creative, I don't see how you can apply creativity to cover songs![/quote] YOu are making the incorrect assumption that the song is the only potentially restrictive factor. AS Warwickhaunt and SJA have already stated, an originals band can be the most stifling environment. IME the most closed minded and snobbish people I've played with have been guitards in originals bands who turn up with a "song" that they've "written" and god help the bassist who plays anything but the roots of his chords. OTOH some of the most open minded and encouraging musicians I've played with have been in covers bands. It's the individual and the situation and not covers or originals.
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