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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. [quote name='paul, the' post='81001' date='Oct 29 2007, 08:33 PM']Just letting you know; there's a Schroeder 1210 on ebay. £400-450[/quote] That's mine Wasn't sure if that was a realistic price or not. I'm almost finished building a BFM Omni10 so the Schro had to go.
  2. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='70152' date='Oct 5 2007, 09:08 PM']I still want this Paul if your around[/quote] Oh sh*t sorry. I haven't looked at this post for ages. I was assuming I would get a PM about this. PMed now
  3. [quote name='ianwild16' post='74257' date='Oct 14 2007, 07:21 PM']Just seen this on the MNE news website - www.nme.com/news/31793 [url="http://www.nme.com/news/31793"]http://www.nme.com/news/31793[/url] Fair comment - i'm the fat bloke at the back!![/quote] Don't believe anything you read in newspapers His quote has been taken out of context by a hack trying to make a story. It's not the first time he has said that in an interview. You really need to read the whole thing. He is referring to the way that bassists in the 60s used to be regarded as the failed guitarist of the band, very often just playing root notes with their thumb, and at that time there wasn't the history of great playing that we can look back on. Remember the instrument didn't exist until 1951 so bass playing was still in it's infancy when the Beatles were starting up.
  4. [quote name='woodenshirt' post='72591' date='Oct 11 2007, 08:32 AM']Isn't this the problem with a lot of ebay purchases in that you don't have the 'try before you buy' option. I have a few old Fender basses (60's/70's) which I bought years ago from, wait for it...... ordinary, good old fashioned music shops. These shops used to have a selection of both new and old instruments for sale. You examined, tried and then you made a decision to purchase or not in the shop. The sad thing is that, with the exception of a few specialist shops that seem to charge the earth for anything that's 'old', you can't do this anymore. I have never bought off ebay and this poor bloke from Burton with his '74 Jazz makes me think that I probably never will. I must be getting old......... Mart[/quote] I agree with you. I wouldn't have spent that sort of money on E-bay and especially not buying from the USA. For me half of the pleasure of buying a new bass is going to the shop and spending a couple of hours trying out different ones. For that kind of money he didn't need to go to the USA to get ripped off. He could have done that in Denmark Street I seem to remember this Tune-O-matic guy was the subject of a thread on Bassworld. If not Bassworld then I've seen him discussed somewhere. It could have been Talkbass. He does sell a lot of good stuff but judging by the experience of isinglass he knowingly sells some lemons too. His method of dealing with any kind of complaint or criticism is to be incredibly aggressive and bury the person complaining under a torrent of personal abuse. I've read some of his responses to questions about his listings and the way he speaks to people is beyond belief. He is also apparently not slow to threaten legal action. I wouldn't buy off him under any circumstances.
  5. [quote name='99ster' post='71550' date='Oct 9 2007, 01:42 PM']No not daft at all - just f***ing expensive when you get to be over 40 like me! [/quote] Yeah same here. I would love a 63 P but not for the sort of money they go for now.
  6. I've got a similar setup. LMII into a 1210L. Impressive is dead right. Who needs a stack anyway and that VPF control is the most useful gadget I've ever come across on a bass amp. Why did it take so long for someone to think of that?
  7. I have an Ampeg SVP-Pro for sale. I bought it ex-demo from GAK less than a year ago, but I've never got round to buying an power amp, and as I'm not in a band at the moment it's just gathering dust. It's one of the last USA built ones. I think they're made in Vietnam now. In excellent condition. there's some slight paint flaking on the rack ears and a couple of small scuffs on the top panel. Fantastic sound and more bells and whistles and ins and outs than I can list. Usual bullet-proof Ampeg build quality. £275 posted
  8. I bought this used and have had it for a couple of years. It's in good nick but obviously has some signs of wear and tear. The battery compartment cover is missing but I will include a mains adaptor. I will also include a little 4 into 1 mixer to enable the drum machine + bass to be mixed together into an amp input. £35 posted
  9. Yes, unfortunately it sounds like a faulty switch. I've got an LMII and the ground lift switch clicks very positively into either position.
  10. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='63931' date='Sep 22 2007, 09:37 AM']I was going to 'do' your Shuker as your surprise Christmas present [/quote]
  11. Cos he's a f****n idiot? Perhaps he got the idea from the nobs who break up vintage basses and sell the parts.
  12. [quote name='timmyo' post='61200' date='Sep 16 2007, 03:22 PM']Stumbled across this on the net - are the midi tracks and excercises good or a gimmick ? I was set to spend less on a practice amp but this has set GAS pangs off . . . ta for any info, Tim[/quote] It got a very good review in BGM. I'm thinking of getting one myself to motivate me to practise more
  13. [quote name='BOD2' post='61603' date='Sep 17 2007, 12:37 PM']I've found the same thing, especially on more complex songes, BUT even when you feel you're forgetting it all some of it is sinking in subliminally. If you keep at it there will come a point when it suddenly clicks unexpectedly. I find this usually happens after a break ( i.e. a day or two) and when I go back i find I can remember more than I'd been expecting.[/quote] Yes exactly
  14. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='61072' date='Sep 16 2007, 10:47 AM']I have set myself a project to learn a load of Steely Dan songs and I'm finding it really hard going I'm using the tab off my Guitar Pro programme and the problem isn't learning the notes / structure etc, it's my failing memory. I've been up since 6.30 learning the middle section of Ricky Don't Lose Than Number and yeh, it's not that hard but then I go downstairs and make myself a drink and when I go back to my den 10 minutes later, I can't remember big chunks of what I just learned and have to go over it all again. I wouldn't mind but I must have played it through 20 times What an arse...[/quote] No it's not just you. Stuff takes longer to sink in as you get older. I have exactly the same problem. I'll learn a bassline then take a break and forget it. It's something to do with the chemical processes in the brain. Or maybe your head gets so full of a lifetime of other stuff there just isn't room without unlearning something else first I started learning TaeKwonDo at the ripe old age of 43 and it's been a real struggle. I have to go through stuff over and over again in class and then for hours more at home and then I feel like I'm just scraping through the gradings. Yet the class is full of 16 year olds with blackbelts. They just seem to soak it up effortlessly.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='59744' date='Sep 13 2007, 10:34 AM']Loads of drummers. Hardly any good ones.[/quote] +1. My particular pet hate is drummers who think they don't have to learn the songs. They just turn up and expect to jam along with the rest of the band. A total waste of everyone's time.
  16. Fretbuzz, I know this is a bit off topic but I would strongly advise that you don't buy a 1210 unheard just because you like the 410. I've owned both and they are tonally very different. Whilst the 410 is quite a neutral sounding cab, the 1210 has a very pronounced midrange honk. It is a very loud and punchy cab for it's size and weight but the sound is not to everyones's taste. With certain amps and basses it does not sound good at all. If you can I would try to take a drive down to SHX to hear it first. Alternatively, I believe that when buying something by mail order you have the right to return it within a certain period of time if you don't want it. Check first that SHX will honour that.
  17. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='58905' date='Sep 11 2007, 07:21 PM']I think it's possible that what you are predicting will come to pass, ARGH. You are, however, omitting some important details: As the prevalence of 5s, 6ss and sevens seep increases throughout the world, more and more albums start to have noodly jazz tracks on them. As time passes, all albums across all genres grow to have three or four such songs. People start going to gigs for bass solos. A man with a tidy beard leaves a slayer gig, commenting on their tasteful note choices. Soon it becomes difficult to track down a debut EP without stumbling across an inverted mixolydian seventh. Thrashy punk outfits apply a light chorus effect to the lower registers. Tie-dye T-shirts appear on the goth kids in Camden. The rich'n'popular kids come into school with their new 8-string fretless their dad bought them in a fit of disappointed-life projection. Instead of using this instrument to get laid, the boys study music. Teen pregnancy hits an all-time low. The population begins to decline. The prime minister calls an emergency meeting, but most of the cabinet are away in Europe scouting out new tube-preamps and leather waistcoats. The stock market begins to fail as the city fatcats stay at home practicing sweep picking, and besides, why would they want to harsh their mellow with all the aggro of the stock exchange? With the economy in crisis and the population shrinking fast, the prime minister opens the boarders to anyone who wants to enter the country. The Daily Mail runs a fifty-word article on page fifty-three, underneath a long article on single vs double cutaways. The celebrity scandal page is running exclusive snaps of Britney's daughter getting out of a cab with a 32" scale scalloped Mark King reissue, when everyone knows her main bass is a Doodle clone in natural colours. At work noone talks about it though, we're all to busy admiring one another's ludicrous little ponytails and offering tips on making that perfect decaff java. A month passes and not a single immigrant comes to Britain. Another month passes. Then a year. A decade. The population stands at twenty million. By now most of the surviving men have lost their genitalia through atrophy or to make uniquely resonant strings for their acoustic basses. The women too, have lost interest in the menfolk, spending hours at a time trying to suspend a fourth across eight strings and three octaves. As the last man stares out across the sea from the white cliffs of dover, he finds a note bobbing by the seashore. "Dear UK, Many thanks for the kinds offer of free lodging. We would love to accept, but your music is just too boring. Regards, The World."[/quote] Best post so far on Basschat
  18. It must be a very slow news day. Interesting angle but just another underemployed hack trying to justify his salary.
  19. [quote name='Muppet' post='55564' date='Sep 4 2007, 09:50 PM']well, totally the opposite for me. I have a number of Precisions fitted with Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders and a Lakland Darryl Jones fitted with a J-retro preamp. The output from my 2001 4003 is greater than all these. It is crucial to set these things up properly for relief and pick up height. If your mate has to turn the input and the output up double then there is something wrong somewhere.[/quote] Now I'm getting worried. I hope I didn't sell mine cos it needed a setup
  20. [quote name='Adee' post='55286' date='Sep 4 2007, 02:27 PM']I have a 4003 and a Fender P and find the Ric lacks 'Punch & kick' even against the Fender P But I have to admit if I want to cut more through I use the Precision[/quote] This is exactly the experience I had with a Ric. I could never get a sound I liked out of it and it always sounded gutless to me. It's very difficult to describe a sound but it just seemed to drift in and out of the mix and never spoke with the authority that a P does. In the end I sold it for a Precision and I've never regretted it.
  21. As Sibob said your fingers will stretch out with playing. I started having lessons about 6 months ago and one thing I discovered when I had a tutor showing me the correct way to do it was that I could barely cover one finger per fret. It was mainly down to years of lazy playing technique. But with a corrected technique and some simple stretching exercises I noticed a rapid improvement. Playing a bass requires quite un-natural hand movements and no previous normal life activity prepares your hands for it. Rich, I would give it a few weeks before you start thinking about a different bass
  22. Don't get too stressed about it. There'll be plenty more bands to try out for. Bands are like busses and women. There's always another one along soon. The main thing that has always helped me is to learn the material. Practise it until you are completely comfortable with it. Listen to the drummer and lock in with the bass drum. Getting tight with the drummer will impress them more than doing lots of fancy stuff, but if the drummer can't keep time with the bass drum then you are probably better off looking for another band. They should also treat you with respect. You are gonna have to spend a lot of time with them and how the various band members get on together will be veryb important.
  23. Welcome to the lowend. You've made the right decision I don't think buying a six string at this stage would be a good idea. Although a five string and a four string are fairly closely related, a six string is a totally different animal. The high C is for noodling on, so unless you're planning to get into jazz or any other type of music in which you are likely to be soloing, I would stick to a four or maybe five.
  24. FWIW I had a Schroeder 1210 and an Iamp 800 and it was a real mismatch. The combination of the very hi-fi Iamp and the very mid-prominent Schroeder sounded horrible to me. Just too nasal and mid honky. I wouldn't get this rig unless you can try it out first. I've never heard a Schroeder mini but going by other people's reviews they are even more mid- prominent than the medium Schroeders. There's a thread on Talkbass called "show your mini rigs ". It would be a good place to look for small rig ideas, although you may have to search for it.
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