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Everything posted by progben

  1. progben

    I'm here!

    Hey Steve! Welcome
  2. Bought a Little Bear fuzz off Scott last week. Fast delivery & unique, secure postage inside an old box of washing tablets! Pedal works great - pleasure doing business with you.
  3. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1467528601' post='3084232'] Dunlop Jazz III and the XL version. Used them for years as a guitarist and are the only picks I use now too. [/quote] Exactly the same here. Always used Jazz IIIs and although it seems uncommon to use such a small pick for bass, it works for me!
  4. Cheers guys, I'll look into some second hand options. To anyone reading this post, feel free to PM too
  5. *Oh and I'm looking at basses around the £300 - 500 range, although I'm trying to shift a Fender Baja Tele so if that goes I'll have a bit more to spend.
  6. Hey everyone, I'm in the market for a new 4 string bass and just wanted to ask for some recommendations. I bought a Yammy TRBX304 for £100 as my first bass - plays well and was a bargain - but after having used it for a year, I'm looking to fix my niggles with it by buying another. I love the fast, thin neck (think it's 38mm nut spacing) but would prefer passive pickups (or something with an active/passive switch) as I prefer the tone set flat. I play in a punk band but we incorporate elements of reggae (think The Clash) and also a little hardcore/metal crossover so it needs to be fairly versatile. My main head is an Aggie Tonehammer. Any advice appreciated! My initial thoughts off the bat are to try some Ibanez's or a Japanese made Yamaha (maybe the TRB4 II) to see how I get on. Cheers!
  7. If anyone's still looking for a decent starter guitar, I've got a Yamaha Pacifica 112v which I'd be happy to move on. Plays amazingly and is easily the best budget guitar I've come across.
  8. Just bought a BB2 to pair with my TH500. Only been able to play at low volumes so far but I can't imagine needing anything else if it can replicate this tone at higher levels (which I'm sure it can/will). Now the new bass GAS begins, gah!
  9. Rubin got it right with Slayer's Reign in Blood. About 27 minutes. Perfection, just listen to it twice (or four times as if it were a double)! On topic though, ones that spring to mind as very good (albeit not perfect) are Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie, BT - These Hopeful Machines, Dream Theater - SDoIT, Swans - The Seer, Ayreon - The Human Equation. This is hard.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1456826783' post='2992524'] I'm biased. I've been using a TH500 for a couple of years. I liked it so much I bought another as a backup. The TH500 apparently uses the same power module as other 900 watt rated amps. Don't be distracted by it's lower rating. This is a loud amp. So I'd get the TH500 and start saving up for some Bergantino or Barefaced cabs to go with it. [/quote] Recently picked up a TH500 and am so, so. impressed. I'm collecting my Barefaced Big Baby 2 to pair with it on Saturday. Got a good feeling about this one.
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1456245922' post='2987015'] I've noticed that there have been several of these in the "For Sale" threads recently. I was wondering why they're being turn around so quickly. [/quote] They're quite specific in their application, tonally speaking, and they hold their value well. My guess is that people just want the cash for other heads and know the THs will sell. (that was very nearly a poem!)
  12. I play a complete dud note in the chorus of one of our songs but it's so dissonant that it worked. I disn't realise until we came to recoring, actually, when our producer was like "that's a bum note." I played it cool. And made up some grandiose story about how the dissonance chimed with the lyrics. I started playing the correct note for a few weeks, but it just sounds bad to me. Now I've happily returned back to (slightly less oblivious) bliss.
  13. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1456418185' post='2988863'] £100 for a TRBX304? Bargain of the week [/quote] Only previous owner was a guitar teacher who had bought it in case any of his students wanted to try bass. I assume they didn't. I actually had enough for something more pricey and bought the Yammy with the intention of selling after a couple of months, but I'm getting on with it really well I imagine even when I eventually upgrade, it'll remain as a back-up - recorded two EPs with it now so sentimental value abounds!
  14. For me, a low weight cab is pretty important. I don't currently have a car so the potential trade off in 'heft' is easily worth it. (Aside: I've just bought a TH500 and need a lightweight cab to go with it. Any suggestions for someone on a budget?)
  15. Hey, Could really do with one of these cabs having just bought a TH500, although money is scarce (having just bought a TH500 ) Are you interested in part-trades? I don't really have any bass gear to offer but if you play guitar you might be in luck!
  16. Hey everyone, Ben here. I live in Stourbridge (just outside Birmingham). We're famous for glass-blowing, amongst other things, and are the home of Diamond Head, Ned's Atomic Dustbin and The Wonder Stuff. Robert Plant (Led Zep) occasionally passes through too. I currently play in a punk-rock band called Unhinged and recently acquired a TH500 from Simon (Westie9) on my very first day as a registered user here. The Laney head it's replacing was a glorified paperweight, at best! I play a Yammy TRBX304 at the moment which has served me well so far - active EQ is surprisingly powerful and for £100 new, I can't complain. Still.. GAS. I come mainly from a guitar-playing background - I play a Baja Tele, Agile 8-String and a cheap Yammy Pacifica (for the fast stuff ) but bass seems to fit me better these days. Being the friendly (and occasionally aggressive) glue holding the drums and guitars together is more where my personality's at. OTT whammy-bravado and spangly jacket shenanigans can be left to the other guys. Currently looking for a 1x12 (or two) to pair with my Tonehammer and I should be good to go! Most of all, I'm a huge music fan. Big into anything a bit avant-garde (Laurie Anderson, Tim Hecker, Ben Frost, Oneohtrix Point Never), all kinds of extreme metal (death, black, thrash, grind etc), Phil Collins and other 80's pop (time for the angry mob!) and most kinds of electronic and dance - especially the weird stuff. I've also grown to love hip-hop a lot over the past few years. If you want to talk about music, hit me up! I'm often at gigs in/around Birmingham and sometimes further afield, and tend to go to a few music festivals a year. Download - UK, TodaysART - Holland are a couple of regulars. Right, I'm done! Time to get back to reading the TH500 megathread (I'm on page 115). Ciao!
  17. Also interested in the cab on its own. In the same position as iamtheeivy (but he got here first. curses!)
  18. progben


    Met Simon this evening and bought his TH500. Exactly as advertised and communication excellent throughout. Buy/sell with confidence! Cheers Simon!
  19. The TH500 doesn't need a load - saw Dave from Aguilar discussing it a while back on Talkbass. & +1 to Phil. Not a good idea to connect a cab below the minimum impedance...unless you like smoke. [[Quick (related-ish) question - My TH500 is on the way from a fellow BC'r but I don't have a cab for it yet. I'll be using it with a variety of cabs until I can afford a pair of those DB112s Obviously I can run it into 2 x 8ohm or 1 x 4ohm cab, but is there any way I can use it with a combo? It'd be great to still have the TH sound in any situation.]]
  20. Got a 4 string model of this in white for £100. Highly recommended, the build is superb and the EQ is very pliable too! Good luck with the sale!
  21. Hi there, interested in this head! Have PM'd
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