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Everything posted by Jaybeevee

  1. Well I guess I was, where as i was using my Stingray 2 eq wide open. With respect to a 77 Stingray eq, they are bass treble cut n boost despite no centre indent. So yeah. It is how I always play it though and again I was A/B testing against my current amp (similar in power, solid state transformer etc). I didn't have a passive bass to hand to see if the clipping was occurring at similar levels. And here is another thing. This particular amp is made or fitted with linear pots. Where as most amps deliver more power in the early part of the volume sweep, and much less in the later, this amp delivers a linear power based on the pot adjustment. As mine was clipping at 11 (o'clock) this is less than half the full power. In any case, the builder thinks it may have taken a knock in transit. So i´m hoping that is the case. There is not Active/passive input switch, and so I hoping there isn't an inherent problem with this amps suitability to active basses. I have actually read a comment by an active player who had similar issues with this amp, so we see when I get a replacement.. Thanks for the input.
  2. It's a new build from a small manufacturer. To be honest I´m not comfortable with saying what manufacture as it may not be a fault or I maybe misrepresenting something. I was really only trying to understand if master volume affecting clipping was a thing as I was sitting mulling it over and thought a quick post here might enlighten me. I got an answer to that early in the thread. The manufacturer is supporting me, so I see what's what after I get a replacement. Cheers though
  3. Never thought of that. In my case same cables between both amps, but its a good bit of wisdom. Thanks
  4. 2 8ohm 112s, TKS 1126s to be precise. Amp is 400w @ 4ohms. My Main Amp is 500w @4ohms and is thunderous
  5. Thanks, that's something new for me. Unfortunately, not supplied with a manual, and the manufacturer is not answering me specifically on this point.
  6. A bit loosely described. I had the gain at about 2óclock to where the amp identifies ´crunch´. The amp also has a drive button providing 6db more to the tubes. With my Stingray I was getting some nicely mild overdriven tones.. point being well within the design intent of the amp. Then I tried to up the master to match the drummer. So I´m expecting all to be good. The master was set at around 11 clock when the clip light and distorted signal break up occurred. Again, if it's not hitting rehearsal volumes at these settings I´m suspecting an issue with the amp. I was just looking to get confirmation of that or some learning. 400W Mos Fet Transformer power supply should easily handle what I was asking of it. I was just wondering if clipping from the master is expected or un expected.
  7. Cabs are good for the amp. In terms of Watts the amp is's delivering towards the lower of the recommended range, and I run a more powerful amp at higher volumes. It was a circuit/electrical kind of distortion sound. hard to describe, but it sounded like the amp was at fault. I just never seen or realised clipping could be produced from master volume control. I will add that in terms of settings, the amp should have coped I feel.
  8. Hi Folks, I recently picked up an amp (hybrid) class A/B that clipped when I cranked the master volume. Should that happen? I was pushing the (tube) pre amp a bit, and then to get it up to loud drummer volume, I up´t the volume to 12 o'clock and was getting clipping light flashing with a horrid distortion which accompanied the clipping light. Sounded like the cab was farting. I always thought (assumed) clipping was associated to the pre amp. Is it normal or knackered? Cheers
  9. Soon a member of the club. My R400 is winging it's way to Norway as we speak..
  10. Around 650 Euros is what I was quoted..
  11. One of em has My name on it 👏
  12. The Handbox R400 will fit the Bill. There is a 30 Odd page thread on here. A fav of Andy Irvine, so loads of YouTube stuff to go at too.
  13. Great great basses... I have GAS for an amp.. and following my own GAS policy, i need to sell a bass if i'm gonna get it. It's between my USA Låkland JO or my BB2000. These are that good that it's looking like a keeper over the JO.. Bargin cheap this, but GLWS
  14. Jeez for hand crafted boxes... this must be really labor intensive and costly.. Have to say, it doesn't seem reflected in the price..
  15. When they finally become available I can see me being still really tempted even if i am loving the Thunderfunk..
  16. Anyone have any feedback/news on production of R400's?
  17. This a spot on bit of advice.. my '77 2 eq is fantastic and sounds massive. I read a period hang tag or manual at some point that describes use of the early 2 EQ more or less just as @obi 2 kenobi describes. (They are boost/cut with no center indent) I generally play volume and bass on full and treble backed of to around 8 and the Stingray delivers like a boss. Last night (this thread hanging in my mind) i set the Stingray as described above through my practice amp (Ampeg PT 20 and matching 112 cab) and i really enjoyed the difference, at least as practice level. The bass sounded smooth, even and controlled. A bit of an eye opener if i'm honest. Obviously a mids boost is being effected here with the boom and sizzle tempered, but a lovely at practice volume. Output volume was noticeably lower though. Definitely goin to explore further at volume with the band. And to also second @obi 2 kenobi comment on plucking hand position, just about every Stingray player i see plays over the pick up (naturally as it's a great thumb rest and is in my opinion a key factors to the Stingrays 'sound'). Play at the sweet-spot or closer to the neck and boy its thunderous.
  18. Gosh.. didn't notice the Hawkwind strap kudos and first dibs if you sell it lol
  19. On the other hand, if it's something you love and cost is not an issue, you could indulge yourself and bring it back to full glory. I'm sure it would be a satisfying experience..
  20. I’m gonna round off this thread that I started. I was looking for some real world experience between tube and hybrid amps vs so called clean amps to help me in my amp downsizing decisions. I decided to gain my own real world experience by indulging the bass enthusiast in me and purchased a used Thunderfunk TFB 550 from @AxelF. So moving from a Mesa tube head and a 4x12 powerhouse to the Thunderfunk and a couple of TKS 112s has shown me that clean amps don’t mean you ‘loose’ anything, and chat forum opinions are just that. The Thunderfunk just a different kind awesomeness to the Mesa . The Thunderfunk is warm and creamy with loads of controlled bottom end. It doesn’t drive at all, just loads of clean power all the way. It lacks a little in the extended highs compared to the Mesa, but I’m not missing it for what I do. the moral of the story is I now love my Thunderfunk like I loved my Mesa, and have the best Pbass tone I’ve ever managed. happy days and thanks @AxelF
  21. Killer Bases these. It took me ages to find one. GWTS
  22. Practice amp heaven
  23. Really enjoyed it, great production, nice bass tone (just right for the song), great playing and a cracking tune
  24. Nice cover, seldom one too. I enjoyed and you bass did sound fat..👍
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