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Everything posted by Jaybeevee

  1. Great basses these. I'm lucky enough to own a '71 from which these are based. my mate has a Nante Mendel and they are identical in feel. They got the neck spot on.
  2. A great combo these, have one myself, but intrigued by the speaker change. Did you have to change the wiring configuration from series to parallel if the original are 4ohm?
  3. Not seen gold anodised pickguard on a natural body before. It's a beautiful combo... and plenty of mojo.. what a handsome bass.. GLWTS
  4. Don't often get the urge to gush in public, but this is just so nice.. and at this price..
  5. Play tone off.. it narrows the signal spread giving the octave pedal a better chance of tracking. An Ian Allison tip..
  6. Hope you resolve it.. Good luck
  7. Hei man, after your disappointment with the Ripley fall, are you certain you don't have some other issue causing the drop in volume? I just mention it as my phase 90, if anything adds a little bump to my level.. or perceived at least
  8. I did some playing around with mine. At home I practice with a Dave Hall hall pre amp going into my effects return on my practice amp. Til now i have had the Ripply fall before the DHA pre amp. All good, sounds big and warm. I tried the RF alone straight into the amp input.. all good, big and warm. I put the RF after the pre amp.. major drop in level with each of the RF effects having an individual gain reduction..? I have to say i'm baffled by this as i don't see why the pre amp before the RF should have this effect... Any how, I tried the RF at both my band practice sessions on my boards (before the amps pre amp) with no issues, all good bid and warm etc. This doesn't help you i guess, but if you get into any dialogue, you are armed with a little more info at least. Hope you get it resolved..
  9. oi.. thats not good.. have to say mine is great, if anything it warms up the tone a little, and i get no gain jump issues.. Sorry to hear that.. must be frustrating
  10. Nice... Hope it's what you're looking for. Would like to hear your opinion when you've had time to play around with it..
  11. This looks like a cracking bit of kit..
  12. Yeah @danny-79, Green Guitar, Black Bass.. On my main boards (where i got my MXR chorus and phaser) i have them after the drive pedals based on the principle that modulation pedals are placed at the end of the chain. No hard rule here i guess, but i did all the necessary trials in different positions, and i like em best at the end. And because i bought a pedal looper (12 channel switcher from Buzz electronics) i feed the modulation effects into the effects loop (i.e after the pre amp). For what its worth, this didn't make a huge amount of difference, but i did get the feeling the modulations effects seemed to get more air to breath.. (crap explanation i know). Anyway, placement is down to taste, but I think after sounds better. I tried the ripply fall on my small board (different band) also after the drive pedals. In this band i use drive pedals for tone fattening more that heavy drive, but boy the ripply fall sounded sweet. I'll say it one more time, the phaser is subtle (at least at low speeds), more subtle that the MXR phase 90, but it adds that perfect amount of sweetness, and it sits so nice when the chorus part of the pedal is engaged. Anyway, good luck with your search... keep us posted
  13. I just picked up one of these.. Not sure if (or what) fits 80's post punk goth, but it has a lovely lush chorus and is paired with a sublime (IMO) phaser (two JAM pedals in one). I only picked it up a week ago, but it aint been off since, both home practice and at rehearsal. I also have an MXR and a phase 90. I love this more.. FWIW i use chorus and phaser on low speeds, there is also a vibrato built in to this, so much of this review is wobbly higher speeds.. anyway, this is my 'this weeks' recommendation
  14. Gonna answer my own question... The inner of the connector (built into the unit) is center positive... er go the power supply shall be center negative... Doh!
  15. Hmmm, the Bob the blender .pdf describes reverse polarity protection and a center positive connector. Does this mean the pedal will work with incorrect polarity? I ask because I checked what power supply I received with my VT1 Pro Bass Drive. The previous owner has reversed the polarity, but the power supply indicates center positive? Can anyone advise??
  16. Looks like he winds his own pickups.. Info in the thread here and other links. GLWTS
  17. Nice rig, but would you consider spiltting? Price for each??
  18. And yours is a Japan market bass with 'broadbass BB2000' logo. The export basses had a Yamaha Logo. Here's mine..
  19. Mine is a shade over 4kg, I use a luggage scale. I have to throw some praise here too.. I have whittled my collection down to 7 basses now, and I can see I have 5 basses i can never sell. The quality of these, the playability, the tone ahh.. This is my 'PJ' of choice, and is my desert island bass for sure and the only bass tone complement i ever got..GLWS
  20. https://peavey.com/manuals/80301425.pdf
  21. I'm really surprised. My first ever 'proper' bass which i still have is feather light? It's in a lock up at the mo' so cant weigh it. If i recollect they are made with some exotic woods? but i could be mistaken
  22. Why? integrity perhaps
  23. I should imagine the guy making them is exposed to the required sample size of all variations. I would take a pro luthier at his word. He is showing the difference tonewoods make to his basses. If there were so much variation between the other factors, i'm sure he wouldn't bother..
  24. I'm no Luthier, so no idea if other factors are at stake, but Sander DeGier did a great tonewood comparison here. There is definitely a difference in tone between these three Soulmates...
  25. I have a Dave Hall VT1 and my local store has Blackstar U250 ACT active cabinet. I wonder if that would be an interesting como? Anyone have any experience with active or powered cabs?
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