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Everything posted by totorbass

  1. A clean blend can be useful with ef's, too.
  2. Nice. Had it been re-fretted?
  3. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1508366812' post='3391801'] I've gone for putting mine first, but that's with a low threshold and ratio for general smoothing, and a blend to keep my attack intact. I'm not using an envelope filter but I have tried one after the comp and it's still perfectly playable. I think using a comp to even out volume levels from other pedals is the wrong application for a compressor. It's a band aid that makes you ignore the fact your volume knobs just need tweaking, and you can end up with an overly squashed tone because one of your dirt pedals is set too high for example! [/quote] Yes, plus the fact that after a distortion a comp will raise the noise. I used to put my comp after the EF for the reason mentionned above, but now I've changed my mind and put it first as you do.
  4. Thanks! Made by a super nice & smart guy. By now he's 100% into mastering but hopefully he'l make some cool boxes again.
  5. [url="http://www.casimages.com/i/171018083403170442.jpg.html"][/url] This is my all-in one, that can also be an extended pedalboard heart Rothwell love squeeze phase 45 Mutron III these 3 before or after the dirt, with a loop for another mod comp is independently on/off, the rest is activated by the mod switch Preamp stage : runoffgroove Ginger (b15) or Orange emulation Dirt: idiotbox or mountainking megalith or shin ei companion, blendable, or another effect in a loop (blendable too) then "more" stage= boost of the megalith + ews mid control Made by a friend on french forum Onlybass Great beast, lots of fun! edit it's a DI too sorry for the bad pic.
  6. Former arsenal. The 76 bird and Nav JB are gone. In the middle, my second white, a Seymour Duncan Professional.
  7. n°1 [url="http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=402370IMG0769.jpg"][/url]
  8. Every Jazz Bass I had, especially passive ones, but even the neck alone is too thin for me. Had several Hohner B2Adbs; liked them, but the ergonomics just don't do. Atk 5 strings: had several MIJs too, very good but the strings are too crowded.
  9. I just bought again an used B3K. Too bad. But in fact I doubt this beast can really sound "more natural" as says the ad, as far as I did not experience the fact than tweaking an eq can change the very character of a pedal. I May be wrong, and maybe it's a Coué method argument, but I feel they did a good promotional job, hearing that the only complaints were "does not sound very natural", they put a switch that is supposed to solve this "problem". Nevertheless I find that the guys at Darkglass are very careful about their customer's FB, so maybe it's a great improvement...
  10. The[s] top [/s]body looks like lacewood to me, not quilted maple IMO. Am I wrong? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacewood#/media/File:Lacewood.jpg Do you ship to EU, btw?
  11. The only one I ever had in this category is my markbass R500. It is meant for rock, quite vintage, not for everyone, not bright or scooped though you can accomplish that using a pedal (such as the scr-di), but it is a very good amp that served me flawlessly for ten years.. having the 3.0 I suspect that the Genz-benz 6.0 is very good too. in a more modern way than the MB.
  12. Looks great. It's hard to resist.
  13. Great to bring to a picnic.
  14. I'm in love with my robot factory meatwad (lovetone meatball clone, amongst several ones). I had a subdecay prometheus which was great but too cold , and have a MutronIII clone in a multi effect box, that sounds good but less clean than the meatball. In two words Meatball is funky and very usable. If I had to have a clone made I would add a phase 45 circuit to it for extended possibilities. The Glou-glou is maybe un peu trop beaucoup. btw The EF's in the MS60b were not bad either. I don't know the ones in your list but hope I helped in some way.
  15. I don't know this one but have their mini core se timer, which is tap tempo and cheaper yet (maybe they have Something in common?). Comparing to my former TC Flashback, the sound quality was way better with the tc. The nux has took place on a shelf until I decide to sell it. Maybe the Time Force is better but I'd personnaly go for something else.
  16. Great EFs on the MS60b indeed (plus synths, etc.) I even hesitated to get rid of my beloved Meatwad.
  17. I had a MS60b that I gave to my teacher, having other quality effects, but it sounded very good (so does the B3). The drawback is that with its only fs and little controls is not really meant for live performance. Some says it hisses a bit, which I did not notice though it altered the sound a bit, I think. I think about replacing my tuner with another one, but in a loop to keep my tone intact and possibly search the menus using A>B>C function before activating.
  18. Hello guys, As I'm searching for some gear here by now, I feel that it would be more polite to introduce myself, so here am I. The age is 49, began to play when I was 23. I'm a bit better now, but still far from good. I play different styles but mostly rock, metal . I own 2 Stingrays (a very early 5 in rw/ ow and a black/maple 4 from '92). Then a Seymour Duncan Professional PB. Amps: Aggie DB359 , Markbass R500 Schroeder 1512, Genz Benz Shuttle 8". Some effects too. About my work I teach french and litterature. Well, that's it. Thanks for reading
  19. Hi, nice one, I like this color. Is the neck straight and suitable for a low setting? Seems a bit high on the pics but maybe it's just the pic, maybe the way you like it. Thanks.
  20. It is absolutely gorgeous! I believe there's an ebony fingerboard on Zon basses, opposite to phenolic on many composite necks: can you tell?
  21. Nice bass! It is a bit surprising that it has a type 3 bridge (pre-Flea: used until the beginning of 1992) and a wax finished neck, which I believed was introduced in '93. Anyway I love stingrays from this era.
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