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Posts posted by sykilz

  1. ^. indeed, I do worry about things like this. I can only look from a hard rock perspective, as that's my area of interest, but has there been a true " classic " since , oh I don't know.....Nirvanas Teen Spirit?? Saw a documentary recently with Tom Petty and he said that he thought that Nirvana were probably the last rock stars, by that he meant massive household name across the world type rock stars. Now I wanted to disagree, but really struggled, the only one I could come up with was Dave Grohl, who was obviously in Nirvana anyway. Though there is plenty of very good rock and hard rock around nowadays, are any going to be real classics? I really hope so.

  2. I think for rock/pop the amount of radio play for an extended period of time is a major factor, lots of people never purchased much music so what they heard on radio 1 or 2 day after day eventually became classics because of repeated hearing. I am frequently shocked when I hear on pop quizzes that old Mowtown stuff that I only know through radio play only charted in the high top 20 or whereever and I sort of assumed it had been number one for weeks at the time. Of course this maybe doesn't hold true for jazz or metal or indie stuff that gets little radio play. So then it's down to word of mouth and music press bigging up certain acts perhaps.? In our new digital age, of course, these factors may well become less and less if radio and music journalism go into decline.

  3. I always think of the amount I'd have to spend on petrol and also time spent going form Essex to, say, Peterborough, to get an item, this would be more than compensated by just paying out £15 postage. I'd rather take a small loss, hate driving! Of course the whole damage in transit thing is another thread!

  4. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1398361229' post='2433428']

    ^ this looks marvellous, I'm doing the budget version of above,with a new Mex jazz ( white and maple ) through the BH500 into the BC410, best set up for the stuff we do that I've ever owned, would heartily reccommend for the weekend warrior rockers out there!

  5. Just got a MIM jazz, and have to say that for me it was way better than all the Squiers I tried , and the MIC Dimension. The fit and finish and general playability of the Mex is also head and shoulders above the Mex P I sold a few weeks back, although that was a 100% usable bass, just a little ragged around the edges maybe!

  6. 200 sounds about right, Squier CV series jazzes go used for about 180-220, and they cost about the same new,give or take a tenner. I bought a MIC dimension on Friday, took it back Monday, sounded ghastly through my rig at home, changed it for a MIM jazz, cost more but well worth the extra!

  7. Hadn't been to a musicshop in years, but this weekend I'd just sold a bass so the money was burning a hole in the pocket!! Went to PMT in Southend, which I've always liked, and their prices are now in line with the internet too, and it somewhat showed me that the store experience was better, as I could try a few models I hadn't anticipated liking. Also two models, a Yamaha (!!!!!!!) and a Fender Dimension had loose control knobs and jack sockets that disappeared into the basses body! Now the shop should really have checked these, but at least they could fix them there and then, and offer me other models to try. If I'd mail ordered them it'd be a repackage and repost for each wrong 'un. I even purchased a (different) Dimension, which after returning home and trying thru my rig, I didn't like the sound, so rang back and they immediately offered an exchange, so went back today and got a Jazz, dead chuffed. And a cup of coffee too. And 5% off this weekend!

  8. I have that head, and the BC 410 and the 212, assuming that I'd regularly need the lot as my band is v loud and we only use pa for vocals, but only use the full stack for one very large venue, and even then I'd probably get away with just the 410. The 410 is way loud enough and gives a great sound for the money for me, we do rock covers, my guitarists have a marshall 4x10 and an Engl 2x12 that are earth shatteringly loud. Oh and I put castors on the cab so it's only ever a short lift and then freewheeling!

  9. I use the BH 500 head into the BC 410, and also have a BC212 for super large gigs, doing classic rockers in pubs and clubs with a bog standard Mex fender P bass, and very rarely use the 2 cabs, the 4x10 is very capable. We are a VERY loud band and I've not ever found the cabs wanting, the 410 is a 4 ohm cab, but you can also add one other TC cab as well. For my needs it's a great set up.

  10. Last Chili Peppers tour I got tickets from ticketmaster ( I think ) and was told to take along the card used for payment so it could be checked against my name, and another proof of ID, this was at the O 2 in London. Got to gig and walked to ticket checkers who looked at the ticket for a nano second and we walked straight in. Great anti-tout security.

  11. Sister were, IMO no worse than most early 80's hair bands ( I like them all! ) , obviously influenced by the likes of Kiss, they did some memorable bubble gum rock anthems and had an image that most people that liked rock at the time will remember, even if they didn' t like the band. Stay Hungry album I seem to remember liking. I personally think of them as a kind of forerunner for Motley Crue, although probably only by a short time! No they weren't Van Halen, or Dokken, but I remember them ( being about 14 at the time! ) as a fun band, like an OTT American version of Slade! I can't imagine they ever set out to be Led Zeppelin!

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