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Everything posted by wrinkleygit

  1. Try posting on the eggle forum, I think gadge who runs that also posts on here [url="http://www.patrickeggleguitars.org/smf/"]http://www.patrickeggleguitars.org/smf/[/url] if that doesn't work try www.gadge.org certainly a bit of a rarity, mike b.
  2. just dug out the old '93 thumb b/o put on a set of d'ad chromes & I'm back in love, I think the older models balance better on a strap because the bottom strap button is off centre by the way
  3. YIPPEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hi Scott ,love the new bass especially the narrower string spacing & 33" scale, sounds like a good idea for my arthritic fingers, still have your old fretless overwater (see pic on left) wouldn't part with that for anything, would love to own a fretted perception 4 to match ( agree with your idea for b/on for fretted & thro neck for fretless), thats also a strong hint for anyone thinking of moving on a fretted ov four by the way. All the best, mike b.
  5. Noticed several posts along the same theme as how can I improve progress etc followed usually with the advice learn to read music which can unlock so many doors, from my own experience note recognition was the hardest part,trying to recite rhymes such as "good boys deserve free apples" while I gazed at all the tadpoles strung on the lines before me made learning to read a hideous ordeal. This advice was passed on to me by a music teacher,its so simple I couldn't believe I hadn't come across it before, sit with your left hand on your lap,palm facing upwards with fingers pointing left to right, angle your thumb so it points in the same direction, you are now looking at the five lines of the music stave, write the notes GBDFA on the tips of your fingers (starting with your little finger if you don't already know) & every spare minute you have recite the notes in relation to your fingers,after a while you will soon memorise the note/line relationship, do the same with the notes using the spaces between your fingers & very quickly you will be able to look a note in a bar of music & know its name instantly. Timing is another matter,but at least knowing the names of the notes has allowed me to make sense of some great books that are available only in standard notation, one I can recomend is " The Jazz Bass Book" by john goldsby , cheap as chips on amazon & you don't have to be jazzer or upright player to get some good stuff out of this, best of luck all, mike b.
  6. Warwick jack sockets can be unreliable with age,try a "wiggle test" on the jack plug if it makes the noise in question a new jack socket is an easy fix, best of luck, mike b.
  7. its ok, the thumb still lives with me.
  8. where are you based, I have a 93 thumb bolt on neck 4 string fretted that I may part with, mike b
  9. Fairly certain you won't finder anything looser than TI's having tried a few diferent brands of flats ,if you have a "search" there are many posts on the subject of flats, if you're worried about bendy neck syndrome TI's are the ones to use,best of luck, mike b.
  10. I think it was sunny here once, if you are in exeter ,check out the blues jam, last friday of the month at the farmers union queen st, don't get many bass players turn up, I will be the old fool with "rita" (mm sterling) drapped around his neck, mention basschat & you're welcome to have a blast, mike b.
  11. Yippee, has he bought it yet ???????????/
  12. I was in a similar situation some months ago when offered a dep with a local jazz quartet, must have cd would be Miles Davis "kind of blue" also check out herbie hancock, john coltrane, eddie harris to name a few others,I also realised that I new almost nothing in the way of any theory, useful book & cd I can recomend "begining jazz bass" from hal leonard musicians inst master class series, I now have the bands regular bass spot & to be honest this is probably one of the best things I have done in terms of broadning my horizons musicaly from just blues & r'n'r, best of luck, mike b,
  13. tried Ti flats on my overwater but found the tension a little too slack, mainly on the E, tonaly the g was a little weak for me, changed over to d'addario chromes & much prefer the sound & tension of these ( about a 1/4 turn tighter on the truss rod ) although it took a few hours playing in sound wise for these to settle in. Have also now put a set of these on my sterling (fretted), great strings for jazz , blues, soul in my opinion , mike b.
  14. swap 'em both for a sixties ducati ??
  15. I've just recently taken TI flats off my overwater, found the tension a little slack for my taste also the 'g' seemed to lack tone on these, replaced them with d'addario chromes & love the extra tension but they seem to suffer woolly E syndrome,ADG sound great to my ears but the E is def a bit duller,I have also fitted another set of chromes on my sterling & the lack of tone on the E is more evident on a fretted bass, my favourite fretless strings to date are d'addario half rounds & I will be going back to these on OV in the near future,sadly the choice of strings is all down to personal taste & an expensive experiment until you find your own holy grail, best of luck ,mike b.
  16. Place me next in the que, mike b
  17. Sorry if anyone missed MM, but I have just checked the weekend running order list they handed out on sat & it does show MM on sunday at 3.00, 11.40 shows chris george band , mike b.
  18. Visited the show this morning,met MM on the zon stand & was blown away by him & his playing,watched him later in the performance room & the words speechless, stunned, inspired spring to mind,first on my christmas list are an ebow & a boss gt3,if you are in exeter tommorow don't miss him (he is on at 3.00) also the very nice people on the d'addario stand are giving 25% off strings, can't speak highly enough of their level of customer service. £10 entry fee seems a lot but string savings,free marshall bag & the chance to meet MM soon made it worth while, mike b.
  19. Decided to rekindle this thread as I am starting to get back into headless basses,if you have anything to trade let me know, prefer 4's, fretted or fretless. Highly unlikely now that I will return to guitar playing so it's time to make some space. Have these offered for trade in wanted section,now decided to offer them for sale to give me some spending vouchers to further my quest for another fretless,preferably a thumb but if you have something else give me a shout . first up - Patrick Eggle Berlin pro '93 model, apart from some wear to gold plate in excellent order with ohsc & origional tags (when new these cost the same as a les paul custom or prs,£1200-£1400)with this in mind £750 seems a gift second- Sundown A36 1x12,2 channel valve combo (2 x 6l6 power amp, 12ax7's in pre) loads of features,built by dennis kager ex chief ampeg designer in early 80's, similar to boogie & rivera designs of that period, give it a google these are held in high regard,chinese pre amp valves could do with a change to get the best out of it (if it had boogie on the front the price would be in four figures), yours for £350 collection only on these , I think I have priced them sensibly, pic of eggle attached [attachment=59029:eggle1.jpg]
  20. hello, are both truss rods working ok,did you buy this after the repair to the back was carried out,was an explanation given as to what happened, mike b.
  21. The position of the lower strap button on any bass will determine how it hangs on a strap,to try & make this a bit clearer, imagine your bass lying on a clock face with the head @ 12.00 & the bridge @ 6.00 a button placed somewhere between 7.00 & 8.00 will make a big difference, to experiment strap your bass on, get someone to support the body, unhook the the strap from the lower button & hold it in different positions to find the best position, make sure you have someone in place to catch it if you let it slip,
  22. I think it has been said before but the best advice for fretless is to use your ears & not your eyes, easier said than done to start with but perseverence is very rewarding when it finaly comes together, mike .
  23. how are the harmonics in 5th & 7th fret positions,also as a rough guide measure scale length & then half it this will be close to 12 fret pos,it may well be intonation needs to be adjusted in which case its out with the tuner & allen keys, best of luck , mike b.
  24. On an unlined fretless it would be straight down the middle, harmonic is also a good idea,
  25. Check the position of the lower strap button,later thumbs have the button on the centre line of the bass early ones especialy with the recessed strap locks have them positioned further round almost mirror image of the jack socket if this makes any sense,the way a thumb hangs on its strap will make a big difference to neck dive, my 93' thumb had both buttons fitted when I first had it ,the centre pos button was a major factor in contributing to neck dive,I always use the other button when playing on a strap,, thumbs are great basses & second hand values don't do them justice,either start haggling at the shop or if you fancy a 5 string josh has one for sale that looks like a bargain.Buy one now while they are cheap, look at the price of a new one for comparison, all the best, mike b.
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