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Everything posted by wrinkleygit

  1. looks very similar to my 5 (ser no 11) best bass I have ever owned/played, sadly cash poor at the moment, will have to think of some trades ( are you into mountain or road bikes by any chance as well as basses) whoever gets this will not be dissapointed, glwts bump.
  2. just bought an amp from alex, transaction couldn't have been easier, top bloke to deal with, mike b.
  3. if your close to mid devon you're welcome to try out my warwick fna 5 (german built) well within the budget, from all the headed basses I have owned I think warwicks are my personal favourites, mike b
  4. shame you're not closer to sunny devon, I have a warwick fna 5 string I could offer as a trade, mike b.
  5. That was the lovely Rita or the bass chat bike as was sometimes known, fixed the wiring & she was my main bass untilI I moved on to 5 strings & went headless, sold on here & last I heard had gone back to warwickhunt, great bass, merry christmas, mike b.
  6. in my younger fitter guitar playing days, fender twins were always my amp of choice, even the frowned upon red knobbed twin had a special place in my heart, always used this on the low power setting & it sang like a bird, these don't fetch the high prices of other versions so buy one now before people wake up to how good they really were. These days I use a roland cube 30x on the black face setting it's about the only thing I can lift with one hand & carry to the car without falling over !!!!! merry christmas , mike b.
  7. For any old wrinkleys like me out there or anyone having tendon or carpel tunnel problems struggling to play there old acoustic guitars, I have just discovered Newtone Strings Heritage Series, they string up at less tension when tuned to pitch,( they publish the poundage figures on there website) I have just restrung my old resonator with a set of 13's & the difference between the old national set & the newtones is a big improvement in playability, Newtone should also be commended on their customer service & email response, putting many of the "name" brands to shame, the last email I had ended with the words " let us know if there is anything special you need & we will make a set for you", definitely a small UK company that deserves our support, mike b.
  8. Hi bilbo, did you ever finish writing your jazz standards book, mike b
  9. Couple of tunes I play have 16 bars with no chord change on the sheet, miles davis , so what & milestones,, look at playing 2 x 4 bar phrases or 4 x 2bar walks as a suggestion, depends on the number you are playing, listen to what else is going on, remember sometimes less is more & it can be good to leave space for other instruments, check out scott devines lessons as I think he may have covered something like this, mike b.
  10. think you have misread my post you need to check the relief at the mid point between the first fret & the point where the neck joins the body, on most instruments this would be around the 7-9th fret
  11. As the truss rod runs for more or less the length of the fretboard, this would be it's effective working length, in reality any movement the truss rod will make will occur between the point that the neck joins the body & the first fret position,check the neck relief by fretting at 1st & wherever neck joins the body,look at gap between top of fret & underside of string at mid point & decide how low or high you want your playing action, for realy low, gap should be the thickness of a business card but for correct playing action there always needs to be a gap, this method has worked for me for over 40 years on guitars & basses, mike b.
  12. I moved on to 5 strings after joining up with a jazz quartet, I found the low 5th string ideal for low d's against the g (3rd fret 4th string) also useful to have a low e flat against the a flat on the 4th string. Also I have hand & wrist problems & find as we play a fair bit in f I use 6fret on low b string to give my fingers less of a stretch. Headless basses have always been a favourite of mine (these are usualy 34" scale) Sei's are light as a feather but not cheap, steinberger spirit's are excellent value if you can find a 5 string, the downside of the steiny is the way they hang on a strap, they need a bracket fabricated to put the top strap button somewhere over the 12-14th fret, not difficult to sort out & that improves playability no end. If you fancy something headed I have a warwick fna 5'er going spare as I really don't need 3 basses any more. Moving from 4 - 5strings is not that difficult, initially I gigged my Sei as a four string & gradually added in notes from the 5th string, now I have become so reliant on those low notes & options of other playing positions I could never go back to 4, give it a go, all the best, mike b.
  13. Warwick FNA 5string of any interest,depends on whereabouts you are, the warwick has a new hiscox case so actualy owes me a little over £650, mike b
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any vacancies out there for a wrinkly old fool close to exeter who can turn his hand to almost anything ???
  15. with redundancy about to rear it's ugly head I'm not sure I should be asking question's about this, what's the scale length & string spacing at bridge, mike b.
  16. Don't overlook the warwicks, great to play with a 34" scale on the 5's but still with a good tone on the B string, my favourite 4 string was my old '93 thumb, I'm now into headless basses so the FNA 5 that I took as a part ex some time go could be up for grabs, plays great & in good cond I put it in a brand new hiscox case so it owes me £650, down in sunny devon if you fancy a pluck, pm me if it's of interest, mike b
  17. Hello, thanks for advice so far I think the scarlet is the way to go, that will allow me to record guitar & bass tracks for starters, I also have my trusty old korg pandora for effects, a midi keyboard can wait for a bit until either a s/h unit appears or the budget grows a bit more, mike. (I was in bristol on sat but sadly couldn't get up to clifton to have a look around dv247)
  18. hello everyone, I see there are a few gb users on the forum & having had a mac sat on my desk at home with gb installed & more time on my hands these days I thought it was time to put it to use (running osx 10.7.5, not sure what creature it relates to tho'). After some homework it looks like I will need a usb input interface 1 x line, 1 x mic wil be ample & a simple usb/ midi keyboard (25 keys should be enough for my dodgy digits), bad news is I have a budget of about £150 ish at the moment, my gut feeling is to spend biggest part of the budget on something like the new focusrite scarlet or a tascam unit & try & pick up a s/h m-audio, alexis or akai keyboard, hopefuly somebody has trodden a similar path, my initial aim is simply to record some 4-8 track rehearsal tracks, any info or advice welcomed, mike b.
  19. has it stopped raining yet bump, still looking for any of the trades listed or a serious cash offer ?????????
  20. scale length & string spacing at bridge ??? does look interesting, mike b.
  21. new year bump with amended options, mike b.
  22. anyone sat on the fence considering going headless hopefuly this might help, my previous forays into the world of headless started with a hohner jack, than a status 4000 (196 if it's still out there) followed by a multitude of headed basses before I found my sei headless 5 original which sidelined everything else I owned, strings are no problem there is a good selection of double ball ends out there but best of all you can you use whatever type of conventional strings that take your fancy, thanks to the string clamp at the headstock , tuning stability is excellent & in confined spaces there is no headstock to poke the guitar player in the eye in confined spaces & finally they fit into standard guitar gig bags to make transportation easy (I use a fusion gig bag from mansions).In conclusion only physical disability would cause me to part with my sei, buy this before somebody else does, merry christmas to you all, mike b.
  23. log on to youtube & check out this & all the links to his other stuff, some simple & some a bit harder depending on you level [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDdSJvf06Ao"]How to Play "Stormy Monday" - Blues Guitar Lesson - Bar Room Blues Songs[/url] merry christmas, mike b.
  24. they will never sound like a full blown acoustic,but in their day these were a better bet than an ovation, mike b. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/189917-rare-pilgrim-electro-acoustic/page__view__findpost__p__1890926__hl__pilgrim__fromsearch__1"]Rare Pilgrim electro acoustic[/url]
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