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Everything posted by FarFromTheTrees

  1. [quote name='baldwinbass' timestamp='1467224105' post='3082116'] Hello & Welcome Wow, parkour and yoga - quite a contrast! [/quote] I suppose it is! Though they compliment each other very well. More focus, flexibility, strength and better balance is always welcome whatever you're doing in life [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1467362587' post='3083058'] Welcome FFTT. Slacklining must be a bit like trying to get a clean note from a cheap low B string only slower. [/quote] Haha. It can be just as painful too!
  2. Hello from the sunny lake district! I've been playing for about 2 years now, self-taught. I want to start lessons but with the population being so spread out here and not having transport, I can't get to the only good bass teacher around these parts so for the time being its online based learning only for me. I'm probably going to sign up on Scott's Bass Lessons soon. I'm currently playing a [url="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12627861_1681717612099022_1432351704_n.jpg"]Cort Artisan C5Z[/url], a [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/Vintage%20Bass/V9004B.jpg"]Vintage V9004B[/url] and I sometimes do a bit of noodling on a [url="http://images7.thomann.de/pics/bdb/155043/365381_800.jpg"]6 string Harley Benton[/url] which I picked up for the bargain price of £40 (I couldnt not buy it at that price). My amp is a [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/shop_image/product/12317-line-6-lowdown-ld300-pro-large.jpg"]Line 6 Lowdown LD300[/url] which I picked up for £60 (a steal imo). Got no pedals to speak of other than my Korg Pitchblack tuning pedal. I'm just keeping it nice and simple while I learn to play/don't have a band. Musicwise I like most everything other than contemporary pop/mainstream & country & western, though I mainly listen to metal/rock/alternative stuff. Other things...well i'm into hiking and outdoor pursuits, parkour, yoga, meditation, trampolining, longboarding, slacklining, i'm vegan and I read a lot! So yeah, there is it. Thats me
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