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Everything posted by rhcp128

  1. If it were a 4 string I'd be drooling, lovely bass!
  2. The flea jazz is great. I returned mine because the finish on the back of the neck started flacking only after a week...but the bass otherwise is great. Tone and feel wise it feels like a proper vintage instrument. My other problem was the RW finish, it looked and felt fake, for me this is a bit lame. Ultimately, its about how it feels to you... Try one at your local store and see what feels better. I want a jazz but i want to wear it down myself with my own memories
  3. A modulus quantum tbx? Although it doesnt have a pick up in the MM location
  4. They did, but their prices went up as well The cheapest funk unlimited will set you back $4200 (+VAT and import duties and the lovely exchange rate)
  5. In the end, it went back and I'm going for a refund. My Flea mania will have to stay content with my authentically road worn modulus
  6. Ultimately mine is going back because of the flacking finish on the back of the neck Honestly I agreed the finish doesn't look naturally aged. I am thinking of just getting an american standard jazz (always wanted a jazz). How do the post 2012 models compare (I do like the natural sound of the flea jazz)?
  7. Fender's website still has it listed at £919... on a separate note, the finish on the back of the neck on mine started coming of, like exposing the raw wood Honestly still not happy about this sticky nitro business
  8. Sound like loads of little things. The only thing on mine is that the nitro is a bit sticky and the neck pick up tone control is less "clicky" than the other one. But not a biggie honestly
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1469058567' post='3095510'] One of the limitations of that wiring is that with both pots, both tone controls will work equally on both pickups, and both tones together actually work at a lower frequency than both singularly. When the volume is down on a pickup, the other tone has progressively less involvement in the other pickup, but it will always have some while there is some volume in that pickup. No way round that without going active. I assume that is why fender changed the wiring shortly afterwards, because its operation was hard to predict. [/quote] Thanks! That explains it
  10. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1469056925' post='3095504'] How do you know that it's effecting the tone of both pickups? Think about it. Frank. [/quote] Because the sound from the output sounds like both pickups have the tone rolled of, even if one tone is fully open and one is rolled off (all lows and no highs, both volumes at 100%)
  11. Doesn't seem to work like this on mine. If I turn both volumes to 100%, then each individual tone pot will affect the tone of both pick ups if turned down...
  12. Hey guys, maybe a bit of a noob questions but how do the tone controls actually work on this bass. It seems they work similar to the volume knobs on a les paul. If one is rolled of it works on both pickups
  13. Finally managed to play with the bass a bit. Was setup ok out of the box, needed a little adjustment of the trust rod (just took of the pick guard and did it with a small screw driver), lower action. Once I got it right I have to say I really like the sound, plays nice and smooth. It's really growing on me
  14. Yeyyee, just arrived. Lovely looking bass. I haven't measured how much it weights but feels around 9 pounds, only thing I noticed is the strings don't align perfectly with the poll pieces but honestly never had a jazz (or a fender) before and from what I understand it's not a big deal.
  15. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1468619973' post='3092268'] Well with 'RHCP' in your username I'm surprised you lasted this long! [/quote] Right! Will go well with my modulus
  16. Couldn't resist and pulled the trigger on one of these!
  17. rhcp128

    Feedback for Aero71

    Bought a Modulus bass from Marinus. Sent the payment in the evening, bass was on its way next day and arrived in 3 days to the UK. Packaged very well and as described. Very easy to deal with replied to messages promptly. Overall highly recommended
  18. Free bump for a great bass!
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