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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1502095782' post='3349204'] ...Simply the most fun I've had in ages. It was my kind of band. They totally accept artistic integrity goes out of the window. They know the job is to entertain the masses and have fun doing it. Anyone else managed to have this much fun lately? [/quote] No. Very happy for you just the same.
  2. I am sure there are websites that indulge the notion of a witch hunt. As far as I know Basschat is not one of them. I'd leave if it became one. Anyone who does something as poorly considered as the knee jerk name and shame thing would put our forum in jeopardy. 'Happy Jack' Name & shame? 'The59Sound' Name & shame otherwise a pointless thread. 'dazza14' - The OP I don't want to name and shame a pub who is now being run by, hopefully, a better landlord. The pub has a bad reputation as it is without me adding to it. 'The59Sound' I look forward to playing the same venue then and being out of pocket. 'steve-bbb' its not the brewerys fault ... name and shame the pair of them to hopefully spare others the inconvenience of getting had over by them in future 'The59Sound' Yet the pub name isn't being bought up still. [u]Note[/u]: The site parser thinks I broke the mark-up language text. I didn't but I think that spanning two pages with the multi-quote button might have upset the system.
  3. It isn't from Bass Guitar Magazine but is this the same bass? [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/bass/cool-and-classic-basses-ernie-ball-music-man-piezo-stingray-bass-557376"]http://www.musicrada...ray-bass-557376[/url]
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1502049685' post='3349017'] My balls are different sizes - would that qualify? [size=2]Obviously I'm referring to my football and my tennis ball.[/size] [/quote] [size=2]Of course you are.[/size] Lopsac might be a good screen name to keep in reserve if stalkers force you to change all of your accounts online.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1502047629' post='3348991'] Not my ad, but I loved it anyway. [url="https://www.gumtree.com/p/vocalist-wanted/oddball-singer-and-bass-player-wanted-/1259657935"]https://www.gumtree....ted-/1259657935[/url] [/quote] I feel for them. This is the best quote I could pull from it; "Death to the X factor" Their words. I don't watch the X Factor so I can't say I agree wholly but I totally get the sentiment.
  6. I know. Everything about them is approximate due to the plasticky construction of the attachments. It is a very useful tool despite that. It will get interesting when I do the floor of the control cavity. I may yet resort to a chisel and a grinding bit used freehand. I've been thinking about making a CNC router table. A desk top sized machine would do 3D body, neck and headstock shaping to tight specifications. It would also take away the involvement that comes from working with one's hands. For that reason it's an idea that is on a very long finger. I'd have to be into batch production to commit to it and that would make it too much like a job! While I could do with some work to bring in a bit more money, I have established that working from home would be a very bad idea. If I could get a job as a Luthier's assistant I'd have a go. Even an apprenticeship in Lute making would be attractive if I was younger. At this point in my life however, I am glad to have it for a hobby. It keeps me out of trouble.
  7. Thanks for the detail. Seeing The Jam perform on TOTP with matching Rickys left a powerful image of a tight little band. I suppose I got caught up in the marketing image myself.
  8. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1502009482' post='3348687'] I tend to raid this collection and print off what I need [url="http://www.scorpexuke.com/ukulele-songs.html"]http://www.scorpexuk...lele-songs.html[/url] Steve [/quote] Good one. Many thanks.
  9. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1501964309' post='3348554'] Hmm interesting. Might just try this, since I have recently joined a Country band by accident. [/quote] I wish I could get into the same sorts of accidents as you seem to. Good luck. It sounds like fun.
  10. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1501848644' post='3347750'] I don't want to name and shame a pub who is now being run by, hopefully, a better landlord. The pub has a bad reputation as it is without me adding to it. [/quote] Good man. It is clear that the management at the time in question was just passing through. It would be pointless naming the individuals and in law it would be questionable if you ever needed to defend a case down the line. These sort are everywhere. You did the right thing by standing your ground and no more. I think tied pubs are where this happens most. They are usually under a tenancy agreement and the management are looking to move onwards and upwards within the brewer's inner circle. Sometimes they're not bothered who they rip off in the process. I'd be surprised if anyone who owns their pub outright would risk their reputation by stooping so low.
  11. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1501842282' post='3347701'] Had a gig last night at a pub we've played a few times in the past but is now under new management (the gig was booked through the previous landlady but management informed us they would honour the bookings) and when we'd finished our playing I, and our singer, approached the bar staff and asked to see the manageress about being paid and it went downhill from there. We were left standing for about five minutes before I reminded the barman what we were waiting for, he told us to go to the other end of the bar where the manageress was standing, so off we trotted. She asked us "who was it that booked you?" (knowing full well it was the previous landlady) Then "well the booking wasn't made through me... I don't really know much about it..." - more head scratching and delaying. We played along, showed sympathy, but in our minds thinking 'just f***ing pay us'! She then told us our booking wasn't in the diary, as she did this she thumbed through said diary only to land on last nights date and there we were, in black and white, listed as entertainment. So back to the 'I didn't book you' line of denial. I then said that we had been booked last December, had contacted the pub three weeks earlier, had delivered posters, had contacted the pub to discuss fee - I always do this via text or email to have a record for this eventuality - and if she was unsure who had booked us or who was paying for us why had she not asked us when we arrived three hours earlier? At this her partner/boyfriend/husband came up (a big fella standing a good 6ft 5" and probably 19st in weight) and asked her when the lady who booked us was coming in. By this point I was ready to pick up a bar stool and introduce it to the optics and glasses in the bar, and if the police came, so be it. So more head scratching, heavy sighing by our singer, dirty looks between me and the boyfriend, and then suddenly she resolved that she was going to pay the fee. The whole conversation took 30mins from the moment we approached the bar. I've since learnt that last night's manageress (and her co-manageress) left last night, it was their last night before a new landlord takes over today. I wonder if our fee was her intended 'goldne handshake'...? Needless to say we won't be playing there again, unless we get the fee upfront. [/quote] Rob dog b4stards. They'll have another tenancy already I bet. "Co-manageress" Hahahahahaha! Nineteen stone hits the ground hard when you knock it over.
  12. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1501991643' post='3348631'] That sticky ricky sounds pretty... what's the word that rhymes? [/quote] Gritty? Bruce Foxton's sound was anyway. [attachment=250711:BruceFoxton.png]
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1501886646' post='3348088'] [media]http://youtu.be/-lwKyBW8W-Q[/media] [/quote] Just like "Chicken Knackers". [attachment=250710:FoghornLeghorn.png]
  14. Newtone strings are quite close to me. I had them make a set of five for me in their old premises. Very easy to talk to. http://www.newtonestrings.com/
  15. [quote name='honza992' timestamp='1501962784' post='3348540'] ...([url="http://www.biarnel.com/liuteria/scorcio/seriescorcio.html"]http://www.biarnel.c...riescorcio.html[/url])... [/quote] Eighties? I get that. I am not proud though. Heeheehee That's Italian style right there. Thanks for the pointer, I am going to spend some time over there with the eye candy on that site. If I'm not back in ten minutes send a loan shark to pay for my GAS.
  16. [quote name='honza992' timestamp='1501962784' post='3348540'] Yes, I had seen that thread. Now that is ambition. Headless, Fanned fret, torzal.... It makes me feel slightly seasick just looking at it. One day though, you never know. The headless thing is definitely very close to being next on my list. One of my favourite builders is an Italian luthier called Biarnel ([url="http://www.biarnel.com/liuteria/scorcio/seriescorcio.html"]http://www.biarnel.c...riescorcio.html[/url]) who's based in Pisa close to where my wife is from in Italy. I love his headless series called Scorcio. They have a slight....80s feel to them. Which, having grown up in the 80s I quite like. Now you've got me thinking I've used veneer fret markers with rosewood and it looked great. The same as ebony though one problem is sanding dust getting into the pores of the veneer. I don't have an air compressor so it's hard to get out and you can find the veneer markers look a bit 'dirty' from the dust. It's not bad, and probably the average person wouldn't even notice, but that's the trouble with building....you know where every mistake is. I read once (though now can't find the link) about soaking the veneer markers in shellac first, to fill in all the gaps in the veneer so the ebony sanding dust has got nowhere to go. I may do a bit of experimenting this week - I've got a bottle of Zinsser SealCoat (which as far as I know is 2lb cut shellac) and some veneer so we'll see. Thanks everyone for the welcome. Biscuits all round. [/quote] I have one of these; https://www.maplin.co.uk/p/mini-vacuum-cleaner-lg61r Would that help? (Make mine a ginger nut ta.)
  17. That's looking well aged. You can imagine that it has absorbed the nicotine out of lots of basement gigs.
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1501885574' post='3348077'] Although I posted the topic, it wasn't to generate any hostility. I'm not suggesting he's always correct, but Dave does make me chuckle. Plus, I've definitely learnt a few things from watching his channel. I'll just leave this picture of my Rickenbacker here which is, in my opinion, something that the company did right. [center][/center] [/quote] That's impressive. I do like that. I'd never want to play it though not because it is a Ricky but because it is a work of art.
  19. [quote name='honza992' timestamp='1501923751' post='3348220'] Yes, of course, a few words of introduction. I'm 47, live in Nottingham, and have the incredible good fortune to have a pretty well equipped workshop in the centre of town, a few yards from Nottingham Trent Uni, if anyone is from round here. I've been building as a hobby for a few years, only for myself, with painfully slow progress. I'm beginning to gain a bit of confidence and competence, but for now I'm really focused on simple builds that will allow me to perfect the basic techniques before moving onwards and upwards. I'm also really focused on the ergonomic aspects of building. I suffered from tendinitis for a while, so perfect balance, scale length and weight are important to me. It always amazes me how poor so many basses are in that respect..... Anyway if anyone is local and wants to pop in and say hello drop me a line. Or if you've got a top you want to put through a drum sander, or want to cut some frets on a radial arm saw or whatever then I'd love to help out. Though I have a pretty expensive taste in biscuits in return...... I hadn't thought about the dremel. I'll dig it out and have a think. My initial plan though was to use maple veneer as I would on a normal fretless fret marker. [/quote] Not so far away as I'd first thought then. I got the notion that you were abroad for some reason. Brain fart probably. If you are into ergonomics then you must have read this; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/303531-navarone45-43multiscale-headless/"]http://basschat.co.u...scale-headless/[/url] A maple fret marker inlay on ebony would be striking. On rosewood it would still be stunning. I understand ebony is not the easiest of materials to work with though. Oh and Welcome to the forum. I know you've been here for a bit but it's good of you to pull up a chair and share your build story with us so to speak.
  20. [quote name='Saved' timestamp='1501935645' post='3348324'] I like to experimenting with unusual things.Some work,some not,some work in their own way. I am not the first one,nor smarter,supet scientist or anything else. I have no problem to answer questions and help people. The difference from 34 to 35 is so tiny,you will never notice it [/quote] Maybe. I'd like to be able to string it with standard strings however. It is intended as a trainer for my fingers so that I can play convincingly enough on an extra long scale fretless one day. I like your style as well as your ambition. Looking forward to seeing some photos of the project.
  21. I started on the body. The neck has had three coats of Danish Oil rubbed on and cut back using extra fine steel wool with 24 hours between each coat. I will do more coats until I stop seeing an improvement each time. That or I'll stop after a week's worth or seven coats. To stop me from chomping at the bit during the finishing of the neck I made my first template for the new Dremel plunge router attachment that TJ and I have bought for the workshop. Next time I'll use quarter inch MDF for the template as this half inch piece was unnecessarily deep. I roughed it out with a jigsaw and finished it with coarse abranet. Instead of a guide bearing or mandrel on the cutter the plunge attachment uses a guide collar protruding from its baseplate and the offset must be calculated for the diameter of the cutter used. This offset is added to the template dimensions so that the desired cut is made when it all comes together. I used a bit of warped MDF and found it helped to follow the curvature of the guitar back when I clamped it up between a backing board and the template. A few gentle trial cuts and I'm away! I'm confident that I can craft the cut into a pleasing recess when the body is finally shaped and smoothed. The flat plastic plate sits well enough into the recess given that the body is not flat. Next job will be to get the control cavity and socket mounting hole tidied up.
  22. Bravo! I like your ambition. I also like that you do extremely long scale bass. I am wanting to go on to a 35inch scale myself. One day I will adapt one from a standard kit. I missed all of your photos because I came to this thread late. PB (PhotoBuggery?) had already attempted superhighway robbery on their users resulting in broken third party links everywhere. Reading your text has been interesting though. I'll keep an eye on this.
  23. Welcome to the forum Honza. Where are you from please? That's a nice little fretless you are going for. The obvious answer to the slot thing is small scale CNC machining. Some firms will contract out for specialist jobs in batches but I don't think this would be cost effective for small production. I'd say you need to build a jig to guide a disc cutter such as a Dremel and attachments. Proxxon also do small scale machine tools. Once cut you might want to finish the ends of the grooves with fine hand tools so that they are squared off and cut to the same depth as the main part of the slot. What are you going to fill the grooves with though? If resin, go for the slower cures. They're stronger and less prone to contraction issues as they cure. They don't generate so much heat as they go off either.
  24. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1501838192' post='3347652'] The bodies and necks were sourced from a UK Luthier - but he doesn't advertise widely at all. My contact with him came via another popular UK online forum. I specified the nut width, and other specs - I'm sure 35" scale could be specified too. If you want some details then PM me. The Tele body and neck are also getting built up (as an Esquire) but I didn't think you lot would be as interested in these [/quote] Many thanks. PMd
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