Hello Forum,
By way of introduction here is some bumf about myself.
I am apprentice trained as an aircraft mechanic and have a varied background in aero engineering. I was an all-weather motorcyclist for 25 years. Now I enjoy my comfort. I have not been in a position to work for years as I have been a full-time, live-in carer for my elderly Mum. She is now in residential care and I am looking to occupy my time gainfully by learning the bass like I should have in my twenties.
Where bass is concerned, I am interested in ALL of it... just feed it to me in small chunks please. Being an amateur I am hoping to jam locally whenever possible. See my screen name for my location. I'm not really interested in the "Always Connected" movement. Still very much an analogue man, this is my only concession to social networking on t'net.
I miss my apprentice years before I had to choose between the band and my employer.
What I've read so far about this forum and its Ts & Cs looks very good and I hope to get to know many of you over time. [s]I'll work on a signature file and profile photo soon, I promise.[/s]
As promised, signature file below.