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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. I have a large old style hard case. It's been well used and I got it for a bass that I no longer have. I'd like to have it refurbished and modified to contain two headless basses "head to toe", so to speak. I'm near to derby but with no transport of my own. Not looking for a freebie, just a competitive estimate at this stage.[attachment=215995:2HeadlessFlightcase.jpg]
  2. [quote name='biro' timestamp='1459411657' post='3016194'] Sorry lads, I did learn this language hanging around Americans, and I guess... [/quote] Two nations divided by a common language huh? (Wilde, Shaw or Churchill - who ever) It does not detract from your positive gesture towards global Karma, carry on as if normal. [size=1](Heeheehee)[/size]
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1459114635' post='3013688'] What's a Zero Bass ? I have to have one ! [/quote] I think Mitsubishi made them during WWII...
  4. I haven't played to an audience for over 30 years. Then I was playing my mate's perspex bodied, left-hand strung bass in the right handed postion. It was a right laff because I had also bought a Squier fretless jazz correctly strung for me and with a lovely "mwah" and was in the transition from getting away from what I was used to with the leftie and onto the Fender copy. It all stopped shortly after that due to work commitments but I grew to dislike the Squier purely because of its size. Nowadays I like to think of myself as slightly mellower and less concerned with fashion. I think a lot of folk buy Fender or Fender licensed copies simply because it looks like everyone plays them. I mean, for a beginner, what else is there to guide your choice if you haven't felt an instrument come alive in your hands yet? With all respect to Fender users, (and I DO like their sound) I wont have another because I have limited space to practice and after playing headless for so long, I like the way it sits on the strap better than owt else. Funnily enough, the flip out rest doesn't work for me and I almost never play sat down. The sounds I make suit me and until I frequently play with others again I am not in a position to fine tune my choice of pick-up/amp combination. It doesn't bother me in the slightest what anyone thinks of my sound because I have yet to discover a personal style. I haven't got a complicated repertoire and until I expand the range of genres (I hate that word) that I can feel at home with... I can't reasonably expect anything recognisable in terms of a personal style of playing. I am with the original post. I think a versatile bass is necessary if you occasionally want to dip your toe in the waters of genres alternative to the ones you are used to. On the other hand, my dream bass, the one custom guitar that I would have made after a lottery win would be a headless with a decent mass and fanned frets to get the best out of each string gauge right down to the low B. That's just me and to quote Monty Python's Life of Brian - "Yes! We are all individuals"
  5. I heard a sound bite on 6music this morning! Grrrrreat! At the risk of being slightly controversial, I thought the Pope's comment as reported in the weekend papers was quite unchristian. Surely getting to see the Stones in Cuba is a highly spiritual event that would rival any religious holiday... Easter included. An example to us all. Cheers boys. John
  6. Good man! That you don't take yourself too seriously is a great quality to have. I could do with a bit of that myself sometimes. Keep it up - you're doing what I should have done in my twenties but waited 'till now to do. My eyesight, hearing and dexterity have all taken a hit with age... I'll stop now before I depress myself and everyone else. Might be good to see how you are going on from time to time. Thanks for starting this thread. John
  7. Thanks for that discreet. In reference to your comments elsewhere, those are some good pointers ta. I realise that I might be mistaken to think that I would find playmates here but I'll take that bet. There are many fine multi-instrumentalists who play bass and may be resident here... Hope you didn't overdo the Easter eggs Cheers John
  8. Thanks Baldwinbass. I've been thinking about what to say regarding the music I play. Keeping in mind that there is perhaps a difference in what I like to play and what I [i]should [/i]be playing... I play along to about 40 songs such is my repertoire at this time. I feel comfortable that I know 30 of them to a standard where I am unlikely to lose my place. They come from my "formative years" - some sixties lots of seventies and some eighties stuff. The only reason being that they are familiar to me in a way that recent "hits" aren't. If any of you want the play list that I practice with I will be happy to oblige. I am in my second half century of life at 53. From the short time that I've been here I know that I am in good company and that I am not the only "mature student". When I read it is usually tab with reference to traditional score for finer detail but I limp along due to failing sight. I can not sight read and play simultaneously. This is likely to get worse. That said, I am a believer in "getting my ear in". Developing my hearing is reason enough for wanting to play ensemble. At all times however, I want to have fun with the music and that only happens in groups. If I ever make money from playing it will be a miracle but that's not why I do it. It is becoming clearer every day that I can't really move forward until I get to jam with others. Play-alongs have done their job in getting me going but if I don't find some playmates soon my enthusiasm might wilt away to nothing. I'd especially like to jam regularly with a local percussionist to remind myself what it is to be part of the rhythm section again. I'm not quite confident about playing Open Mic nights at Derby's Horse and Groom but I am aiming in that direction. Anyone in the village or within spitting distance of Spondon is welcome to get in touch. We could maybe have a jam and a laff. I recently became a "Born Again" Pedestrian so I am handicapped regarding transport but my kit is relatively portable. I can host up to a point but I have not got the space to set up even a modest drum kit so standing room only... 'Nuff blather for the now. Have a Happy Easter ye all. John
  9. Hello Forum, By way of introduction here is some bumf about myself. I am apprentice trained as an aircraft mechanic and have a varied background in aero engineering. I was an all-weather motorcyclist for 25 years. Now I enjoy my comfort. I have not been in a position to work for years as I have been a full-time, live-in carer for my elderly Mum. She is now in residential care and I am looking to occupy my time gainfully by learning the bass like I should have in my twenties. Where bass is concerned, I am interested in ALL of it... just feed it to me in small chunks please. Being an amateur I am hoping to jam locally whenever possible. See my screen name for my location. I'm not really interested in the "Always Connected" movement. Still very much an analogue man, this is my only concession to social networking on t'net. I miss my apprentice years before I had to choose between the band and my employer. What I've read so far about this forum and its Ts & Cs looks very good and I hope to get to know many of you over time. [s]I'll work on a signature file and profile photo soon, I promise.[/s] As promised, signature file below. Cheers John
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