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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Well, I would have done had I been sooner. It was gone.
  2. It looks like that is the option. Andertons have the 3 button one, but not the baby. I was just wondering if there was distribution in the UK. To be honest, by the time I have ordered it from the US and paid a customs and handling charge, the Morningstar 6 doobrie on FB for £170 seems to be much more versatile. For another £40? So I will get that. Thanks.
  3. That was a subtle hint for someone to point me in the right direction! I have actually looked, honest.
  4. I would check out the D.A. MIDI Baby if I could find one in the UK.
  5. The presets just get loaded in and you spin through them until you find the one. You can get all menu driven if you want, but the cool kids don't do that stuff.
  6. And M'eshell Ndegocello. What a CV!
  7. I MUST HAVE ONE!!!! But seriously, the TC spectracomp comes with gazilions of presets so you can just scroll through until you find what fits. They go for £50 on here and if you do not like it you can flog it and not lose your money. I like them so much I have 3 for different places.
  8. Extra string? Even without that, this is a fabulous piece of work.
  9. I can see the attraction. I know the helix stuff does all sorts of amazing but my head goes fuzzy when faced with millions of options so instead of actually getting something of value done I just ffaff around. This is true for the rest of my life as well.
  10. I wish I had. I was playing Brecon Jazz and an early Amy Winehouse was further down the running order. I could not be be bothered to move from the green room. Shows you how much I know.
  11. I no longer own one, but nice and high for proper DB thud is how I would define it. I do not like a low DB action and the NS delivered.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, but I am going with one of those funky oval Delano ones. There was one on a mini bass in a Bass Bash I went to and I just liked it. And I like the shape. I am shallow that way.
  13. Whack up the bridge and you are a solid 75% of the way there. I used Innovation Honeys and got a lovely thud.
  14. It works nicely enough to pursue the project further. I needs a pickup and a set of strings from Mr Newtone. The cut down ones are not quite ringing true
  15. I have not played my 66 Jazz in anger for 20 years or more. I should sell it. I have owned it for 35 years. I am struggling to let it go!
  16. It goes from bad to worse
  17. It is 23" scale. I have no idea how it sounds cos it is still with the guy who did the work. I am not sure what he did cos I do not have it in my hands as of yet. I suspect it was Mr Drill. I was too impatient to wait for a new set. Also if they are big enough I can cut down all sorts of strings
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