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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have a new Macbook which will not support 2 x external monitors. I like having 2 monitors becuase it helps me keep a handle on information. I bought a Plugable USB-C 4K Display Link port which does the twin monitor thing really well. I cried a bit when I bought it because it was expense on top of buying a new Macbook which was expensive in itself. Don't cry for me though, the Macbook goes like a stabbed rat. My problem is that after a period of at best a couple of hours I begin to get a static-y scratching or rustling sound when I move the mouse, load new pages or drag pages around . This is there if my volume is up or down on my SSL 2+ interface. Once I reach up to my amp (1981 Mission Currys 1 - these days it would be called vintage, but we all know that vintage is only 1965 and earlier) and toggle between inputs the rustling goes. But it will be back later. I am using a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse. All the kit is coming from the same dual point wall socket. I actually plugged the amp into the same 6 block as the hub/laptop/monitors and it got worse. This is a genuine first world problem. But does anyone have any ideas?
  2. You can hear it but need decent amplification. We have some Subs which are not earth shattering but good enough in church and it works nicely there. Well, it would if we were in the building. The last one did before I sulked with it and flogged it. Flicking the D-tuner and adding an extra bottom bottom E to the end of a song is a lot of fun. I cannot guarantee I will keep it but I had to try.
  3. On reflection I have actually bought a 6 string to mess with bottom F# and it makes me feel 30 years younger. As in the "why is my left hand not on the same string as my right hand?" feeling I got when I went 5 string in 1990. This actaully the 2nd time I have tried this. I gave up very easily the first time but I figure I am not yet too old to learn new tricks. I will just have to practice
  4. You cannot spell bass without a B. Band members are so astounded that they spend the first few gigs playing stuff in the wrong key.
  5. I used to keep a full flight case specifically for shifting basses around the country. Shifting an empty case around after delivery is cheap as chips. My reasoning was that a full flight case was better than insurance. They are cheap to buy on ebay as well.
  6. You need some sort of DB which is more waterproof. If only.......
  7. And of course, it is not necessarily the drummer. It could well be the guitarist. Or even us!!!!
  8. This always does it for me. 80% of the album really.
  9. The struggle is real. Except when it is not, that is when it is the best.
  10. You are a master of understatement.
  11. One of the best thought out pieces of kit I have ever used. And the tone, obv!
  12. I frequently do, but I have got over myself.
  13. A link would be ideal here!
  14. They are designed for the flobadob (Copyright @Happy Jack) strings, but were actually failing before I put the steel strings on. And the basic structure beneath the outsized string recepticle is just like any other open geared 14mm machine head. They just seemed to be screwing into themselves tighter and tighter rather than actually turning the string peg. The peg was moving, but there was something else happening as well which was not on the design brief.
  15. At least three of them are getting so tight when I am tuning up that they are actually refusing to turn. They feel like they are actually going to snap and I have had to string the bass up in the wrong orientation. The plastic washer between the "ear" and the bulk of the unit is getting squashed out of existence. I am not whinging about them, for £200 inc shipping from the other side of the world, there is a lot going on and it is inevitable that cheapness has to happen somewhere. People need to make money to eat and put a roof over their heads.
  16. In further news, the grub screw was actually stuck on the magnetic tip of the screwdriver. There is a reason I usually ask other people to do this stuff for me.
  17. The master spoke and it was so. I have all the washers. Sadly, the grub screw holding the gear wheel is somewhere on the floor. It does not matter because they are going in the bin, however, I still feel stupid. Doing it all on my knee instead of the desk which was literally a foot away from me was not smart.
  18. I just cannot see how it undoes even if I get all anksty with it. The only way I can see is to get a spanner thin enough to get to the bottom nut.
  19. As in just grab it and go for it? I do not want to use them again so I suppose I could.
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