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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Do I need a cab? No. Do I want this? Yes.
  2. It makes me sad when people take pictures down. I like pictures.
  3. It is a very fine firepit - however, I have seen a better one.........you know how it is...............
  4. Progress = I have realised that it is beyond me. I am at peace. And title is mine and always shall be It is the only way I can contribute to this forum, but I love this forum.
  5. I did but it has gone to one of us.
  6. Someone in Leeds needs to do the right thing.
  7. In Leeds on UK Bass Marketplace - Buy, Sell & Trade on FB. I cannot link.
  8. >if it went completely pear shaped, you can just build a new neck There is a fundamental difference right there.
  9. It was an NS5 EU. I no longer own it. But it was superb. Low action and TI Spiro is all mwah. Jack up the bridge and put Innovation Honeys on and it gives a lovely woody thump. There was another set of steel core classical strings which were like playing velvet. It responds beatifully to different strings
  10. Everything was very cool.
  11. Looking for fun? Here it is. Looking for different tone and considering changning pickups? Here it is. Looking to pretend to be a Double Bass? Here it is. Looking to have something to noodle on in the house? Here it is. Looking for a travel bass? Here it is. Looking to freak people out as they go from "hahahahaha what is that to toy? to "whoa, proper bottom end"? Here it is. Looking for something for that 8 year old to start bass on? Here it is. Looking for something to use at a Jam when you don't want to carry your DB? Here it is. Why are you still looking at this?
  12. ........ and yet, every time they have musicians on the screen, they use actors who cannot even hold their instruments properly let alone mime out of sync.
  13. Thanks Dave. If it does not sell I will enjoy using it. I have not come across anything that does it the same.
  14. If you missed it then you can do a 7 day PBS free trial on Amazon Prime https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ken-Burns-Jazz/dp/B0756873RJ?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_dls
  15. I think Fishman had the whole thing but got all Hendrix at the end of a gig.
  16. I am in the process of stringing a 6 string F#BEADG. I am looking forward to that "just got my 1st 5 string, why is everyone in the wrong key?" feeling for the first time in 30 years.
  17. I have a Viola I need moving from Liverpool to Bristol. It is a long shot, but is anyone making that journey in the next month? Contributions obv etc etc The idea of putting it on a courier van is a bit scary!
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