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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I used to have one of the original Brad Houser one in knobly chrome. It was quite the machine. Ironically I thought I had ordered a different finish so opening the box was quite a surprise. I will never look that fabulous again when playing Bass Guitar.
  2. I had a Peavey Midibass back in the day. It was to be the one bass to rule all basses (like all my basses one at a time really). The Midi tracking was dreamy (in a good way) but the bass was yuck. This does not look yuck.
  3. He is working that seam and working it well. I wish him nothing but the best. There are many worse things out there.
  4. That last chord would not be my favourite part of the piece to play. So much potential for disaster right at the end!
  5. £50 to your door.
  6. And they have an internal Low Pass Filter which means you can plug your amp in to your present speaker and one of these (impedance allowing) and this just churns out the beefy goodness with no further kit needed.
  7. This is a long shot, but if you do not ask you do not get. We have a TASCAM DM-4800 Digital Mixer with Meterbridge at work. We will never use it in anger - it gives our students nose bleeds. Would anyone like to trade it for an A&H Qu 16? One of the buttons which changes fader function has broken. I am not expecting to be drowning in offers, but a man has to try.
  8. Then our manager decided that he did not want to spend the £ so cancelled the RCFs and the QSC8.2 and hopes that the QSC10.2 will cover what the RCFs were for (Dance studio/Old School Gym for 40 dancers). He did not even discuss it with me. I just do not know why I even bothered.
  9. I was one of those kids for whom Music was one of the few things which made sense in school. Some subjects were easy and some were hard (a U in O level Chemistry and 2 Us in O level French come to mind) but I actually understood what was happening in the music lessons. I was in my mid forties before I understood how to write an essay so my tidy marks in O level Welsh and English were down to something else. They came crashing down in A level (E twice in English and a U in Welsh). I was also the first pupil in my school's history to be invited to leave an A level (History). I had a great music teacher who gave us many opportunities to do our thing with gentle encouragement. Anything I have done since then is down to the hour a week of Aural Perception lessons I did at A level. He gently formalised what I was already hearing and enabled me to label it all. He saw me for what I was and led me on superbly. I tell him every time I see him and I even tell his children. Did we do groovy pop stuff? Not in lessons really. It was not on the curriculum. He can hardly be blamed for that. I have nothing but praise for him. I was also hugely involved in the County Music system (and beyond) of Orchestras and Choirs as well as playing in the local University Orchestras and local Madrigal choir. I did so much playing that I never did any practice but still managed to get away with it. Two 3 hour rehearsals per week + 6 hours once every 4 weeks on a Saturday tended to keep chops up. This was in the late 70s/early 80s. It did not hurt that I also lived in a part of Wales where there was just an expectation that you would be involved in all the local Eisteddfods and performing was just something you did. When I hit University it came as a bit of a shock to see how some musicians who were clearly more capable than my friends at home could not stand on stage and give it the beans because they had just not had that experience at school and in Eisteddfods. I was a peripatetic 'cello/DB/Bass Guitar/Guitar teacher for many years. I have seen the inside of so many school music classes and I take my hat off to anyone who does it. There is not enough money in the world to make me want to do that. And I am a full time FE Music teacher. Teaching Music to a disinterested Year 9 group on a Friday afternoon must be a special kind of grim. I struggle to see how it can work really. If you are appealing to all the kids who would love to be giving it the max while composing EDM then there is a whole other group of kids who would be walking out of the door. GCSE has a performance element which is tricky for the EDM crew because that is not where their strengths lie. You would also need banks of Macs for all of them to have their own space. I would say banks of PCs but when we were runing PCs at work literally 20% of every lesson was spent trouble shooting some technical problem or other. And schools just would not have the budget for banks of Macs. Virtually none of the students who come through our doors have been involved musically at school. Much respect to school music teachers working in incredibly difficult circumstances.
  10. I sent my CP back. I am going to buy another. For the moments I want that sound it is just there and I do not find myself scrolling through 56 different options in a plug in. I have friends who can make every one of those plugins sound great. I cannot. I accidently bought a DX on Ebay by bidding without reading the ad properly. The seller was very gracious and cancelled the winning bid. I must learn to focus. There is a secret proper piano sample on the CP (as WIB told uou while I was typing).
  11. I picked one of these up once and actually LOL'd. I was not laughing when I plugged into it. What a beast.
  12. I tried a Stick about 20 years ago. I still have a mild headache.
  13. I have spent quite a lot of the day patting myself on the back.
  14. I work in an FE college. The Perf Arts dept need a new PA. Theirs is a 2nd hand Studispares active bin and 12" top. About 12 years old. It is fair to say they have seen better days. The dance teacher does not understand the concept of restraint. I have reccomended a pair of RCF 745 for FOH. A pair of QSC K10.2 for monitors and a pair of QSC K8.2 for the singing teacher for backing tracks and teaching mic technique etc. Obviously I will be auditioning them all on the weekends. I blame this thread.
  15. I also wonder about this. I have way too many and some that I will never play in anger but just like having them. But I am a bass tart and like every bass I pick up. I really like the idea of simplifying because as soon as I have options I get paralysed by choice. However, everything I buy is 2nd hand at the right price so buying and selling is esentially cost neutral and I could have MANY worse obsessions.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/northwalesdrumpromotions/?__xts__[0]=68.ARA9KLL3M8HrFN-YzSYECzvv3HWGbny_2ZX_VsWAKpsREXIvISGorfNTfUik1PaPN7hWzrN5wPKaub_srBpiQMq-wMAGUfNnL-8XA2W98ClPVSP8qkGv_0kb9rq-ZUQJb0UlhPDEHtWM9MQuAtcxB_jzjpB4i46kw3RkvnZYtoYxYS3AMxBjw-6nn_77Vf7XYHBvl9uK8TEuPXYv3A These guys are just starting to do some drum podcast things. Episode 6, parts 1 and 2, with Don Powell, Slade's drummer is just very easy to listen to and smile inducing
  17. €12,345 will be pennies when the UK sails into it's birthright of world domination.
  18. Chew them off! Actually don't. But as HJ suggests, cover them in 2 layers of Super Glue and get on with the gig. At various times in the last 20 years my fingers have looked like that. A couple of coats of super glue and I am ready for the next set.
  19. I have had 2 made. They did not do it for me. The resale was crippling. Lesson learnt.
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