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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am glad you are enjoyng it! I would love him to make me a 5 string one. I love his aesthetic. But he will not. It is not for the want of asking
  2. It is interesting that the definition of vintage is more fluid than it was say 25 years ago. In the olden days anything after 1965 was deemed to be uncool. I love my '66 but was gutted when I eventually realised that it was not a "proper" vintage Fender (Jan 5th so 5 days out). Now that I am older and fatter/wiser (one of those is correct) I am more than happy with it and would kind of miss that binding. The pre-CBS stuff I have played have mostly been very nice, but I can guaratnee that elements of that were because I wanted them to be. If we want something to be something then we will project onto that something whether that is a bass, a car, a significant other, a potential significant other or even a politician (don't get me started). And nowhere proves that better than the internet. The amount of kit I have bought with my eyes rather than my ears is insane. Of course any Fenders from the 70s were just the uncoolest instruments on the planet. Then I bought a 73 neck and body and bodged up an instrument. It is exceptionally nice so there goes that definition as well. Quality control slipped in the 70s so I am sure there are basses which are not as nice, but the reality is if my 73 was the only bass I had I could be more than happy. Collectors/Purists will "decide" what the market will stand and then it becomes a "truth". The things that were made when "we were young" but could not afford them will always be "the ones". I am more than happy with this because the time will come when I will shift my '66 and happily take the fat profit of whatever I get over the £400 I paid for it. Do I love knackered old Fenders? Yep. Do I think of buying a damaged Sei J5 and getting it resprayed in nitro and reliced? Yep.
  3. It is true, if you wait for long enough EVERYTHING comes through Bass Chat.
  4. I bought an A width P neck and body from 73 on here a long time ago. I bolted a bass together using bits from the marketplace and a Spitfire scratchplate. It is a thing of joy. It has the biggest most 70s brass nut I have ever seen. If only I played 4 stringers.
  5. In the interests of full disclosure, the J is 66 dot/bound/lollipop and the P is a Bravewood with a 63 plate.
  6. I love to dig out these photos
  7. As has already been said, CS stuff is pushing private sale vintage stuff price wise. The market is a funny thing.
  8. I will happily tell my Bravewood story again and again. I own an original naturally reliced 66 Jazz bass and bought a Bravewood 63 P bass. The Bravewood scratched exactly the same itch as the Fender. In all ways. It also taught me that I do not get on with standard P nut widths so it went. But they made a sublime pair.
  9. Busted! I read Blonde but I saw Oly White. When I see beauty I do not think rationally.
  10. http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/page5.html If that had a matching headstock my resolve would be crumbling!
  11. Matching guitars? Check. Matching trousers and tops? Check Melting cymbals? Check I like it.
  12. I was inspired to look for my old one and found a CAR one which was sold 2nd hand 2 years ago. There was a frisson of excitement which I totally did not expect. It was not mine but it was a really exciting few seconds.
  13. Bands are like buses. There will almost always be a passenger.
  14. The Beatles had George Martin. Ha had enough for all of them. Is it better? No. Does it hurt? No.
  15. I stopped listening to him after about 30 seconds in a good way. I could still hear him but he was blending nicely so I just took him as part of the package.
  16. It truly is the Stormtrooper of DB cases.
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