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Everything posted by Owen

  1. As Nail says, I have endured many worse bass solos. And Fender tone stack preamps going into FRFR 3 way cabs. What is not to like?
  2. I would buy one of everything and have spent the last 30 years trying to.
  3. Yep, it will be on our Youtube channel. We are achingly hip! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwK0_lPqAVqGKwQREg6JhHg. It has been such a huge amount of work that I did not have time to vid a bass line. I erased all the notes apart from the bottom one in the piano part and assigned it to a bass guitar sound in Logic. Don't judge me, but it appears that the Pianist can do it with their left hand!
  4. I bought a CP. It was lush. But I just could not justify it so it has gone back. It was lush though.
  5. Just for anyone else who might find themselves in the same situation, you can do it in iMovie, but it means doing it video by video and then re-importing it to put the next one in. Pretty tedious. Our 77 year old pianist has come up trumps and has worked out how to do it on some sort of freeware. I shall report back if I ever understand it. However, I have NO desire to understand it, ever.
  6. The timing is there but everyones videos do not start on "one" so this is another layer of mayhem. Sorry everyone else, I will take this to PM
  7. Rich, that is very geneorus of you, and massive thanks, but as I sit here looking at what I have, I am realising that I have stripped audio to mix it but nothing is now synced up to the original videos. It is just too much work . I will do audio + lyric videos. Lesson learnt!
  8. I am unexpectedly putting together 2 lockdown videos for use in our Induction Service on Saturday. I have most of the videos and have dealt with the audio mixing side but feel I have quite a steep learning curve ahead of me. I have iMove and I have Premier Pro. I can do basic stuff in iMovie but Premier Pro looks to be beyond me in the time I have. Does anyone have any suggestions for something where I can set up a tile of 8 screens and let it do it's funky thing? Yes, failing to plan is planning to fail. I thought I had planned but it turns out that my definition of planning did not match someone else's definition of planning. Ho hum
  9. Funky and yet not out there. That is a tricky tightrope to walk and he has done it beautifully.
  10. It was a toss up between a NAD and a Mission Cyrus One for me 36 years ago. The Mission is still going strong.
  11. I cannot deny that I am yet to play a poor instrument from Yamaha.
  12. That huge page of programming? No thanks, not for me. Load up great sounds other people have created? Yum yum, yes please.
  13. There is very little advantageous we will be doing internationally for quite a few years.
  14. I loved that case. I miss it a bit more than I miss my NS5.
  15. Actually, it was because there were not any This is the case I used until I flogged my NS5 https://www.waterproof-cases.co.uk/product/explorer-cases-explorer-13513-case/
  16. That is because you do not have access to Basschat Gold.
  17. I resemble that remark. I did put five individual bridge saddles on it and drilled the headstock for another machine head first. I am a luthier!
  18. That's the thing, isn't it. When I was growing up James Last was not at the very forefront of what I wanted to listen but now that I am old and can step back a bit I am hearing a HUGE band of what are obviously proper players doing it live and being well looked after. I am digging it. We might look at them and be envious of their threads and think "yeah, it is not originals and yadda yadda yadda" but they were travelling the world and earning proper money. I would sign up in a heartbeat. You can look at the people playing on Strictly and think "yeah, but it is all covers etc etc". They are the absolute cream of the crop. I had the pleasure of doing a few gigs with one of them a long time ago and he was the most sublime musician I have ever played with. Not only could he literally read THE most awkward parts I have ever had to deal with, but he did it sounding as if he had been playing that part for years, then soloed over it as if he had written then piece. I know he was sight reading cos they were new tunes. And his ability to accompany was telepathic. I would bet that a solid 60% of JL's players were there or therabouts and the other 40% were just normal monsters. I do feel sad about those drum fills in Black Night though
  19. Lots of people play with French bows. Lots of people play with German bows. People play 124, people play 1234. People sit down to play, people stand up to play. People use really sticky rosin. People use violin rosin. People use gut strings. People use Spiro Weichs. The Double Bass is quite young in terms of pedagogy compared to Vln/Vla/cello. Do what works for you.
  20. In the last century I used to "teach" singing on a Performing Arts course. One end of year show was Fame and I got all the local players in to be a pit band with me. There are some good numbers in the show and some not so good numbers. There is a ballet scene in 3/4 which has some lame music on the piano. I leant over to the pianist and said "play me something nice in 3". He proceeded to play theme and variations on Favourite Things. Bear in mind that the cast were 18 year olds hearing something unexpected coming up from the pit while they were live on stage in front of an audience. He weighted it perfectly and played the most sublime coda as the lights dimmed for the end of the scene. It was as if we had rehearsed the timing down to the last detail. Everyone in the pit knew that there was something beautiful happening. No one else batted an eyelid. The band were cooking and the written parts were becoming more and more optional, just using them for the changes and the stabs, and by the time we got to "LA" we turned it into a beautiful groove and the 20 piece band were totally off-piste. No one played what was on the page (other than the skeleton), I was conducting and playing bass so basically my dynamics were everyone else's dynamics. We were breathing as one organism and it was sublime. Even the singer sounded superb - and she really was not. At the time I did not appreciate it for what it was. Of course, moments can be bad as well as good. We also did West Side Story and I conducted that. There was one number (I honestly cannot remember which) which was a really slow 3. In the band call I gave the option of beating it in 3 or 6. The band chose one of those and I wrote it down because the potential for disaster was epic. Come the first show half had remembered what we had arranged and half had not (to be fair, if I was playing I would have forgotten). We all played the first note together and then there was a hilarious half time/double time at the same time for 4 bars while my brain melted as I tried to work out what happened. The fact that our first child was 3 months old and I was pretty sleep deprived did not help. I had to stop and start again. Much later on we had established a music course in the college and we used the students as a pit band. We did West Side Story again so I tabbed it all out and we did it in a rock style. I would not recommend it, but it had a certain vibe and the students got an awful lot out of it. Obviously there were bits which needed support so we had a piano part on CD for quite a few of the numbers. Everyone in the pit was on cans and one student was running the CD player and the monitor mix. The number before the first half finale ran into the finale on the CD but there was a gap of about 5 seconds before the actual finale started. There was a significant rall at the end of the song before the finale and he turned the CD off because he thought it was over. Bear in mind this was at about 3 minutes and 23 seconds into the track so there is no way we could have queued it up again. After getting my head around what had happened I hissed at the girl behind the pit piano "give me a G". She looked surprised so I had to ask again. I then started singing "The Jets are going to have their way tonight" (or whatever it was) really loudly on my own and the whole cast joined in and did the whole number unaccompanied - moves and all. How we all laughed a few years later.
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