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Everything posted by Owen

  1. 10 years ago I could have told you what the pickup was. I am slipping!
  2. That looks like all the right things are in all the right places. Very nice indeed.
  3. This thread is making me miss that good exchange rate. Just as well that everything else about the present situation in the UK is so ace.
  4. But the days when there was a decent exchange rate!!!!!!!
  5. I always hate insuring. But i would have hated paying the £800 repair cost on the last bass I shipped even more. Make sure your packing fits their criteria. They will use ANY excuse to wriggle out of liability.
  6. I am not sure where CITIES is at at the moment, but factor it in. Having customs tell me they might destroy the bass I was sending was not a great moment.
  7. Face on they are fine. Side on they lose a bit of vim.
  8. I have a bass with one LED and optical fibre. The light is very small. But not unpleasant.
  9. Owen

    ML94's Feedback

    Everything was smooth
  10. Owen

    DIY Effects

    I had forgotten about this! I have no reason to believe that the perf board is not functioning as it should. It should be an Fdeck. If anyone wants it then shoot me an address and it is yours for nothing.
  11. I am not wanting to disagree in any contentious way, but am keen to not see things become internet folklore. I think one finger per fret is entirely plausible both on Bass Guitar and (per semitone) on DB. Obviously everyone one is different and no one size fits all.
  12. This concept makes an awful lot of sense.
  13. Talk me through expression pedal options..........
  14. I did the whole two bridges one bass thing some time ago. The difference - for me - was negligible when I was in a room on my own. The difference with a band? Infinitess........infinatess.........infinti.....so small as to be not there - for me. For the record, going from 9v to 18v on my EMG pre-amp was equally underwhelming. There - I said it.
  15. I have way too many basses. I cannot justify them. I like trying different flavours. I could have many much worse pastimes. I actually like the idea of going down to one but could not choose so I do not sweat it.
  16. I have gone in to get a price on the grown up Vong. I shall report back.
  17. -12db/Oct fixed at 30hz plus -12db/Oct variable. -12 + -12 = -24 I could be wrong.
  18. Yeah, but she is clearly not a proper bassist. Playing bass and singing? Just not right. Singing and playing will get you into trouble with the bass police. Or maybe I am just bitter.
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