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Everything posted by Owen

  1. It's gonna be awesome. Anything that floats the boat of the present Cabinet (they cannot possibly be there for any other reason) is fine by me. How hard can it be to refloat an empire?
  2. That is the very harsh truth. I have more than I use. And it bothers me.
  3. There is a queue....... But I do know that you are in that queue
  4. ..... awkward........
  5. I cannot deny, I LOVE parts drawer clear out posts.
  6. Bergantino. The man has never seen a penny from me because I bought my IP310 2nd hand (have I ever mentioned how much I love it?). I had some issues with it and he sent me parts FOC from the US. He offered to revoice the DSP FOC if I sent it to him - until he realised it would be impractical due to the large amount of water between us. I had another issue which was known issue with the plate amp he used. He did not blink but put me in touch with the OEM manufacturer. He even took one of my suggestions on board for upgrading the B-Amp. I lke to think about it as the "Owen tweak".
  7. Bass and drums are a symbiotic relationship of love and respect. No one needs to lead or follow because we are reading each other's minds. It is a beautiful thing But if the drummer is rubbish I will lead and I just do not care. If I start playing straight crotchets my wife knows I am not enjoying the gig. She knows I am wrestling with at least one member of the band. And to be fair it could be any member of the band. Don't get me wrong, I am not "all that" but I know where 1 is and I know where the next 1 should be.
  8. I am glad to hear that. I have no use for them, but.......
  9. Mutter mutter all over this like a bad rash mutter mutter distance mutter mutter
  10. The BC community can riff endlessly on Quo song titles. And I can not only recognise but can hum a solid 90% of them. Respect is due to Status Quo.
  11. It works. Don't fix it.
  12. Just oil and a black guard.
  13. Every day is a school day! I no longer need to buy it.
  14. 3 days from my birthday.
  15. The idea is great but it provides another layer of maintainance which I just do not have time for. Ideally everythign just sits there waiting to be used. It is the "tons on eBay for £3-£4 that are probably exactly the same!" which are the interesting ones. If someone says "yes, I have used this one and it is fine" then I would happily take a punt.
  16. The idea of running 5 off one supply is feasible but I am trying to set up rehearsal spaces for my students which will be socially distanced so the units will be spread across a lot of space and I would need to run really long extensions to make it work. I am aware that this is also fresh information!
  17. Thanks both of you. As usual, the information I thought I was giving and the information I was actually giving were two different things. Sorry about that. What I need are 10 individual wall wart power supplies - like this but hopefully cheaper! https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/strymon-uk-power-supply?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtsv7BRCmARIsANu-CQfrythykXQRreGiSu1yzrsfRywz8P-xQg351KuUCZ7klNsjSIZBaEAaAsjUEALw_wcB
  18. I have to power a bunch of Behringer GDI 21 pedals at work. Can anyone suggest as decent but not bank breaking PSU. I will need 10 of them so you can understand my lack of enthusiasm for the state of the art! If something existed which did what the Behringer does for £40ish but ran on phantom power I would be happy enough with that as well. But I cannot see anything out there.
  19. Owen


    My longest build record is secure.
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