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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Added to all this, selling the 12"s 2nd hand and buying new 10" is actually going to cost you for poorer perfomance.
  2. I used to bi-amp and enjoyed prodigious LF. At a guess I was a problem in the room, but I had a lovely time. I tried a QSC KW112 recently and it was lush. I then put a KW118 sub into the mix. I have to admit I did not get the extreme LF hit I was hoping for. There was more wool but not the joy I was dreaming of.
  3. Anecdotaly I can report that no 10" cab I have tried can actually cut it when a drummer is involved. Some 12" cabs can but that also depends on the amp's ability to deliver proper power. It is also VERY rare (again, in my experience) for a 10" cab to be able to reach all the way down there on a 5 string even when not fighting with a drummer. YMMV
  4. iRig Blue Board £50 Passive 4 jack in one jack out box £12 1 in 1 out FX loop switcher £28 Bright Onion Kill switch in a box £15 Murder One Triple Killswitch £23 Korg Pitchblack Portable £30 3 way loop switcher £50
  5. Last update for the 8Pre-FW is 2008. "The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information.". It works fine as an audio interface with Catalina and I am only borrowing it while I wait for the SSL 2 to actually be available. This should be within the week so it is not big deal. The SSL 2+ will be not very much more than a SSL 2 and a Roland UM-One but the 2+ has MIDI ports so I will prob go for one of those. It is beyond comprehension that they will not have proper Catalina drivers.
  6. Cheaper than paying milage and overnights for a group of musicians. And you are not herding cats because everyone is in the same place.
  7. The FI firmawre? Nope, not yet - that was my first project.
  8. You can take the MOTU Pre 8 Firewire off the list of known working MIDI interfaces. It does not work
  9. If it is good enough for Zslot then it is good enough for me. I did look at the Roland page and only found up to 10.11. My wife recognises this behaviour. Thanks Owen
  10. Or I am looking at an all in one SSL2+. Again, any experience?
  11. I need a new Midi interface to mess with this. M Audio decided to not update drivers for my old one. How I laughed. Is the Roland UM One still the one of choice? Does it work on Mac OS 10.15.3 Catalina? The drivers seem to have stopped at 10.11 Anyone with any 1st hand experience? TIA.
  12. I would love to think that a well supported public petition would get Parliment to reconsider/change/whatever. Each and every one of the petitions I have signed that have crossed the threshold of "having to be considered" (and there have been many) have achieved the sum total of nothing. I am utterly voicless in matters relating to musician's visas and everything else. If the print media in the UK are not interested in musician's visas (or any other topic) then there is just no point in even discussing it. I am working hard to stay on topic here.
  13. I have had a Bravewood. It was a P and scratched all the same itches as my original 66 J. It taught me that I do not like a P nut width otherwise I would still have it. If only he did a reliced J5......... I am aware that that is all kinds of wrong, but I want one anyway.
  14. Thanks Whizzzy. They have also come up elsewhere as the place AKG outsource servicing to so that sounds like a hint in itself.
  15. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    Nope. It has gone back.
  16. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    It turns out that tap tempo for the arpeggiator IS available from a control pedal input. Sorry for the misinformation.
  17. They will have gone in the great message cull when we went to new software. I only realised the loss when I went to look at them to work out purchases for that year when I was doing my taxes. I sometimes wonder where my Sei J 5 went as well. It had a very lovely neck.
  18. I am looking at whether it is possible to achieve Welsh independance before Dec 31st. That will be a no, but the concept has recently become a LOT more attractive. Sorry, is that political or cultural?
  19. And it will be ok because larger bands just appear from nowhere. No one ever needs to learn their craft on smaller stages. The present cabinet are living proof of that. Sorry, was that political or satirical?
  20. You do realise where you are, right?!!?????!!!
  21. As I said - sux. All of it. I would not trust the present government to organise filling a bath let alone what they aspire to. Even IDS is wary of them. You know it is bad when IDS is saying "people, hang on a bit".
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