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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Sux. We are in a slow motion car crash being driven by a government who are only out for themselves and their mates. We have an impotent opposition and a media which is rubbing it's hands with glee cos they are getting their way. There, I got political.
  2. I can very much see the attraction. The price point is going to be interesting.
  3. Builders! Every builder I have ever paid has spent time telling me how poor every other builder is. What are they like?
  4. I am about to get my hands on a vintage AKG C12A microphone. It might be fine but it might need looking at. Does anyone know who would be the go-to people in the field?
  5. I would pay more to see a good band in a small venue than a big venue. SP have worked their backsides off to get where they are - the market is there so why would they not? It cannot be a cheap ensemble to tour If I was in London I would go.
  6. I shall dig out a better bass and do it again. I will also balance the pickup on this one. And then I will find a pair of Smith - alike humbuckers and plumb them in. Obviously, what I mean there is get someone else to plumb them in.
  7. Yep, this excercise is telling me all sorts of things about that particular bass.
  8. Here it is again. This time I have normalised everything to try and get levels more equal - there is a little clipping but I am not going for broadcast quality! The bass itself is not sounding awesome. It is a candidate for new pickups but that is a story for another day.
  9. I am editing it now and doing the 4th without the LF bump. I am ashamed.
  10. I am not going to say which is which becaue we all listen with our eyes and we all percieve things differently anyway. It was purely for the excercise of "wow the difference is not how our eyes percieve it to be". I freely admit to not hearing the detail that others have alluded to. I will confess that there was a slight LF bump in the EQ of number 4 which I only noticed as I carried on recording what I set out to do originally a couple of hours after posting. Sorry about that - what an amateur.
  11. Output jack piezo preamp. It worked and came from a name company. I have NO idea by now who it was. £10
  12. It is not what it hopes to be. Few of us are. However a picture would help us give you a clue whether it is kindling or potentially ok.
  13. Apgoee One interface (Mac only) £65 Apogee JAM iPad interface thing. Not lightning connector but 30 pin thing. £20 Vivanco 3 x Stereo phono in 1 x Stereo Phono out passive mixer £ 11.29 Lexicon Lambada Interface £30 Postage at cost
  14. I am sitting at home on half term and doing some recording and sorting out. I have 3 DI boxes and two preamps sitting in front of me. I am NOT going to get into the ins and outs of which is which because I am not into dissing anyone's kit. However the price differential is frankly ENORMOUS here. I mean REALLY MASSSIVE!!!!! Is the sound different? For me, on one of them yes. For the rest they are really much of a muchness. The bass is a Korean MTD with an Armstrong pickup in it. It has very dead strings on it and the tone is rolled halfway off. The gain on the interface has been adjusted so that the recording level is there or thereabouts.
  15. Everthing was as it should be
  16. On all fronts. Why is it left to musicians to get this stuff heard?
  17. Also features suprisingly good on board mic for throwing ideas down quickly. Inputs on breakout cable. All works as it should.
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