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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Mac only - will NOT work with Windows because there are no drivers for it. I am running it on Catalina so no driver issues. Very small, but very capable 1 in / stereo out audio/recording interface. Very nice but I am no longer using it.
  2. I bet she does not get 66% of the fee. But she makes a really good rhythm section. I am thinking of doing something similar in Church but using piezo triggers into our electric kit. I have been considering it for a few years now. No rush.
  3. Possibly a guy called Chris Winter who seemed to drop into the gap Pino left when he moved on from Cardiff.
  4. This came out of my Chinese Fender Maurader. More than your humbucker.
  5. Schoolboy error. If you had advertised that as chambered then the cool kids would have been all over it like a bad rash and you could have charged double for it!
  6. Owen


    If they were available through Amazon I would probably have bought one already. I love the option to return.
  7. Fraid not. I strung a dinged one BEAD today and we shall see.
  8. Realer is more of a word than my progress
  9. I cannot document what I have. What would happen if my wife saw them together?
  10. I had a 410XLT and drove it with 2.5Kw power amp. It was a happy place.
  11. I did a rehearsal tonight with a borowed QSC KW112 as backline and I did wonder why I bother with anything bigger. If I was looking for a new amp or cab I would be struggling to look past PA cabs by now. PA tech is way more advanced than 95% of bass cab tech and the bass cabs that do match PA tech cost the same for passive cabs as PA cabs that come with built in power amp tuned and DSPd to suit. The QSC K12.2 even has a bass preamp setting to plug straight in.
  12. I have more basses than I need. I have two 4 strings that I NEVER play in anger, both nitro paint and well beaten up. But the pleasure I get from picking them up and noodling while not having to worry about donking the chair or desk or belt or whatever is a thing of joy. The 5 strings I use are all "newer" and posh and I really miss not having to worry about donking them. It almost makes me want to string one up BEAD and dump the rest. Proper 1st world problems.
  13. Owen


    I am wobbling on the edge here...........
  14. Sadness. The Boss pedal dose sustain remarkably well, but the FI leaves the rest of it behind.
  15. We live in the golden age of lutherie.
  16. Any idea when the sustain function will happen?
  17. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    I fired it up and messed with it. The polyphonic nature of it makes it quite forgiving of sloppy playing. It tracks well all the way to bottom. The arpeggiator is lots of fun, but with no tap tempo option I cannot see how I can use it in the real world. I had hoped that aspect would replace my Boss Slicer. It wont. There is a movable filter doobrie on it but that is universal so if it is set for one sound it is set for everything so that is not so great. The sounds are fine. The sustain pedal function is the bomb. The lack of tweakability which is programmable means it is not for me.
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