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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I think I have misled you slightly. I will not actually be doing the hardcore woodwork myself. I have a local woodworker online for the tricky routing etc. Christine has said she is happy to offer advice and perhaps do things which are way way way beyond me.
  2. I have a hankering for a Jabba mini bass. I played one at a Bassbash. It was proper lush. I have a hankering for a Ritter Princess Isabella - sadly, finances say no. I have had a hankering to build an instrument for the past 30 years. I have very poor woodworking skills. I mean VERY poor. I could tell you all about woodwork classes in school, but I am not proud of it. At least I learnt to measure twice and cut once. Eventually. All these things are coming to a head and I am going in. I am documenting it so that I actually have to do it. Because I have a bad habit of dreaming and not doing. I will need a LOT of guidance. I want a convex front and a concave back. I have watched lots of videos on carving the front of a LP with a router and orbital sander and decided that I could not. On Sunday we went to a food fair and there was a guy selling large wood turned plates. It crossed my mind that a body blank could be "turned". Convex on front, concave on the back. Once that is done I could cut the body shape out of the big bowl. The circumference could be the bottom of the instrument. I would need to be very careful with center body depth so as to give the hardware somewhere to live. But the sides could be quite slim. I like that. I am aware that the geometry could be challenging. What are the reasons this way of carving would not work?
  3. Find any social media they have and get all over it like a bad rash.
  4. So I could use a Source Audio Hub and my Ernie Ball vol pedal with a Y lead to turn it into an expression pedal? It would be the biggest sustain pedal in the world, but could also (on other patches) open and close filters? I have so much to learn and such a propensity to expensively get it wrong.
  5. Thanks. Something to look forward to then Could you offer any guidance as to what extra hardware I will need?
  6. Thanks QM. Is this a magic new feature in V3 or available now. All I am interested in doing is holding down single notes. What do I need to make this happen?
  7. The SY-1 does sustain. Is there any way of persuading the FI to? Obv it will need an external doobrie.
  8. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    <sigh> I might have to have one.
  9. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    So you break my heart by telling me it will not SL20 but then pique my interest again by telling me it will sustain?
  10. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    ARP section. Does this means it does Boss SL-20 slicer stuff?
  11. I would like this if it is still available. PMd
  12. The felt mutes on old Jazzes had a very cool sound. Different from foam on a P. No idea how to make a removable set up though. Any thoughts?
  13. I have also just sold a bass to John. He is clearly having an exciting year. It was all fabulous, but you knew that anyway.
  14. Audio interface. I paid. It arrived. Everything was fabulous.
  15. Eddie and Renaud (1st name terms we are on) both have lighter strings and lower actions. I do not know how yours is set up, but this is a large factor, especially if your right hand is not DB conditioned. Obv, they are both monster players and that never hurts.
  16. I have no idea what the thread is, but a Crown Macrotech would make you not want for any other power stage ever. I gigged with something similar for a couple of years. It was sublime.
  17. In fresh news, most of the knobs are now available again. I am afraid that the nice ones with rubber washers are now on my bass.
  18. Owen

    Boss SY-1

    I need to get one of those things for my glasses.
  19. Technology marches on. The midi implementation was fine and dandy, I just did not care for the host instrument.
  20. Been there, done that. It was going to be the bass to end all basses (like every bass I buy). It did what it did very well, but was not for me as a straight bass guitar so out the door it went (like every bass I buy). They were not SUPER rare so there must be some languishing around somewhere.
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