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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Classic sound editing when the volume of the bass stays the same but the speaking voices sound a bit far away and compressed.
  2. I have now exhausted my knowledge. You need to be asking these questionss in the Build Diaries forun. That is where the grownups hang out.
  3. I cannot believe I managed to answer that. I am such a wood whisperer.
  4. Danish will darken it in the same as water would.
  5. Owen

    Zoom B1 Four

    But if it is the Spectracomp in there then it is SO much more. I LURVE my Spectracomp.
  6. Owen

    Zoom B1 Four

    Smells like a Spectradrive to me!
  7. I went a bit disco octaves this morning and instantly regretted it, but I had to keep going because you cannot commit to a line and then change it halfway through the second bar.
  8. Oooooooft! Sparkling orange so pretty!
  9. I am 98% certain your Bolin has an onboard preamp so no specialist inputs needed. Open up the control cavity plate on the back and there should be a big circuit board with Fishman on it in there. There is in mine. Also if there is a battery slot it will be preamped. Congrats, they are lovely basses.
  10. I was reading this thinking that I never get a bargain and then remembered that I bought my dot and bound 66 Jazz for £400 in 1987.
  11. I have dropped Come as you are into every gig I possibly can for the last 20 years.
  12. Rickie Lee Jones is playing. What more could anyone ask for? BRX is correct in his appraisal of grimness though.
  13. I believe Mr MPU does everything himself.
  14. It is that one. I am in North Wales.
  15. There are a couple of songs we do at Church which lend themselves to Angel -Shaggy and Forget You - Cee lo Green. Just don't ask which ones because I can never remeber.
  16. I would pay very good money to be able to write and play his solo on the Baby thing song they did 8.5 years ago (!!!!!!!!). However, I am at peace with the fact that that is never ever going to happen.
  17. Weighs in at 8lbs and has 18mm spacing at the bridge.
  18. It is a 35" scale, it has a fully adjustable truss rod. If it had a "big name" on the headstock (I know!) then it would be twice the price and you would still be very happy with your purchase. I could plumb another pickup in there but my days of extreme messing are well over. I will measure spacing tonight but at a guess 18mm. Did I mention it was very light? The B is just like the rest of the strings. In a good way. I am more than happy to ship anywhere at your cost. Marko, if you are reading this, you make an exceptionally fine instrument. Every time I look at it I want to kèep it but possession for possession's sake is not very healthy.
  19. I am a bass tart. I will go with any pretty bass. There, I said it. I saw this and I had to try it. It was made in Finland by a guy who seems to build one off basses when he fancies it. It has a Carbon fibre neck, some lovely, lovely wood on the body, a Wal-alike pickup, an ACG/East filter preamp and a Piezo bridge. It is very light and is someone's bass for life. I wanted it to be mine but it was not to be. Buying it has just confirmed for me that I like 33" scale basses with two magnetic pickups. I could route this for another pickup. If I was monumentaly stupid. So I wont. There is nothing wrong with it. It is just not my flavour. I went to the bassbash last weekend and tried a gazillion basses and just came to the conclusion that for now 33" and 2 magnetic pickups is where it is at for me so no matter how much I want to posses this bass I will always pick other ones up first. I cannot keep things just cos they are nice. Price is firm and fully insured shipping will be added. I do not NEED to sell it so will enjoy it while it is here. I am not open to offers or trades. You will never see another of these. Mr MPU never seems to repeat himself. If this combination of spec floats your boat then this will REALLY float your boat. It is lovely, lovely, lovely.
  20. Now THAT is bargain. I used to have a 6x10. They are remarkably easy to move around considering what they deliver. And they deliver everything you would imagine.
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