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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Is that a GE300 for £299 in you local shop? I cannot find any for sale anywhere.
  2. I am all over that like a bad rash. Put me down for one when the time comes. Thanks
  3. I am lazy but because someone else has done all the hard work I spun through all the spectracomp tone prints. No no no no no no yes no no yes no no. But the yes is very yes for me. YMMV. I have one in Church and one at home. I guess I could have my stock sound on one and the NY double compression thing on the other. I must try that.
  4. I had clocked that as well. If it can capture amp tones properly I will be fighting quite hard to not get one.
  5. I also have no idea why I have so many of these. Want my junk you know you do. Price = posted
  6. Our ultimate killswitch. The Murder One Triple Killswitch can stutter your signal, kill it completely, and then bring it back to life with a momentary “unkill” switch. It’s the last and only killswitch you’ll ever need. I totally needed a killswitch which did it all. I now cannot remember why. Take my junk. price to your door.
  7. It would be lush! I would have a J and a P, a 5 string J and 5 string P, a Tele, a Jaguar and a ....... ummm....... just 1 of everything Happy days
  8. We probably all need to get out more!
  9. I did some work where they were provided once. They were nice, but when one was not working and they put me into a big sidefill. I heard an extra octave of low frequency extension. That was when I stopped craving an SVT
  10. Is that Flanker's old bass?
  11. I came here to be excited about Bravewood freebies
  12. All the info is here I bought it from Steve but had a radical re-apraisal of the bass it was destined for so no longer need it. I have not even unpacked it. I am not sure how I managed to up the price by a 5er. Ignore that. £105 posted.
  13. The irony is that the East Pre I picked up here last week before plugging into the TC now seems redundant!
  14. Surprisingly easy to move around. More than a match for anything else on stage. Just air shifting goodness.
  15. Actually my 4th set of plugs with 3 different audiologists and even then I actually had to ask for it last time.
  16. I know in theory that this should be in FX but bear with me. I have a Korean MTD - it is ridiculously comfy and light. I got a new pickup custom wound for it becuase I cannot leave things alone.The response is a bit weedy really. I put it through a TC Spectracomp in Church tonight and the difference was astounding. It was full and throaty and superbly balanced all the way from the bottom to the top. And they are dirt cheap. Do yourself a favour.
  17. I had my new ear moulds done before Christmas. I have often wondered about how the ear canal changes when you smile. So I asked the audiologist if I should smile when the moulds were being made. She said "no, but there is a specific thing that you can use to keep your mouth open while the stuff sets in your ears". This makes the seal of the moulds better. This is my 3rd set of moulds and easily the best yet. The seal is excellent. Do it. Just make sure you have a tissue cos things can get a little drippy from your mouth after you have kept it open and immobile with a wedge between your teeth for 2 minutes +.
  18. DB "standard" technique does not exist in the same way as Violin/Viola/'cello does. It only got the 4th string as a standard towards the end of the 19thC. You can use 124 fingering, you can use 1234 fingering. You can go German bow or French bow. You can stand or sit. Or start the gig standing but sit down for the 16 chorus sax solo. Do what works for you. Playing the DB is incredibly physical. It is going to hurt at the beginning. There is no way around it.
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