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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am digging Carlo a lot. I am going to buy his music now.
  2. To make it worse, it did not actually work when I got it up on the fridge. The good news is that they gave me a spare full range side fill which was quite something with a 41" scale bottom B on an NS5 EUB.
  3. It is knackered but might be repairable. Hefty discount if nothing else.
  4. I lifted an SVT once. Only once though.
  5. I still remember the sound I got biamping one of these into a Turbosound prototype 2x15 + 2 x 10 + horn. It was proper lush.
  6. I will take this couriered if it is still there.
  7. I have been thinking about this and they really should be 7/8 or even 3/4 size so we could look like the great man himself when we play them.
  8. I have the Felix. It buffers my piezo DB pickup better than anything else I have tried. And I have tried LOTS of things.
  9. I have NO possible use for the first jazz but want it because I could make a replica of the first bass which caught my eye in a live situation 35 years ago. I need to get a grip.
  10. From the days when drum kits were proper drum kits. 3 floor toms.
  11. I bought 3. It would have been rude not to.
  12. Brian Downey! Brian Downey on drums! One of the unsung heroes. Lovely flowing playing.
  13. TBF Steve Jordan is not hurting anything either.
  14. Pino is a machine. I have been enjoying him for years. I have always known he is a machine. I just played " Who did you think I was". Pino is a machine.
  15. Thanks Dave, this looks a lot more interesting than what is on TV at the moment. I am off to play. Editing for clarity - that looks like a backhanded compliment, I mean it as anything but.
  16. Nac ydw, mae coffi yn sur ac yn ffiaidd. Ond dwi yn hoffi amledd isel!
  17. Gallai ofyn yn Gymraeg os byddai hynny yn gwneud pethau yn haws.
  18. These are not brand spanking new, but also not old and tired. They have plenty of life left in them.
  19. I have a set of Innovations which served me well. I am almost certain that they are Honeys. They are not in the prime of their youth but have some life in them yet. I probably did not need to change them, but I did so here they are.
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