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Everything posted by Owen

  1. 40 hours max playing time. Not my flavour.
  2. Yes! And a little bit of sadness inside - the type you have when you know you have no use for something but you like to come back and look at it because ........maybe .............
  3. I am clearing. I have amassed a collection of 9 fat strings which I have been keeping for ............ umm ....................there was this thing ................ Anyway, that time is clearly over. They are essentially .120 or above B or lower strings. I cannot tell you what they all are, but there are several super fat bottom F# type doobries in there (Kallium if anyone cares). If they have been strung up at all (3 of them) it was only for as long as it took me to get a headache trying to deal with an extra string beneath B - possibly 5 hours playing time. Mess with super LF without paying over the odds.
  4. Other than my wife's Christmas cake, my dad's Christmas Trifle and Esther's Banoffee Pie, very little (that I want to discuss in public) makes me happier than extended LF. Obviously all good things need to be used in moderation and very carefully. I have not always managed this which explains my weight - both physical and tonewise on occasion. The space proper bottom end needs to breath means that it is impossible to monitor what is hitting the punters between the eyes when you are onstage, so yes, very careful set up and monitoring is imperative. BUT, all these things considered - a properly crossed-over sub will take over the heavy lifting from a cab on a pole kind of cab and will increase the headroom for those louder gigs. I am not sitting here saying everyone should get a sub, and in 98% of situations it would be superfluous. But the other 2% are lots of fun
  5. I recently bought a 6 string EUB with the intention of fretting it and stringing it F# to G. This is an itch I have been wanting to scratch for about 20 years. Could anyone suggest a luthier who would be stupid skilled enough to take on such a task?
  6. A sub will provide extended LF goodness which might or might not be a good thing. What it will also do is provide more headroom. Whether more headroom is needed is a point for debate.
  7. I used to resemble that remark a long time ago. Mackie SRM 450 top and SRS something or other 15" sub. I am sure the punters were drowning in extended LF, but I cannot deny it - I was having a great time.
  8. Peaches. Especially if that song is innapropriate for the venue. Most people are clueless, but there is always at least one person who will get it.
  9. A guitarist I work with bought a Fano. Then he sold his Custom Shop Strat and his Gold Top LP. And he has no regrets.
  10. D tuners are the bomb. I have them on everything (and that is too many). I even have one on my DB.
  11. People will pay it. Why would they not sell it at that price then?
  12. Ha! Bows! A whole new world of GAS pain. I have played on some REALLY nice bows (thousands and thousands of £) and it is like someone is doing the work for you. Bonkers.
  13. These are more fun than anyone knows. It can turn you into a machine. In a good way.
  14. I went once. It was GRIM. Proof that no one should ever go to a festival where the weather is not 90% guaranteed good. It was beyond awful.
  15. No. You get access to BC Gold. Apparently.
  16. Hyperbole on the internet!!!!!11!!!! If only I had been aware of such a phenomenon. FWIW I enjoyed his playing. Nice and fluid.
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