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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am not here to comment on the bass, but I would LOVE to get my hands on some wooden machine head buttons like that.
  2. Yep, one of these would be massive overkill (not that that has stopped me before). I was looking for a blue tooth mouse idea but had not actually put 2 and 2 together. Thanks
  3. I like to read in bed on my kindle app on my phone. In a perfect world I would have my phone on a bracket and be able to turn pages with a little bluetooth hand held page turner. Does such a thing exist. I am aware that I am approaching extreme levels of laziness here. Feel free to judge me, I just do not care.
  4. I also wish I kept my G5. I have a Future Impact which is superb. The G5 was a lovely piece of kit and a different flavour of great.
  5. My pianist spent a solid year trying to bring a percussionist he had met at a party in the mountains to gig with us. We just said no expecting a bloke with a dog and one bongo. He eventually persuaded us. I will not get all name droppy here cos that is tedious. Suffice to say he was from the absolutely very top drawer. We had a lovely time.
  6. I use a YOUROCK game controler guitar sometimes. Midi in on USB. Hours of fun. Plectrum and slight technique change, but it is a different instrument. I would expect to.
  7. I suspect that to access it properly you would be better off using a guitar as a trigger and whacking the synth down an ovtave. Those low notes are tricky to read and translate. Believe me, I have tried.
  8. It is only still here because I am showing remarkable restraint!
  9. Right, I have never really done the FX thing but I have a Neunaber Slate which gives me a shimmer thang which is lovely on arco DB work as well as giving me super long reverbs so that I can set up pads. The reverb has "infinite" tails so I can drop in and out of it while playing "dry" as well. I would also like to do the Strymon Big Sky Chorale thing. Can the Helix family bring me all in one FX joy?
  10. I have no Supertwin experience (but I am sure they are fabulous) - however when I have experienced underwhelmingossity in my backline story it is the amp rather than the cab.
  11. I have some graphtec saddles if anyone is interested......
  12. On the offchance these have not gone I will take them.
  13. I bought a B3n thinking it would have the same sounds. It did not. So that went back. I will buy another. Or maybe something else. You know how it is.
  14. The RBV has gone but there is a German Warwick double $$ 5 string for £499 there. It could do with respray but if you are not bothered then it is an awful lot of bass for the money. Some nice guitars there as well!
  15. Even if it has gone I think we should be allowed to see it
  16. To be fair, that freaked me out completely and I flogged it.
  17. Also on here as MPU. Did I mention how attractive that bass is? It is just as well I live far away from you.
  18. Make sure you get used to them, becaue not using them will mean you will have to stop playing sooner than you want to.
  19. No, really, that is PROPER lush.
  20. I used to sing in a choir with Bryn Terfel. I passed on a few tips to him. Other than that, singing 4 part harmony is entirely integral to anything else I have ever done musically. I started in chapel wanting to sing the lines my dad was singning. I did not have the correct "equipment" to reach those low notes at the time but it was the beginning of my lifelong love affair with the low frequencies.
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