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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I will get onto that but it will be later on in the week cos the beginning of the week is a bit full
  2. Bump. I sold this. And then bought it back. But I am just not using it and have other projects which need my attention. By now strung with Kala metal strings and the flobabdob strings are in the case.
  3. Ah well, it was exciting while it lasted
  4. You are, of course, correct. I shall go and edit the title now.
  5. I am SO not of a techy mindset. The hours of my life that I wasted trying to configure soundcards on PCs still make me sad. I have only had to configure stuff on Macs a couple of times - but their prices are INSANE. I could honestly do all I need on a computer on a £249 netbook - apart from Logic. Talk me through Logic on Linux?
  6. https://issuu.com/janberendsen/docs/british_bassmakers
  7. I have played or owned most of what is out there (not bragging, I am just a sad, obsessive git). I have landed on Shuker and not moved for many years now.
  8. I have an Uberhorn. It is very lovely. It is rock solid. I would not suspect that this is anything other than sad times for one specific instrument. Absolutely gutting for the OP, obviously
  9. Just so that you all know, I am showing quite remarkable restraint in not making a comment here.
  10. I live quite a sheltered life. I went to see it not realising it was a musical. I quite like playing them. Watching them? Not so much.
  11. I guess shouty is me trying to say pushing too hard in the upper mid, or a bit too strident. But this was really only in an a/b situation, and on it's own in a live situation it would have been fine and dandy. To further clarify, the K12 was fine but the KW12 was a bit more refined. I would be more than happy to have a K12.
  12. Rectangular with stickers for instant cred.
  13. Nononononononononononono I would LOVE to see both of them. In no way was I being sarcastic. I was suggesting that getting to see a couple of Wals would be very excellent. I was attempting subtle humour. I clearly failed. Sorry if you took offence, I was attempting the opposite.
  14. I had an interesting afternoon. I was doing a scratch choir of 250 voices singing the Welsh national anthem in a reggae stylee with 200 people playing perc on Garage Band on iPads. It was a crazy ride. Anyway, I took a QSC KW12 from work with me and there was a QSC K12 there so I did an a/b with them. The KW was significantly heavier. But it was nicer. The reality is that either would have been lots of fun, but the KW was less shouty than the K. Shall I have a change of rig? Perhaps.
  15. I went to buy a Hercules one online so that I could send it back if it was not for me and one of the reviews said "not for Jazz basses". Ho hum.
  16. North Wales Masiv on manouvers. Or something. I will pick you up somewhere on the A55.
  17. I have an Ultimate stand at the moment, which is great, but it is all a bit "sticky out" of the main pocket on my gig bag. Any suggestions?
  18. That is some very honest wood. In a good way. Less sometimes is so much more.
  19. I fully intend to roll over to this. I might bring @Christine and @Jimothey with me. They know nothing about this idea.
  20. For the irony impaired, that was me being ironic.
  21. Eboclive wins the prize for the least enticing offer ever!
  22. That's nothing. A needle on grooved plastic and sound comes out? THAT is bonkers.
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