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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am looking into the Dyspraxia issue this morning. We are running into the fact that recording with a distorted sound makes it harder to stay in time because it seems like the more Aural stimulation there is the more rhythmically disctracted the student gets. Interesting.
  2. If you are reading this (yes, you) and thinking "I will get earplugs when I am older" then do yourself a favour and get them now. Hearing damage happens over time. When you notice it, then it is too late. Take it from ALL of us who did not do it right.
  3. It is what it is. It is not going to get better, but you can stop it getting worse. You can also let it get much worse. It is time for a lifestyle change. It sucks, but it is what it is.
  4. I suspect you are correct, but it was an exciting idea. I guess I will just have to install a proper old-school induction loop. Ho-hum.
  5. In my very limited understanding, dyspraxia can be physical (spatial awareness and cordination etc etc) and also inside the head (judgement of how much time a task will take etc etc). The response to music seems no more idiosyncratic than anyone else.
  6. What is hugely frustrating for one of them is that he is a technically proficient guitarist, he has a full chord knowledge and REALLY wants it. But we cannot nail the rhythmic aspect down.
  7. I also teach. My present challenge is getting pupils who are dyspraxic to "hear" rhythm. It has beaten me Not all pupils who are dyspraxic cannot hear rhythm, obviously. But I have two who are and just cannot hear it. I have discussed it on the board before but would welcome any further input. Sorry, not trying to derail - but they do sit under the same umberalla, so to speak.
  8. G in a chord of C is not the same as G in a chord of Eb - in the classical world.
  9. I installed one in Church ages ago and it is fine. We had a service in a different room at Church this evening and I clearly need to install one there. Can I just put a beefy Bluetooth transmitter in and get multiple people to "log in" to it or will Bluetooth only pair one at a time? TIA
  10. I am sourcing a "dead" guitar body to experiment on as we type!
  11. Yep, that is what I figured, but I am not messing with copper sheet, that would be a whole different ball game. I know my limits!
  12. I fancy the idea of anodising the copper at various parts just to give it a very faint reliced vibe - where relicing might happen, but just a faint glow of different colour. I love those green/blue/aquamarine hues. When I have seen people doing this they have sanded the copper and put salt on it before leaving it to sit in Amonia fumes. Can I sand copper leaf? Am I even asking this in the right part of the internet?
  13. I have a bass that I like a lot but do not dig the finish. I am considering options. One look I have liked in the past is copper leaf. It looks like something even I could manage if I go for the textured look. I would need someone to put a clear coat on it. In this video Ben (1st name terms) suggests that I could just slap it on over an existing finish. If I did this then I would need a clear coat as well and I would worry that it would be another thick layer of resonance inhibiting stuff. Or would it?
  14. I have always found a bit of quilt to be underwhelming. But a LOT of quilt is fabulous.
  15. Chrome plating on plastic is GO! http://www.invictavac.com/
  16. I am thinking of turning a bass I have into a Gretsch Silver Sparkle Jet-alike. I would put up a pic but am on my phone and cannot.
  17. I am not allowed around tools without adult supervision.
  18. My exciting whiling away the time mod project for today needs chrome covers for EMG 40 size pickups. Am I the only person in the world needing these or do they exist?
  19. Why am I even asking anyone else about GAS related matters when I am constantly floating in a cloud of it?
  20. You have a bass which provides "sheer weight of presence of the Uberhorn is something I’ve just not experienced before.." and you want an alternative?
  21. The TL forum is great cos you can actually audition the patches which are on there through your rig but without downloading them. Very clever.
  22. The one on the 60 thing was great because if you put it to 0 pitch shift but heavily balanced to the fx you got a thick sound which was not a bass guitar but tracked exceptionally well and was a different flavour. I had hoped to get this from other much more expensive boutique pedals but never managed it. The 60 did it with aplomb. I HATED changing patches on it so flogged it but I think I will have to suck it up. My guess is that the B3n is going back.
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