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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Blah blah blah weight blah tone blah blah. Get a grip everyone. Matching black headstock trumps everything.
  2. No, you will be enhancing an already beautiful thing. The only time I ever comissioned an instrument I had promised myself not to have LEDs. I caved within 5 seconds of having the option put to me. Side dots. They were superb. I still miss them. If I had a fingerboard off any of my basses I would be LEDing faster than you could say knife.
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I have found the answer - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bohemian-BG15SWB-Surf-Wax-Tin-Bass-Guitar-BO-HE-WA-X4-/223119679886?oid=323527488026
  4. James knows wood - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/525057740/immaterial-contemporary-wood-sculpture?ref=related-4
  5. Come on down James. Nice clean website by the way.
  6. On the topic of headstocks, I think it looks fine. As pointed out, an original headstock is super difficult to achieve and I have seen many which just do not work. This one does for me.
  7. Is it worth the man himself signing up and joining the thread?
  8. I like the Fdeck. It turns any amp into a DB amp.
  9. I have now looked at the pictures. They are yummy. Ergonomics are go! Clearly a bloke who respects wood. An on/off switch would be one thing I would want somewhere. I could live without other things, but not that. I will be VERY interested to see how they develop. Scale lengths are something for him to think about.
  10. Howlett.mp3 Metal strings, tone open. Metal strings tone rolled off. Flobbadobb strings tone open. Flobbadobb strings tone rolled off. Any intonation issues on the Flobbadobb strings are due to them just having been put on and they take more time to settle than they had.
  11. 1. jebroad 2. Len_Derby 3. Jabba_the_gut 4. Spondonbassed - Hohner B2A 5. Andyjr1515 6. Jimothey 7. Mojo 8. Owen
  12. Jon is coming to the Midlands Bass Bash next year. I am looking forward to just shaking his hand and thanking him for the one and a half Shukers I own.
  13. As in could I install all my apple software on it and upgrade and stuff or is the app store going to be sniffy about it?
  14. Can someone expand on the Hackintosh theme? My iMac is getting mature and I have no desire to drop 4 figures on a replacement when the time comes. Do Hackintoshes actually work?
  15. Macs do just work. But they should for that kind of money.
  16. I will get onto that but it will be later on in the week cos the beginning of the week is a bit full
  17. Bump. I sold this. And then bought it back. But I am just not using it and have other projects which need my attention. By now strung with Kala metal strings and the flobabdob strings are in the case.
  18. Ah well, it was exciting while it lasted
  19. You are, of course, correct. I shall go and edit the title now.
  20. I am SO not of a techy mindset. The hours of my life that I wasted trying to configure soundcards on PCs still make me sad. I have only had to configure stuff on Macs a couple of times - but their prices are INSANE. I could honestly do all I need on a computer on a £249 netbook - apart from Logic. Talk me through Logic on Linux?
  21. https://issuu.com/janberendsen/docs/british_bassmakers
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