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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have a friend who has fried his http://www.axiomproaudio.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=3489 . The magic smoke came out. Could anyone point me in the direction of a re-cone or is it just gone and new driver o'clock? TIA
  2. Owen

    Zoom MS60B question

    Thanks everyone. So the B3N is upgraded sonically from the MS-60B but has the same FX? Sorry, I know I am being tedious.
  3. I had one. I liked it. I could not get on with the switching. But I liked the noises it made and the editor made it easy for me cos editing on small screens makes me queasy. Is the B3N driven by the same engine? Everyone else prob knows the answer already. TIA
  4. The whole band are on it really, but what the bassist is doing is very subtle. I actually missed a lot of it the first few run throughs cos of the fireworks elsewhere, but repeated listening has made it all clear. Very understated but very right for the gig.
  5. You make some of the basses in my head. In a good way.
  6. Supporting and yet doing his own thing.
  7. You hadn't thought of it? Pre CBS restorations are THE BEST!
  8. Obviously we need the whole process documented in technicolour.
  9. I am honestly not sure where he is. I know he has moved within the last year. http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/page7.html
  10. Owen

    Dual preamp

    There was a UL502 + 2x12 cab going for £750 last week. Just bargainous.
  11. I do not WANT to appear stupid, but feel that I am about to. I have 4 wires to play with here (green, yellow, brown and white) and cannot seem to make sense of the link you provided Matt. Could you make it REALLY obvious which one I want. My poor wife has to put up with this behaviour all the time Thanks
  12. Thanks Matt, I will present the technician at work with this new info and see if the magic will happen
  13. Very yes. Remind me how you are hoping to string it? I have a 5 string Uke bass which is vaguely the same scale strung with Kala nylon core/metal wrap strings. I am at standard bass guitar pitch. The only issue is I do not think there is enough metal in them to interest a magnetic pickup.
  14. If I was anywhere near Wimbledon I would be all over this like a bad rash.
  15. Hmmmmm..... on reflection, by the time I have posted them to yur man OBBM or just bought a replacement lead I will be nearly £40 into a new pair of DT770s @ £100 odd so I think I will bite the bullet and splash the cash. The ear velvet things are a bit loose as well so........ But thanks for your contributions which have helped focus my thought process
  16. You are very wise. I will drop it in the post.
  17. I have a pair of DT250 cans. They are old but have plenty of life left in them. However the jack plug has died (it is moulded so there is no way in). I am now back to the bare cable and there are 4 wires in there. How does that translate into stereo? How do I wire that up? Be gentle with me. Thanks
  18. For me the whole Mingus thing is a bit like Monk. A lot of what Monk plays is pretty out there (and I am not talking about "outside" harmony), but it works just because it is him playing. Someone else playing the same notes would not work. It is as if what he is saying trancends the actual music. I am aware that this would qualify for pseuds corner, but that is how I hear it. And again, it is just as well that there is something for everyone. For the record, I think Rhubarb is wrong. And sprouts.
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