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Everything posted by Owen

  1. There is something for everyone out there, as we all agree. What does it for me here is the vibe.
  2. As easy as you could possibly hope for.
  3. Korean MTD - It was not shifting on here years ago. it went down to £180 and I bought it on a punt. The loveliest neck, lightweight and wears TI Jazz Rounds exceedingly well. Nothing not to love. There was one in the Gallery last time I was in for £299. I nearly bought it.
  4. I had LeBlond make me a lead box once. They made me one to my size. I often thought of getting them to make me a case for a smaller instrument.
  5. Contego for me. I knocked mine over the other day. I did not flinch because I knew it was protected. I know I am late, but just putting it here for reference.
  6. Ta. Just picked one up for that price. Rude not to.
  7. One of the long term posters stripped a 5 string one. It looked great.
  8. And if you are self employed on a low wage then the Tories just stopped the National Insurance cut they promised 2 years ago. And if we had an opposition with half a clue they would be creaming the present government. Sorry to derail your thread dood. I hope UPS pull their finger out and do what they have been paid to do.
  9. This. We have remarkably high employment. But a LOT of the jobs suck badly. You would not catch Cameron/Osbourne and their ilk (because it is them who have created it) doing work like this. Ban me for being political, I don't care. And the aforementioned politicians do not either.
  10. With a Meris preset switch so that you can switch between 4 sounds.
  11. I play 5 string DB, EUB, Plank and Uke. I like that low B. I have no trouble incorporating it. I am not dismissing anyone else's experience, just throwing in the concept that they are out there and completely usable. I even had an Innovation Rockabilly low B made. That was an expensive job. I did not keep it as it re-defined the concept of "dull thud". I think that modding the Stagg is just chucking money away (I have a lot of experience of doing that), and having the strings that close together would be a nightmare. I would suggest that you put the call out (as you kind of have) for a 5 string EUB local to you and go and mess with it.
  12. Curvy like a sucked boiled sweet. In a good way.
  13. Refresh, refresh, refresh. The joy of watching the progress of a courier.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. discreet


      Unless you're watching him put your parcel into someone else's wheelie bin.

    3. Dood


      @discreet - I once had to call a courier back to my house because he’d put my parcel in a wheelie bin. Sure enough, he’d put it in someone else’s. 

      Thankfully it wasn’t bin day, but I feel sure I read of the same situation on BC where it was bin day and it was also too late to rescue the parcel at the intended destination. 🤔

      Couriers. Not filling people with confidence.

    4. TheGreek


      Using a Courier is becoming a religious experience nowadays...."Oh God"...

  14. Thanks Andres. I have dropped you a PM.
  15. PP gift means you do not pay fees. You get all the coin. It ia a good thing. I am happy to do either. Or a bank transfer.
  16. Good technique can make not nice strings sound ok, but good technique and nice strings means you don't have to be thinking about your strings. This gives you headspace to count the correct amount of bars rest or try and decipher what the conductor actually wants.
  17. And then I flogged it. But thanks everyone for humoring me!
  18. I have been keeping this for the right occasion. Why? Good nick + velcro!
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