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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Dood did a great video. I had no idea this pedal existed. I shall now buy one.
  2. That is a Very Yes from me!
  3. He is lying! They are the yummuest! Heinously expensive though
  4. It has been up before so he might well be up for an off ebay fee saving offer.
  5. It looks like TC have come up with an answer. Butcher your USB lead with a Stanley knife. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8u7rrnieqkn491i/Modding the USB connector for the HOF mini FAQ.pdf?dl=0 Hmmmmmmm.........
  6. It's the HOF mini. Can zap stuff in off my phone but (unusually for me) I actually know what sound I want and want to edit it myself. Pretty frustrating it is.
  7. Sadly no mac to USB power magic
  8. I am open to suggestions of which PSU or USB lead to buy to actually make this happen. Ta.
  9. I have a TC Spectracomp which floats my boat. I want to mess with some spacey reverb (maaaan) on my Double Bass bowed harmonics. So I picked up a TC HOF on Ebay ready to edit it to the setting I want and then leave it. The USB slot is so close to the Power socket that I cannot have USB and power plugged in at the same time. My sides are hurting from laughing so much. Just hilarious. There is plenty of room on the spectracomp. Ho ho ho. Why is nothing easy?
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222841375886?ul_noapp=true Clearly it is a Bravewood, but not what we expect to see when we search for Bravewood. It does look like a lot of bass for the money though!
  11. Thread ressurection! I am looking for that parallel/NY thing. But I just want to load it in. Don't make me programme. It makes my head hurt. Can anyone tell me what preset programme I need to chuck into it? TIA
  12. Try TI Jazz Rounds. They are proper lush. You could also tune everything down a tone and capo on the 2nd fret for floppy goodness.
  13. Owen

    obbm's feedback

    Fabuloush, Mish Moneypenny.
  14. Thanks Ped, I really enjoyed that. It makes me want to get one, mount it onto a guitar (wait, don't judge me!), and turn it into a bass with bottom f#.
  15. He probably does not have to have a day job. He probably does have at least 2 weeks solid rehearsal before going out on tour. He probably stays in nice hotels on tour. His children will probably never NEED to work. All this and more from the most fickle industry of them all. He is doing ok.
  16. All are welcome. DB/EUB or no DB/EUB. Bob, I'm sure one of us can ferry you over.
  17. So many lovely basses out there. So many ........ unpleasing headstocks. I have no positive suggestions, don't get me wrong. But people who can design really nice bodies just miss the spot with the headstock. Or is it just me? Disclaimer - I am stuck in front of Saturday night TV and I am bored. I will also not be pointing out examples of what I mean - nothing to be gained by dissing people on a public forum.
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