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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Ah! I already own this and it has the neckthrough bit which has a different vibe for me (ymmv) and I was wondering how to utilise it. I have dropped the price and it will sell when it will sell. I shall enjoy using it as is until then.
  2. I cannot imagine any bag doing anything that my Contego does not already do.
  3. The QSC 10.2 for smaller stuff but augmented by a K sub for more grunt would be a rig to behold.
  4. Oddly, for a Double Bassist, my fretless history is genuinely awful! The written down thought process has encouraged me to drop the price and shift it. But it was exciting while it lasted!
  5. Yeah, that was what my question was about I guess. I can see how that would de-stabilise it. If I do it then I will be sure to record before and after. By this morning Paulhauser's concept is making more sense! I have thought about pickup placement. Where the pickup is in relation to the string length when you play an open E is different to where it is when you play a fretted G on the E string so I figure it is not a huge deal. My DIY skills are legendary. For the wrong reasons. I could move the bridge but I will not be re-fretting anything ever. By the time I have had it all done inc new fingerboard, I would have dumped quite a lot of money into an unknown outcome. Safer not to when all is said and done. But it was a fun musing as I drifted off to sleep last night Those Overwaters are yummy though. Thanks for humouring me y'all!
  6. Late night bass musings. I have this - It is not shifting. I had a 6 string Overwater. It was a 36" scale and probably the nicest bass I have ever played. I have played a lot of basses. But 6 strings made my head hurt. Just not for me. Obviously there was more about the Overwater than the scale length. But I reckon it was a pretty significant part of the equation. I fancy shifting the bridge on this back as far as possible and refretting it for the given scale length. I am lying in bed at the moment so cannot go down and measure but I could easily hit 36" if not 36.5". Would refretting the fingerboard as it is but with new slots leave it unstable? I might just have a new board on it anyway but I am just musing about possibilities. Like all late mixes which do not sound as good in the morning, I will probably wake up tomorrow and wonder what I was thinking. But this is a bass forum and where else am I going to discuss it? I know moving the bridge will leave holes. I just don't care
  7. This is an awful lot of bass for the money. I have one. It does it all. Low action for huge fretless mwah if that is your vibe. Up the action for a really usable DB vibe. With the flight case it is all you need.
  8. Bump. Trade this for a Strymon Big Sky.
  9. So I went to youtube and got sucked into Strymon Big Sky world. Ouch.
  10. I have a Neunaber Slate v2 which means I can load all the Neunaber FX algorithms into it. I am messing with the reverb. I have it set to infinite, I can set up a sort of chord/cloud of notes with my DB using harmonics and then turn it off but the sound lasts and lasts because the tails carry on. This means I can play over it and still have that cloud in the background. I have NEVER messed with reverb before. Is this something which any old reverb pedal will do for me?
  11. 900w Power Amp in small box https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=bassics&em=1 No idea on specs, but lots of us have muttered about a small footprint power amp.
  12. Any comments about the slicer effect? I used to have a slicer but could not find a use for it live. However this unit is ticking a lot of boxes for me and a decent slicer effect would be the icing on the cake.
  13. I just love the proportions of that last picture!
  14. So, my machine heads have arrived from Kala in the US and I have now posted them and a set of Pahahoes down to Toby. He has reached here. Toby is ready to do the neck once the machine heads land because then he can get the headstock right. Exciting times indeed.
  15. Yeah pretty shocking on my shouting at you about detail when I cannot even spell my name properly
  16. No mention of colour and/or matching headstock. Poor show.
  17. I had a dream last night that I bought this and it came with an extra free IP310. I think I need to get out more.
  18. The UL310 is very yummy. This is as well, but I also have a soft spot for the UL310.
  19. Perhaps it would be a self inflicted way of forcing me to go down to 3 basses. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/173101248323?ul_noapp=true
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