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Everything posted by Owen

  1. How much!? Of course I will play in your party.
  2. Don't fight it. It is like nothing else. Sorry, not helping here.
  3. Yes please. PM me your PP details. Ta.
  4. Doing taxes for 16 17. I know realise that I relied on PMs to track purchases. They are all gone :( Rats.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CameronJ


      Ouch. It shall be my PayPal transfer history that saves the day methinks.

    3. Bigwan


      Didn't you get notification emails for all your PMs?

    4. Owen


      I cannot seem to go back that far in PP and I have long ago deleted  my emails from those days. Live and learn.


  5. I will be bringing a 5 string DB, Felix pre, an F Dedk pre and a Berg IP310 cab. Posibly a tiny DB uke depending on build schedule. I can bring an NS 5 EUB if anyone wants to try one. Will anyone there have a Berg B Amp? I would LOVE to try one.
  6. Anyone coming along with a Bergantino B Amp?
  7. I would speak with the voice of thunder. But if you are looking at this and wondering, then know that they come up 2nd hand once every 5 years. I have tried virtually everything and nothing (for me) comes close to my IP310.
  8. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these. I do not need two of these.
  9. Sorry, no time to trawl through the thread - I am writing reports :(. Reccomomends for moulds for UE900s doobries please. TIA
  10. I inadvertantly picked a 73 Fender P neck and body on here years ago and it had a Jazz width nut on it. It also has the bigliest 70's brass nut on it. I do sometimes wonder about flogging it and getting a Bravewood sunburst to match my Jazz again but then realise that I need to get a grip becaue I don't actually play either of them anyway!
  11. He is building new ones. Approx 1.5K. Resale is solid. Not too much to think about there. I used to own a 63 alike Bravewood P. It scratched exactly the same itch that my 66 Jazz does. I just relised that I do not like P nut widths so it went. It was very lovely though.
  12. We are have reached discussion about where the "stop" on the neck/body join will be. On a DB it is traditionally either where D is on the G string or where Eb is on the G string. Toby usually has the "stop" on the model this is based on at the octave. As someone who is used to a D stop on a DB that would freak me out completely. I get edgy enough moving away from the dusty end as it is but with no safety net of familiar physical clues I would not shift. The problem here is that this puts the whole proportion out of whack - it all gets a bit of a Picasso vibe. All the bits are there but not quite as you expect to see them. Here is a pic of bridge and F hole placement with the octave stop and here is one with the same placement with a D stop I got a bit concerned here but eventually Toby came up with the superb idea of a stepped heel so that I get my D stop reference and then the actual stop is probably the octave. Happy days!
  13. Bongos sound awesome. There is a refinished (metal flake blue) on TB that I would absolutely love.
  14. Bass kazoo, that must be huge. I will never buy a 6 string bass again. It was the nicest bass guitar I have ever played, but it made my head hurt.
  15. .......hmmmmm...... awkward.......... does being busy count as an excuse?
  16. I guess I should get my Woojer out of it's box then.
  17. I love them dearly. They are my favourite string ever. I am aware that this sounds like a teenager discussing their love life on Facebook. But this is not a crush. I really do love them. The low tension is what does it for me. I could not believe it when I tried them. It was like the string I had been waiting for.
  18. It will be played vertically or horizontaly depending on how I feel at the time. I will be able to mount it on a straight cymbal stand should I wish to. Scale length will be 530mm so pretty tiny!
  19. This is frankly eye watering speed as far as my personal experience of custom builds goes.
  20. I vote for the 14th. It would be a shame for you to miss it. Can we have a roll call for the 14th?
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