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Everything posted by Owen

  1. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1507660627' post='3387094'] If had been fretless would be after this too. [/quote] Fretlessing this (is that a word?) would be a simple job for any luthier. You will not see a fretless five string full fat Omnibass 2nd hand for ages and ages and ages. And the price is right. I have a vested interest as the original owner. It is a lovely instrument.
  2. I dunno if I want to pretend to be a bass guitar. In reality I have not thought it through so am open to suggestions
  3. Octave bods! I am just wondering which pedal gives the best sound for a standalone bass sound if I were to use a guitar and a 2 octave down all wet/no dry setting. I am not looking to replace my basses, just thinking of potential different flavours.
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1507574248' post='3386466'] You can if you know what you're doing. You can buy RAM off Amazon, there are plenty of how to videos on Youtube. [/quote] My mate who is an IT bod was very reticent to get stuck into my son's mac to upgrade the soldered RAM. I think replacing the HD is pretty straightforward.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1507565927' post='3386383'] Is there a possibility that he's just not cut out for this music lark? [/quote] That has also already crossed my mind!
  6. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1507565784' post='3386381'] Electro shock therapy. Every time he loses his rhythm hit him with the cattle prod. He'll soon learn. [/quote] It has already crossed my mind........
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1507563628' post='3386369'] Have a look here..? [url="https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjy3MSu7uPWAhUHVRQKHTBMDW0QrAIIPigCMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abrsm.org%2Fforum%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D47224&usg=AOvVaw1Z4Iq1P1oURX8K3JAFRqcT"]Pupils with weak rhythm ...[/url] Some decent advice, and a few tools and tips ... Hope this helps. [/quote] Thanks, I will have a look.
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1507563190' post='3386365'] Can the student clap in time to a metronome? [/quote] Yes. And then no. Far out.
  9. You CANNOT ad more RAM on new Macbooks. It is soldered in. I recently bought an 8 year old Macbook which was certainly not state of the art in any way shape or form. I popped a SSD drive into and it whipped my more recent work machine. A 3 year old with a decent SSD retrofit will be fine and dandy.
  10. I am dyspraxic so get the whole some things just not happening. I have a nasty feeling that this is a hopeless case but I just do not like giving up.
  11. I have run into this before, but this one has beaten me. I have tried standing up and dancing with him. I have tried grabbing his foot and making it work on the pulse. I have given him basic drum tracks. Nothing is working, He is completely Disco-lexic (Copyright Happy Jack). Any ideas?
  12. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1507116940' post='3383397'] or am I just being grumpy? [/quote] Not grumpy, but perhaps realistic. If the good Brother wants to cook up a storm then who are we to stop him? I believe his Chilli is exceptionally fine. However it does become another "thing" to do for him and numbers are famously variable even with less than 24 hours to go so it might well become a whole lot of work for very little gain. It would probably be less hassle for us to find the nearest pizza delivery place and do an order on the day and everyone be responsible for what they need. Or bring sarnies obv!
  13. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1506983255' post='3382578'] My Overwater is 6.5kg. [/quote] Lock the thread.
  14. I have just sold my Overwater 6 which was 12lbs 4. I would not want to stand for long with it on. But WHAT a sound. If only my cognitive RAM could process 6 strings I would probably have flogged everything else. I doubt that I will play it's like again.
  15. It is just as well that I do not need another bass. That is exceptionally attractive.
  16. I have had truly exceptional customer service from Jule Potter (Monique) and Jim Bergantino. On kit I bought on the 2nd hand market so they had not actually seen any of my money.
  17. There was talk of one of the QSC boxes which had a bass guitar mode in the gubbins at the back. That would seem to be a good reason to look at them specifically.
  18. At least it comes with a gig bag (Irony alert).
  19. I have some early Mackie SRM350 cabs which never let me down when I need a powered wedge. They appear now and again on the 2nd hand market for £200ish.
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