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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Thanks! A frame that the NS fits into. This is why I asked cos I knew someone would come up with a lateral solution!
  2. I have an NS5 and a Yamaha Silent bass at the moment. The NS ticks more boxes for me but the skeletal frame on the Yamaha is superb. It really gives me the DB reference points which makes everything feel like home. I am going to shift the Yamaha but am wondering about such a frame on an NS. Clearly the Yamaha will not fit, but has anyone done or seen anything similar on an NS? I could buy this but it would mean a bit of woodwork on the NS which I could happily live without. https://www.ebay.com/p/Yamaha-Extension-Frame-for-Silent-Bass-Slb200-Repair-Parts-Accessories-F-s/1553426742?iid=282636055605 I know I am asking for the impossible, but I am just asking anyway That is what the internet is for, right?
  3. Bob. What dates will you be in the UK? This is as easy a way as any to decide a date
  4. I have experinced Jim's customer service from across the Atlantic. It is the bomb. He makes it right.
  5. You can load drivers which are not OS compliant by unclicking the padlock thing in Security and Privacy in the System Preferences doobrie and allowing Apps downloaded from anywhere. That is how my Ozonic keyboard/interface lives to fight another day.
  6. Car parking will be important as well. Obvious, but the kind of detail I would forget to factor in.
  7. I am particularly excited about the banqueting option in a lot of those rooms!
  8. I am always happy to garner praise for this event. Nothing makes me happier in life than kudos for doing absolutely nothing at all. I breathed the idea once and then Roger did all the work. However, if we want another one and Roger is on light duties (sorry to hear that Roger) for now then we could all pile in. All it takes is a reasonable function room and enough of us to make it there. Bicester has been mentioned. When you live where I live everywhere is far away so Bicester it shall be unless someone comes up with a better idea. Any venues in particular Brother?
  9. Gutted to miss it. Ho hum - life gets in the way again.
  10. I have a bass in BD on commission sale. I have sold it privately on here. It has no case so am working out how to move it to London. I could send a case down and courier it from there and that is what I will do if it comes to it, but does anyone happen to be making the trip? Stranger things have happened!
  11. Cue frenzy of B amp lust because we cannot get hold of them as easily now
  12. I have started an imgur account because of what happened with Photobucket. It does the same thing and it is free.
  13. Owen

    Hartke LH500

    Fender tone stack (a la Alembic) and a beefy power section. What is not to love?
  14. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1505402649' post='3371671'] Hipshot make a detuner for double bass, have a dig around on the american forum, there was a thread a while back started by someone who needed low C for a musical type gig but didn't have an extension and couldn't afford one. [/quote] I have one of those. It works just fine. It is on the tailpiece so it is not a quick flick like on the headstock of a plank.
  15. [quote name='Hellzero' timestamp='1505295338' post='3370764'] Wasn't it sold ?!? [/quote] Not yet.
  16. I am not carrying a torch for the 5 string DB here, but in my experience pizz on the B string works just fine. Because I could not resist it I bought a 2nd hand DB D tuner on here so can go down to bottom A at the flick of a lever. I love LF!
  17. A singer I work with was singing in an industry thing. A nice older gentleman came to speak to her and liked her stuff. He gave her his number if he could help. She lost it. And did not recognise George Martin anyway.
  18. Insurance on 2 1K instruments would be enough to pay for one of you to fly over and back on a budget airline.
  19. I certainly do much less orchestral than I used to. I depped for the St Matthew Passion at Easter. I had forgotten how much work it was. I was shattered by the end but my arco chops began to re-appear. Is it as easy to bow a 5 string as a 4? No. For me it is worth the effort, but as I said I completely get the other side of the coin.
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