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Everything posted by Owen

  1. You know what, I could do with a flightcase. What are the internal measurements? As in would it take a Jazz bass? IIRC putting an empty flightcaes onto Hermes is about £10.
  2. I am glad to see that they are leaving room for even better Alien bassists. They are cleverly keeping their options open. "A five-time [b]Grammy Award[/b] winner and widely recognized as the greatest living bass player in the world"
  3. The last thing I need in my life is something that big, but there is a lot of tone in your photos!
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1497468556' post='3318504'] Would be a shame to throw it away - I'm sure somebody must want it. What if they arranged their own courier? Would you put it in a heavy duty bin bag? [/quote] It's a flight case. It does not need a bin bag. It just needs an address label.
  5. [quote name='Jon Thorne' timestamp='1497443951' post='3318183'] Are the Evah's medium gauge with the green binding? Exactly how much use have they had? Thanks. [/quote] I will check tonight. I bought them 2nd hand with "light use". I have done one gig with them and decided they are not for me. I cannot tell you exaclty how much use they have had but they are not at all "knackered" and all the wraps are smooth.
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1497267643' post='3316867'] Owen, I just agreed a sale on this minutes before you. I'll let you know if that doesn't go through. [/quote] No worries. It was not like I NEEDED it. Like most of the stuff I buy on here!
  7. Ugh - bright strings make me I am aware that this is not a constructive addition to the discussion.
  8. Whoever the house band is, they are bossing it. The bassist is laying down some lovely stuff.
  9. Tip facing split = a dab of glue. Wedge falling out = if it was having a re-hair the wedge would be out anyway. Don't buy a new one. Treat yourself to a rehair. Job done.
  10. I have now strung it B-C and the nut seems perfectly happy. I will now DEFINITELY not play it again because the C string exacerbates my fear of heights.
  11. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1496288670' post='3310205'] There is no rule that says you can only play roots, really. [/quote] Wait! What?!?
  12. I have a korg desktop tuner and a cheap and cheerful 14 quid one. Both as good as each other.
  13. If ever there was a thread made for facebook live
  14. Rhythm Deaf. I have had many students over the years who were rhythm deaf. Last year and this year I have had one that try as I might I could not get them in the zone. I have tried physically tapping their feet, tapping their shoulder, dancing with them but all to no avail. If it is not there it is not there. Harsh but there it is. He will not find it in the next 3 weeks. Do the gig, film it and use it as evidence. Or cancel it and save the good name of the band. But do not imagine that the gig will work. It will not.
  15. I have a Felix which I use for DB. It is sublime. For Bass Guitar? It is OK, but If I was dropping £1K on a bass guitar pre I would be looking at Monique/Tantra Bass Preamp/Demeter/Aguilar etc Don't get me wrong, if I am doubling on a gig then I am more than happy to use the Felix, but if it was bass guitar only I would be looking elsewhere.
  16. I have a Faith Mercury which I picked up 2nd hand for well under £500 and every time it is plugged in outside the house sound engineers seem to get very excited. I like it as well.
  17. Let's clarify this. I am open to trades. Or £160 + carriage.
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