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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Do you open your string drawer and find things that you just have no idea what they are? I[s] have a full set of lightly used ('broken in") TI flats. Nothing unusual there. Also in the pack I have a brand new G and a brand new D. I have no idea where they came from and why I would buy individual strings. There is also a used B there. £30 all in or £22 + individuals[/s] I also have a batch of strings which I have been hoarding for the moment when I will take on the world with bottom F#. I now know that this is not going to happen so there is no point in hoarding, They are a hotchpotch. One is 36" from ball end to nut and is fat. It has no silks (used - as in strung up but perhaps 30 minute max playing time) (possibly .165) - £8 One is the same length but is even fatter. It could be used as a towrope if pushed (used - as in strung up but perhaps 30 minute max playing time) (possibly .195) - £9 cos it is fatter One is a 148 and is new. £12 The other 2 are Kalium and made for Dingwal bods and are ( I think) .158. Both are unused. £10 each A set of Newtone strings (round core, nickel wrap) made for me for 42" scale length ocatve below standard EADG - I wanted to try ultra low on my NS EUB. I got the scale length wrong. Stop laughing - it is not funny. I have no idea what use these could be, but there are some strange folk out there! £30 [s]2nd hand set of Roto Tru Bass black plastic wound string, cut for Fender £20[/s] All + £2.53 postage.
  2. Morning all. I am working with a singer called Lleuwen Steffan. She has a sublime voice. She put up a song on Facebook and it gained a momentum of it's own. I now want to see if I can seed it into blogs which deal with these genres to see if it can grow further. Do any of you know of any suitable blogs/vlogs etc? Ta. This is the track for reference. http://youtu.be/fmQm4kTP4q0
  3. Could you trigger moddled bass sounds from the x3 with with this setup? Set it up to behave like a 6 string bass through an amp? Forgive me if this is a stupid question but I have never looked at variax stuff.
  4. That makes my head hurt. Not that that should stop you.
  5. It turna out that the innovations are not braided but GD and A Honeys and a braided E. I learn something new everyday. Still for sale.
  6. Don't get me wrong - I only ever play the big letter given the choice!
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1495549308' post='3304672'] That would be unexpected - especially considering that it's a 5-note chord. ;-) [/quote] It does not have to have the fifth of the chord innit. Sorry, I am just going outside for a word with myself.
  8. My 3x10 plus horn weighs the same as a small planet but I love it so. I sometimes wonder about rehousing the guts in a vertical format in a lighter cab. One day maybe.
  9. When your significant other is happy, life is easy!
  10. The Polytone is prettier, but really that is the only difference. I cannot speak for them sonically because mine is on a tuner out.
  11. I am open to trades on..... ummm........ octaver things........... pedal preamps......... ummmmmm
  12. [quote name='manueljauregui' timestamp='1495479286' post='3304096'] hi, where are you located? [/quote] I am in sunny North Wales - but I can post it!
  13. [quote name='Lietuva' timestamp='1495478055' post='3304076'] It's nice to see it restored.. I wrote you few messages about this bass half a year ago. Sadly, I bought Pavel Gibor 6 instead. It would be interesting to hear how it sounds. [/quote] Argh! You did and I should have got back to you. Sorry!
  14. This one does it for me. It sits in my tuner out and is fine and dandy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PT-06-Guitar-Pedal-Tuner-Chromatic-Pedal-Tuner-True-Bypass-for-Electric-Guitar-/401195568828?hash=item5d691e8ebc
  15. You know, fancy dan wood tops are all well and good, but when you can follow the grain all the way round an instrument - that is where it is at!
  16. I have not experienced these issues. As with any pedal which changes the sound to something else (Boss OC2 and Korg G5 in my experience) there has to be an element of technique change sometimes - I see it as playing a new instrument.
  17. I have come to the conclusion that not everyone craves the F# action so I am restringing this with a top C so that it becomes a "proper" 6 string bass.
  18. I am afraid that the Innovations have gone. As have the Zyex. I will update the original post accordingly.
  19. Dual-gang blah blah blah. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I DO have an MPM01 in a bass and it has a pan pot in it to choose Mag/Piezo or blend.
  20. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1494971602' post='3300161'] The cross section here will be something like this (this is full size): The minimum radius at the edges will be 12-15mm at these two extremes and larger where the body is narrower [/quote] Mmmmmmmmmmmm, curvy goodness!
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