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Everything posted by Owen

  1. The Zyex are medium (more heft dontchaknow) and the Evahs are................. um......... let me get back to you on that!
  2. I have strings which I will not be using. Why do I keep stuff? All used but not knackered. [s]Zyex £50 Sold[/s] Evah Orchestral £70 Innovation £40 Heli B £20 Postage inc.
  3. I am a long time member of the MU. I believe that Unions are a good thing. It is MU negotiated fees which are paid by the media. As soon as that splinters then the fees take a complete nose dive - and this is from the companies which would have no material without the actual performers. When I have had TV companies messing me around about payments, one phone call to the Union makes the magic happen. People talk about going it alone and independance and all that - media companies love that stuff. For them that equals paying less. In Welsh TV there is even a non union and a union rate of pay. You can guess which is the lowest. This despite the production company doing their initial costings (and getting funding) using MU rates. Obviously there are all sorts of situations where the Union can be seen as ineffective, but if you have a signed Union contract for a date then things tend to go very smoothly. There is also the aspect of industry lawyers looking over any contracts offered to members. Is the MU perfect? No, nothing is. But I prefer it to no union. I do not use it often but when I do it is effective. If it does not operate in the sphere you are working in then it is obviously not effective.
  4. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1494602473' post='3297305'] [/quote] I am not feeling that headstock. Sorry, I'll get my coat..............
  5. I played this again this morning at church. Playing the fat string was a joy but I also proved to myself that 6 strings are not for me (again). So..... bump.
  6. I have started to work with a guitarist who has 3 acoustics on stage and at least 5 tunings between them during a set. Has anyone got direct experience with the roadie tuner https://www.roadietuner.com/. It looks like it could make life a whole lot easier, but not if it is useless! TIA
  7. The input sensitivity on the FR800s can be changed - but you will need to go into the programming software. You will need a PC and the requisite programme.
  8. You swapped a perfectly good bass just for how it looked? I would totally do that as well. I salute you
  9. I fancy trying Obligatos. My gut reaction (!) is that I will go back to Innovation Braided and be happy, but you have to try. I do not want to drop 180 quid on a whim so does anyone have a set I could hire for a week? TIA
  10. Jay Kay's new 2nd Guitar/keys bod (Nate Williams) is a bass monster.
  11. Tinnitus sucks. And it is almost totally avoidable. I am berating myself here.
  12. There is no way I could ever use this in any meaningful way. I still fancy it though.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1493890305' post='3291517'] Yup, saw that but it will only look cool (if that is one's idea of "cool") until the metalflake gets all chipped and scratched, at which point it will start to look like something owned by Gary Glitter. [/quote] if that is one's idea of "cool" - you KNOW that is my idea of cool!
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-4-rockabilly-double-bass-custom-painted-metalflake-/182551720705?hash=item2a80ee3301:g:v0wAAOSwvihY-12G
  15. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1493857586' post='3291394'] Excellent. If nothing else, this reminds me that I need more Ben Folds Five in my life. [/quote] My work here is done.
  16. [quote name='28mistertee' timestamp='1493844015' post='3291273'] Thanks Pinball, it is a great bass but im just not using it enough to warrant keeping it. [/quote] That is a thing now?
  17. [URL=http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20170429_191834_zps8pfugmvg.jpg.html][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a49/peredur/Mobile%20Uploads/20170429_191834_zps8pfugmvg.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  18. I certainly have the manual and am 80% certain that the box is in the attic. I will sort out a pic now.
  19. My first band in school folded. And then started again in a month with a different name and a different bassist. Luckily I am so thick skinned that I was over it within a day. This songs is for all of us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr_s6-Q7f00 Well I thought about the army, Dad said, son you're f***in high. And I thought, yeah there's a first for everything, So I took my old man's advice. Three sad semesters, It was only fifteen grand. Spent in bed I thought about the army, I dropped out and joined a band instead. Grew a mustache and a mullet, Got a job at chic-fil-a. Citing artistic differences the band broke up in May, And in June reformed without me, and they got a different name. I nuked another grandma's apple pie And hung my head in shame.
  20. Germany goes for 443 on the classical scene. I have a friend who spoke of a guy he knew who went over there to play with a quartet. He tuned to his tuner (440) but realised something was very wrong very soon into the 1st piece. How they must have laughed.
  21. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1493070857' post='3285445'] The most Traditional would be a G&L with an Empress Body - 7lbs. Happy Jack will probably know better than I, as he had some light Basses. [/quote] I would love a G&L Jazz 5 with an Empress body. In Sonic Blue with matching headstock if anyone cares. I have a Korean MTD 5 which I guess (and I will weigh it) is sub 8lbs.
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