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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Owen


    The colour is nice, but it is no https://www.talkbass.com/threads/musicman-bongo-5hh-marty-bell-western-blue-big-sparkle-flake-finish.1265232/ !
  2. It is in good condition and I am happy to post. This is coming together nicely. Have a good evening
  3. Batman plays bass. That is how cool he is. When he plays, he plays the Ibanez Ergodyne 5 string. It has the B. Cos you cannot spell Batman or Bass without B as any fule kno. This has a standard magnetic pickup and piezo pickups in the bridge for extra zing. Batman loves the zing because it makes his clackety clackety slap pop out nice and clean. Batman is all about the attack. It is made of Luthite because that is a bit like Kryptonite and it could be handy if he has to have a fight with Superman. Hey, it could happen. The thing with Luthite is that it is quite light so the bass is not at all heavy. Obvs Batman could handle a heavy bass cos he is Batman, but "why work when you don't have to?" Words to live by from Batman. The bass is matt black so is cool for stealth maneuvers. I will get pics and ting up later. Just doing this while I have time. I bought this here recently in a fit of excitement. And then I realised that I do not need it. Know how it is you do.
  4. Volume pedal with compression, LFO based tremelo and gate and midi out to morph your fave fx and stuff. As new with my tone drenched velcro as standard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zoS0wmwqu8
  5. I needed this, but now I need something else more. Funny that. Demo here [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wMzUIkaZ-I[/media] It is a bonkers piece of kit and not much else does what it does.
  6. 1U Bass pre with a full 4 band parametric EQ section. This is a fine sounding pre but I am just not using it. Take it from me before I decide that I have to keep everything. Again. Everything works as it should. Nice balanced XLR out + Jack out. Will sort pic out in a mo.
  7. Owen

    DIY Effects

    Any bodgers in here? I have 3 Fdeck HPF filters which I would like to plumb into some cheap DI boxes (like these https://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_di33.htm). If I could power the Fdeck aspects by phantom that would be great, but it would also be handy to screw a 9v socket in there + a mute switch which was silent. One of the Fdecks has a vol control on it, the other two do not. I would like them all to have a volume and a passive roll off. It this the stupidest idea in the world?
  8. Stated weight 10Kg. EBS say 30Kg.
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1492790310' post='3283285'] Awwww! Shame it didn't work out for you personally, I know that you'd put a lot of effort in to going for the F#. I'd been following your thread with interest. Great bass and I am sure it will be snapped up quickly! [/quote] It was fun while it lasted, but I know my limits!
  10. The colour is best represented by the headstock photo.
  11. As per usual, it looks like the market does not agree with my pricing structure, £1200 delivered. I have always wanted to try bottom F#. Because lower it better, obv. I bought this bass on here and it needed a lot of love. I sent it up to Overwater for special Overwater love. It is a 25 year old bass so it has it's share of knocks, but because it is a light finish they are really not visible until you look very closely. I will not pretend that it is light. It is 12lbs 4 ozs and it is a big instrument. But the sound! Chris put a new 2 band Overwater/East pre into it, dressed the frets and built a new bridge because they do not use that bridge any more. I thought that I had settled on my 33" scale Shukers, but the focus of 36" is quite something. I have no idea what the wood is I am afraid. The pickups are the original Overwater ones and the there is a series parallel pull function on the volume knob. In the pics there is a D tuner on the F# which I will replace with a normal machine head before I sell it. I have owned Ritter, Sei, MTD USA, Lakland USA, Shuker, Status etc and I feel that this is very easily the equal if not better than them all. It is an absolute monster, I just cannot handle a 6th string. I am clearly a lightweight I played it last night and spent the whole set thinking instead of playing. I think that it is priced fairly for what it is. I still would love to have F# but my head will not deal with an extra string. Ho hum.
  12. F# cos more lower is more better! The muting thing is one issue but the string cohordination is more of an issue really. I tried it and now I know.
  13. Thanks (and diolch) for the suggestions. I am just too old and tired to change. I have used it on two gigs now and have come to the conclusion that it is not going to happen for me. There are only so many times you can be plucking one string and fretting another on a gig before the novelty wears off.
  14. BACK OFF EVERYONE, I AM HAVING THESE! Drop me your PP address and I will get onto it. Ta.
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1492465768' post='3280553'] I use a mix of left and right hand muting. It's a little awkward to describe, but essentially I use a version of floating thumb with my right hand, my thumb moving down across the strings, and the fingers on my left hand that aren't fretting are muting. [/quote] Ugh, changing right hand technique. I would have to practice and stuff. I am quite old to be doing new things. But thanks. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1492465795' post='3280554'] Beautiful bass but the way, I love Overwaters. [/quote] It is a monster instrument in more ways than one. But very fine indeed.
  16. So, how do you mute a 6 string? This thing speaks with the voice of thunder, but I am struggling to tame it with my puny 5 string technique
  17. Would anyone have any suggestions if he does not come through?
  18. I dropped him a message about plumbing an fdeck I have into a tiny pedal with a passive roll off, a DI out on stereo Jack and a mute/tuner out switch.
  19. I use an M audio one and it works just fine. Someone you know has an audio interface with built in midi. Ask if you can borrow it.
  20. Well, I have used it twice in anger now. Overwater make a lovely instrument, but I cannot deny that the F# is freaking me out. I am actually having to think while I play, and I do not like that one bit. It is like having to jump through a hoop everytime I want to do anything. I find myself with my fretting and plucking hands on different strings and my confidence on the instrument is suffering. More worryingly I did a long classical gig on the DB last Friday and was second guessing myself in pressure situations about what note I was actually playing. This does not work well in chamber music. My gut reaction is that I might shift it on, but I will give it a couple more gigs just to see. It does sound splendid though!
  21. It is a superb resource. Sadly, I thought that it had helped me decide on my next strings until I realised that Velvet Garbos do not bow so well
  22. This guy has recorded 17 different DB strings on the same bass http://www.hervejeanne.de/saitenmatrix.php The internet is fabulous! I am aware that there are all sorts of variables, but it really does bring things into focus.
  23. I am yet to run into nearly anything which buffers a piezo pickup as well as an fdeck - and believe me I have tried. The only thing I have found cost 12.5 times as much. The fdeck is a wonderous little box.
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