I am a long time member of the MU. I believe that Unions are a good thing. It is MU negotiated fees which are paid by the media. As soon as that splinters then the fees take a complete nose dive - and this is from the companies which would have no material without the actual performers. When I have had TV companies messing me around about payments, one phone call to the Union makes the magic happen. People talk about going it alone and independance and all that - media companies love that stuff. For them that equals paying less. In Welsh TV there is even a non union and a union rate of pay. You can guess which is the lowest. This despite the production company doing their initial costings (and getting funding) using MU rates. Obviously there are all sorts of situations where the Union can be seen as ineffective, but if you have a signed Union contract for a date then things tend to go very smoothly. There is also the aspect of industry lawyers looking over any contracts offered to members. Is the MU perfect? No, nothing is. But I prefer it to no union. I do not use it often but when I do it is effective. If it does not operate in the sphere you are working in then it is obviously not effective.