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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have just tried to buy some Luminlay stuff but cannot get through the paypal page. It keeps telling me that the exchange rate has changed and asking me to review the payment but will not let me through. Does anyone have any of the stuff with a black edging on it?
  2. I hassled him mercilessly to build me a pre CBS 5 string jazz. He only has jigs and templates for 4 strings If he has jigs for left handed ones you are in luck but I have not seen any left handed ones.
  3. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1490313499' post='3264307'] Hopefully there will be some feedback from there. [/quote] So many opportunities for poor jokes here, but I am a grown up so will not.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1490303504' post='3264220'] You should be able to just keep connecting. I seem to recall it does 8 but only 2 iPads concurrently. At one point it was only 1 iPad and that was it - I think it was to urge people to go for the GLD. [/quote] I will have to update to the latest software then! Thanks
  5. Download the qmix app for nothing and mess with it. You will need a router to provide the signal. It is the qumix on your screen.
  6. Not wanting to turn this into a QUmix fest, but is there any way of using more than on tablet (ipad, phone or whatever)? I cannot manage it. I used a Mackie DL for a couple of years and it will run up to 10 tablets. So useful
  7. Dunno how it is played, but I want it played in my funeral. It does not get any better.
  8. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/297983-1966-jazz-compatible-scratch-plate-and-potential-electronics-replacement/page__fromsearch__1 Post 12
  9. Thanks, I guessed as much. Everything I desire is expensive
  10. I would like a company which prints down arms and stuff. I would like a large print running down arms which was only legible when both arms are held straight out. Am I dreaming or is this do-able?
  11. Someone else mentioned that he is moving premises. Not that I have a clue.
  12. Mark is the bomb. I am writing this before I even receive the kit, because I just know.
  13. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1490037203' post='3261663'] it's a lovely bass.. I'm just adding the likely cost to you when you had it made, and you're clearly taking a big hit at todays prices.. [/quote] I am taking a hit, but I had the neck made in 88 (ish) and have had good use from it. I have got to the stage when I have learnt that I cannot keep everything and I have a couple of basses which do all I want and need so having others lying around that I will not use just seems silly. I wish that my level of craftsmanship was so well known that I could flog it for £900 but we all know that custom = painful resale and DIY custom = "why did I do that resale?". If I had no other basses I could be perfectly happy with this one. But I have other basses. I also have two vintage Fenders which I have not used in anger for more years than I care to admit, but I cannot bring myself to shift them. I really should.
  14. I never imagined it would elicit such a response! I am in North West Wales so I don't think I am nearby.
  15. The Preamp is a http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/all-products/mpm-01.html. It is a buffer preamp with no eq but it makes the piezo work properly. The controls are Vol/Balance neck and bridge magnetic pickups/Tone(pull series [or parallel - whichever it is not])/Tone for piezo/balance magnetic piezo. It has a D tuner on the B to take it down to A and it has no strap buttons because then I cannot stand up. I am talking myself out of this.
  16. <sigh> should have gone to Luminlay.............
  17. [quote name='Jimbob01' timestamp='1490019526' post='3261476'] I ordered from Rothko and Frost the white ones as my bass has a dark neck. I still needed to be able to see them in the daylight. Even with a very strong LED light source they did NOT hold a charge for more tham a couple of minutes. Happy with the communication from the company but dissapointed with the product. [/quote] That is exactly my experience. R&F were great, the things do not hold a charge for more than a couple of minutes. Sadly, by the time I paid someone to put them in and finish the neck again I am quite far into the process financially. I totally regret it and one day will have to pay someone else to put dark markers in again.
  18. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1490007167' post='3261348'] Could be one bridge too far, of course [/quote] Cool, a bass with 2 bridges. It is either going to be a double neck or totally radical in a way no one has ever thought of. I am looking forward to it
  19. A long long time ago I had Bernie Goodfellow build me a neck. I wanted a 35" scale neck and he was the only one who would at the time. Birds eye maple and ebony with abalone inlays. I then bolted it to a body and gigged it for a very long time. Then I decided I wanted a different body so I asked Jon Shuker to build me a body from Black Walnut. He sent it to me ready for final sanding and then I sanded it to within an inch of it's life and covered it in numerous coats of Danish Oil. It is loaded with Catwhisker J pickups in EMG sized cases and has a piezo bridge mated to an East piezo buffer. It is very nice really, but I just do not play it. I am fully aware that I am not going to get anything like what I have in it back but I reckon it is worth £600 [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160423_155740_zpsgsk0emlt.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160423_155911_zpstqhgfaba.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160423_155832_zpslnfi5i5r.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160423_155756_zpswtwt014t.jpg.html"][/url] If it does not sell then that will not break my heart - so I am not looking for offers beneath asking price really.
  20. Yes please. Drop me your PP details and lets get it on!
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