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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am not in the market but reckon that this is one of the tasty early cabs and that you might be underselling it by just calling it a cab.
  2. Ugh. I am going to have to back out due to a family situation. I am really sorry (and gutted). To add insult to injury I had to watch Wales lose while waiting with the injured party on A+E. Ho hum. If there is any hint of a loss I will chuck £10 into the coffers.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1486662287' post='3233676'] I'm not running sequences - but it means I can remotely change patches and have it in a remote looper... all via MIDI. Don't know if you have seen the Katy Perry and Kemper video - they run the whole lot on a sequence, with all the patch changes for both the guitarists (one on Kemper, one on Axe FX if I recall) and all the keyboards changes from that sequence. [/quote] When I grow up that is how my rig will be.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1486578025' post='3232988'] Hang on, I didn't think you could do remote changes via MIDI...! This could change things... [/quote] If you are running sequences behind your band then you can just have the sequencer make the changes as and when you like.
  5. Sorry, it has gone. This is the danger of selling stuff in several different places at the same time.
  6. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1486598479' post='3233241'] My first one also - not really sure what to expect. Any seasoned bass bashers care to share what we're in for? [/quote] We will all cruise around looking at things that we cannot see anywhere else but online. We will realise that "the thing" that we thought we needed is actually no better than what we have. Or our worst fears will be confirmed and we will be selling everything we own to buy "the one". Basschat Live really.
  7. I am afraid it did. Sorry, I get so happy when I make a sale that I forget to finish the thread off properly. I do have a Tour Bus version (http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/jamhub-tourbus-7-section-system-with-recording) which would be quite a bit more expensive.
  8. Just as well. If people clocked that I am an internationally famous bass guitarist masqueading as an obsessed geek to get my hands on quality 2nd hand gear then I would be inundated with tedious questions about what strings I used on that platinum album from '83. It is bad enough that I am having to fly over for the day.
  9. It is a great book. It really picks up the vibe in a way I have not seen in the written word before or since. I keep thinking other books will be the same and they never are
  10. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1486320729' post='3230886'] 'Course you are Owen Think I'll join you,,, [/quote] I do love a nice preamp
  11. Smooooooooooooooooooooooooth.
  12. PPL is not as good as PRS/MCPS but I am sure that was a tidy chunk.
  13. Take your time. Shop with your ears as well as your eyes. Go to a Bassbash. One in the Northwest in a week and a half.
  14. So is that for sale for the same money? If you don't have it I will pay you to buy it amd send it to.me!
  15. The Lo control on the Puma 900 at 30hz is almost certainly affecting more than just what is under 30hz. It is probably centered at 30hz but might well be (and this is a guess) reaching up an octave or an octave and a half so you would be slicing off quite a lot of your grunt there. The Micro Thumpinator just slices off everything beneath the given frequency and leaves the rest intact.
  16. Every pedal I have ever tried has had tracking idiosyncracies somewhere along the way. OC2 has to have clean damping, Octavius Squeezer was pretty fussy about how I attacked the note and the G5 was more forgiving on some patches than others. I have come to the conclusion that chucking a "synth" pedal in a signal path is like playing a slightly different instrument so technique has to be changed in some way. I have never touched the knobs becuase I can only mess with parameters when they are on a bank of named faders on a screen in front of me - and even then I am happier just loading other peoples patches. That is how much of a technophobe I am. It is a big box and there are guys on the TB thread who have discussed reboxing them but I don't know what came of that. I can see the attraction of a momentary switch. For me (and it is the fact that everyone feels different about so many things which makes life interesting) the sounds it makes are the kinds of things I have been wanting to make with a bass guitar in my hands for a very long time and that for me makes it worth the outlay. But each to their own and I am totally cool with that
  17. And this is why I have given up modding stuff. Resale is always horrific. Really great if you are buying though!
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1485258470' post='3222489'] Not sure about the strap. 3.5mm jack connectors, so not a really serious piece of gigging kit unless they are the locking kind like those fitted to some wireless units. [/quote] The older I get, the less I move around so that would not be a huge issue for me
  19. No no no no no. You just ask them for empty boxes. They cannot wait to give them to you. Or bannana boxes from your local supermarket.
  20. I honestly cannot remember how much it went for, but it went to a guy who needed rocksolid multitrack playback for Glastonbury the following week and the combination of his needing it and my proabably pricing to sell was a result. Shipping is no problem when you have taken bike boxes off Halfords's hands. Wrapping it in cardboard is a bit of a grind, but it is all do-able.
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