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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Been there. Done that. I presume they are paying you extra for running this rig. You can get a new band. You can get a new guitarist. You cannot get new ears. It is that simple.
  2. My cello teacher booted me out for not practising (which was entirely fair). My next teacher suggested that I was probably a DB player. She was correct.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1483016123' post='3204123'] I have one for sale in the market place if you're interested [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/297563-fs-bass-flight-case/page__pid__3203627#entry3203627"]http://basschat.co.u...27#entry3203627[/url] [/quote] Thanks Grangur but if I was spending that kind of money I would probably just buy a Hiscox. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1483018996' post='3204146'] To be fair, a whole heap of bubble wrap, gig bag and boxes will do it. I done that before, you may be able to pick up a guitar box from a store for feee [/quote] Sadly it does not come with a gig bag and the guy who picked up the bass for me is a friend and I am hoping to save him the hassle of a big pack as he has already put himself out for me by picking it up etc.
  4. Hi everyone! I have a bass in Bristol which I need to get up to Bangor, North Wales. I was going to buy a hardcase but then wondered if anyone could lend/hire me one so that I can courier it up, take it out of the case and then send it straight back down? TIA
  5. Well, my friend has picked it up and verified that it is all ok. All I need to do now is sort out a courier.
  6. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1482681335' post='3202196'] not much good if you can't hear the guitar [/quote] I have played some gigs where I would pay good money for that kind of filtering.
  7. If I could find an ASAT semi 5 in Gold Sparkle I would be all over it like a bad rash.
  8. Share the camera models with us!
  9. I will watch it tomorrow. Ta.
  10. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/230936-when-4-becomes-5/page__fromsearch__1
  11. I thought it would be rude not to. I have a friend going to pick it up in the next few days.
  12. I had a Hipshot 4+1 on a P bass. It was ok but for me the break angle on the D at the bridge was too shallow and it moved a bit. The pickup was fine. I eventually took it off and flogged the bass. I then took a Sue Ryder bass and put monorail bridge pieces on it to turn it into a 5 string because....... I was bored. It worked fine but I found the spacing too tight. I flogged that as well. There is probably a thread in the build forum.
  13. I have wondered about this stuff so will be following with interest.
  14. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1482479558' post='3200848'] Can you get some long pan head machine screws with the same thread as the insert, then screw them in until they're tight? [/quote] It looks like I can! In Screwfix as well. AND I managed to do it while I was out on licence doing some Christmas shopping. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1482495504' post='3201024'] Yes, good luck with this, Owen. You might also consider getting some speaker damping material while you're browing eBay. Unless they are some awful American size, the screws look like M3 to me. [/quote] Does it have to be specific stuff or will any old soft foam do? They are M4. Sadly Screwfix did not have black ones but for the £2.35 or whatever it was worth buying them just to get the size. I will pick up some black ones because they will look proper. I am all about co-ordination! [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1482503339' post='3201125'] Why not mount the spacer on the outside of the cab, but mount the speaker to the inside of the spacer? [/quote] I had not thought of that, but if do I will have to make the spacer beautiful and tidy. If it is on the inside I can make it rough and no one need know
  15. I am loath to start another thread when I have done nothing at all on my last topic, but outing the project might embarrass me into actually doing it. I have a GK MB150 combo which needs a new speaker. The original speaker surround [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20161222_162316_zpskbzsinom.jpg.html"][/url] has perished so it is time to fit a replacement. Of course, the rational thing to do would be to buy a direct replacement but I got to wondering if any of the more recent drivers would work in such a small box. Obviously it is never going to sound like a Berg NV610, but to get the best out of the box would not hurt. So I asked the people who know [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/296142-new-speaker-in-gk-mb-combo-options/"]http://basschat.co.u...-combo-options/[/url] and the final suggestion was an Eminence BP102. I picked one up on Ebay for £50 and now I need to fit it into the box [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20161222_162350_zpswq0qjnav.jpg.html"][/url] Obviously the main problem is that the box is built for a 12" and this is now a 10". I was going to fabricate a spacer ring to mount on the cab and then mount the 10" onto that but it will not leave enough room before the speaker hits the grille. This means that I will have to mount the spacer inside the box and then mount the speaker onto that. Given my awseome woodorking skill this wil be easy-peasy. In a parallel universe. However, I think I can manage it and will take pics. One of the problems I have run into is that the speaker mounting holes are of course threaded screw holes so I do not want to force something through them and wipe the thread off so I will need to get long bolts which are thinner than the small holes [url="http://s8.photobucket.com/user/peredur/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20161220_163836_zpsmgkyblga.jpg.html"][/url] This will probably involve buying several sizes from ebay and seeing what works. I am using MDF so am guessing bols with washers for the mount and bolts with T nuts for the actual speaker. How hard can it be? I am documenting it because my mistakes might well help someone else do it better when it is their turn.
  16. http://www.samcases.co.uk/explorer-cases/explorer-13513-case.htm
  17. Yep. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/134-case-for-ns5/page__p__30265__hl__owen__fromsearch__1#entry30265
  18. I kind of have a simpler but similar idea in a bass. I went for two soapbar cases, mounted them very close together and have one whole J pickup and half a P pickup in each. The pickup maker provided less than helpful wiring diagrams and used different coloured cables for earth on the two pickups so it took until the 4th luthier to finally get it functioning so by the time I had paid everyone and all the couriers I could have comfortably had the Enfield system. However, I did not know the Enfield system existed as an aftermarket option when I was buying mine. The irony is that I only use the 2 x J pickups setting as that is the noise I like. It took me that whole process to work out that that is what I want to hear and if I want changes then I move my hands around. I would still love to try an Enfield system though.
  19. If you have a name and a city then perhaps you could give us the city and then anyone from there could pm you for the name. It is amazing how easy it is to find people on facebook if there is even a tenuous local connection. I am in no way suggesting collecting a posse to sort him out but him knowing that you know exactly who he is and where he is will focus his mind. My mishap happened on the Mike Dolbear drum forum and the guy was tracked down pretty quickly between us all.
  20. I was swindled by someone once. I had paid by Paypal and after a lot of bleating from him about it being on it's way I dropped his backside into PP's care. They locked his account down, refunded my money and shut him down for a good month. I hugely enjoyed the end of the process but not the bit before then. I know this is of no help to OP and I am not saying "you should have done it my way" cos I have done bank transfers in the same way as you. This is for anyone else reading and thinking about buying from an unknown source - always PP straight and if they bleat about fees then add the 3% to the figure. Sadly not everyone out there is as cool as we all are. Again OP, please don't take this as a criticism of how you did it, it is not that. Many of us have done it just the same way.
  21. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1482186594' post='3198363'] Phew. I have nothing to put them in and I was still considering them. [/quote] Worryingly it would not be the first time I had actually done such a thing.
  22. I love these cabs but am not in the market. If you put a price on the cab it might help your sale.
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